sábado, febrero 15, 2014
Wes Annac – Power To The People – 15 February 2014
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Children of Source, you’re free to sing your songs to the earth and the heavens. You’re encouraged to find your passion and let spirit into your lives in artful and creative ways, because we have a tremendous opportunity to do a lot of good things.
Motivation and enthusiasm are replacing complacency and laziness as we recognize what needs done to change the planet, and everyone’s invited to participate in this growing spiritual revolution.
You’re invited to throw yourself into the awakening of the planet by working away at things you enjoy doing, and even if you enjoy ten different things, you can throw yourself into all of them and become an immense creative force. If we can only realize our power and potential, we’ll understand that we’re capable of doing and being anything.
Our current paradigm is rooted in the idea that most of us are finite humans who are incapable of making a significant impact on the world around us, and most people are educated to do little more than struggle to survive and make ends meet. This is very unfortunate, in my opinion, because we’re all meant to act on our greater potential.
It starts with the realization that we’re much more powerful than we think, and presently, the limitation that’s kept us from understanding our value is being realized for its hollow nature. The result is a complete uprising on the part of the conscious public, and our goal is to uplift everything around us.
We’re uplifting ourselves and the rest of the planet, and we’re doing it in massive numbers.
Soon enough, we’ll all have our hands full with projects and missions designed to bring in a new paradigm, and the work we put in now to move beyond finiteness and welcome a new way of life will determine what we’re able to do in the future.
As we pierce the veils that’ve separated us from the higher dimensions, we welcome a new level of knowledge, growth and progress – on an individual and collective level. We welcome a mindset that integrates and expresses the divine qualities, and from there, we take off.
Work is required at first to feel the divine flow that results from diminishing our individual and collective veils, but at a certain point, it becomes less difficult and more enjoyable.
Healing our planet will be an enjoyable affair. We’ll feel a strong sense of motivated enthusiasm to do whatever’s required of us, and we’ll work together in harmony with a common dream in mind. We’ll enjoy our work, and we’ll also enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Even if seems impossible now, I continue to envision a united and motivated humanity working together to solve the biggest problems we face.
I’m ready to see humanity informed and driven to action on a soul level. Some of the worst things we’ll continue to learn about the powers that were might shock us into awareness, but the things we’ll learn about the spirituality of our existence will really tear down our perceptual barriers.
Can you imagine how some religious people might feel when they discover that God and heaven are in fact real, but that their understanding of them has been purposely distorted?
I imagine there’ll be quite an outcry over the fact that we’ve been deceived for centuries, but in the end, it’ll be positive for our collective development. It’ll be positive because our limitation-driven physical barriers will have had light shone on them, and ultimately, we’ll find that we grew and went in a positive direction.
Even though a lot has and continues to be done to hurt the earth and its people, I’m confident that our future will be nothing but positive and progressive. I’m ready to do my part in a society of free thinkers who recognize the problems that need fixed and seek to offer practical solutions, and everybody has the opportunity to empower themselves.
Embracing infinity and moving beyond the mind into a heart-centered space of joy and enthusiasm will help us spread the greater energy we’re starting to feel, and in the immediate future, everything we do will be done from the heart space.
This is one of the reasons our work will be so enjoyable, and even the grumpiest person will reignite the burning flame and happily get to work. We have so much to be excited about, fellow seekers, and so much work to do alike.
At this stage, a lot of our work still has to do with finding inner peace and moving beyond limitation, but as more of us excel to new heights with our inner work, the resulting energy and inspiration will catch on. Everyone, no matter how they may have felt before, will be invigorated and ready to welcome a new paradigm.
For now, we’re encouraged to keep moving through the inner work we still have to do and hone our respective crafts, because we’re using them to uplift the planet. Spirit is with us, traveling by our side in this changing reality, and despite the challenges this place offers, it’s heavenlier than we yet realize.
We’re at the very beginning of the diminishment of our veils and the restoration of our planet, and our actions right now will either lead us onward or hold us back.
Wes Annac – Ready for infinity to trump illusion.
www.wesannac.com / link to original article
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Ángeles de Crystal
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El Gran Cambio,
Wes Annac