Franquoix and Alycia did choose to have a ceremony, and
every man, woman and child appeared to honor their union. Franquoix,
whose passion had always been spiritual, chose to live in the Temple
with his bride to share his vast spiritual wisdom. The other Draconians
easily integrated into our community, many of them choosing Pleiadian
mates. The war was over in our life and in our hearts.
Mytria and I had completed our mission and would return to the
Mothership for a bit of R&R before we begin our mission on the Earth
of a vastly different timeline. Yet, we chose to stay in our Pleiadian
settlement for a while so that Mytria could assist Alycia in being the
Keeper of the Violet Flame, and I could give Almon any guidance that he
needed. Almon did not even look like me anymore, as he had indeed become
his own version of SELF.
In fact, none of us looked the same as we all glistened with
lightbodies emanating from our form. Since we were free of time, now on
was confused about Mytria’s and my next mission into what was once
thought of as a future timeline. Furthermore Shinarius, the divine
complements from what we once thought of as the Pleiadian future,
decided to stay with us because they greatly enjoyed our adventure.
Also, their vast wisdom would be a great asset to our newly transmuted
Those from the village returned to the village to re-establish
their lives, and the original group who first came to the site of the
Violet Temple remained on the Temple grounds. Everyone could now easily
beam back and forth between sites, so the distance was not a problem.
The children bloomed into huge lightbodies and became leaders in both
the village and the Temple. Little did their parents know that their
children had purposely chosen to be born within an era of transmutation
of all form?
As a special treat to us all, the Arcturian Mothership visited our
skies. Many of our settlement visited the Mothership and many of the
crew beamed down to visit us. It was a beautiful exchange of energy and
information. A few of those from the Temple decided, as I once had, to
remain on the Mothership and study with the Arcturians.
However, most of our community was happy to assist in establishing
our new life on our higher dimensional homeworld. Those that did chose
to go to the Mothership would likely return to provide added wisdom and
assistance to our newly ascended community.
Finally, it was the NOW for Mytria and I to leave with the
Mothership and prepare for our next mission on ascending Earth. There
was celebration in our honor, which many crewmembers from the Mothership
attended. Of course, the Arcturian and Elohim Alycone were there as
well. A great time was had by all, as we shared our many memories and
discussed how we had changed.
When the celebration ended, Mytria and I finally said our goodbyes.
With a mix of sadness and joy, we beamed onto the Mothership with the
last crewmembers. We had wanted to visit the lake, the sacred rock, our
cave house, but instead we chose to forever carry those memories in our
hearts. As soon as we beamed up to the Mothership we missed our friends
and family but knew we would carry them in our heart too.
It would be wonderful to be back on the Mothership, and we looked
forward to any instruction we may have to prepare us for ascending
Earth. In fact, Alycia and Franquoix joined us for a while so that they
could experience the Mothership and receive a few lessons from our
beloved Arcturian mentor. They would return to the Violet Temple in the no time of the fifth dimension, as their contributions were important to their newly ascended community.
When Alycia and Franquoix finally beamed back to the Temple, a
major cycle of our life closed. Fortunately, a new one instantly began.
It had been wonderful for us to share our life on the Mothership with
Alycia and Franquoix, but eventually they chose to leave. As soon as
Mytria and I had said our goodbyes to our daughter and her Divine
Complement we were called to our holoschool.
With huge smiles and light hearts we decided to walk the distance
to the holoschool to soak up every wonderful memory. When we arrived, we
found that we were alone, but as usual, the Earth nature hologram was
playing. We went over to our wooden chairs by the waterfall, and
overlooking the valley far below we settled in. With every breath
another memory of our many lessons came to the surface of our
consciousness. However, this time something was different. Maybe it was
that we were different?
As one mind we knew to surrender into that difference, which felt
much like diving into a deep pond. We discovered that we were actually
within our own multidimensional minds traveling down, down into the
molecular structure of what we had known as our physical brains. We were
confused by this experience as we thought that our lightbodies had
released us from the limitations of our brains. It was then that the
Arcturian joined us within our mind and said,
“You will be interfacing with the brains of many earthlings, thus
you must remember how to interface your lightbody SELF with the physical
earth vessels you will create for this mission.”
Yes, we understood that answer, as we had both worked with humans.
“The humans you were guiding,” continued the Arcturian, “have
advanced into a higher states of consciousness since you have been away,
as did the Gaia’s planetary body of Earth. However, many humans are
unaware of this progress because their perceptions are still calibrated
to the physical plane. This calibration causes them much confusion and
emotional upheaval, as the third/fourth dimensional frequency of Earth’s
reality is dissolving into the pure illusion that it has always been.
“Many of the humans do not realize that they are ascended. Also,
even the fully aware humans are having difficulty releasing their
attachment to physical stimuli to primarily attune to their higher
dimensional perceptions. Moreover, humans of a lower density and state
of consciousness still hold positions of power and control much of the
mainstream media.
“Hence, some people look to the old and dying for advice rather
than the new and becoming. One of your greatest challenges will be to
re-direct the human’s attention away from old fears and onto the
unconditional love that is only perceived through higher states of
Mytria and I understood this situation, as it was similar to our
experience on our homeworld. We wondered how the plant and animal
kingdom were doing with their ascension process.
We are pleased to answer that many animals, and even plants, have
easily slipped into the fifth dimension resonance, whereas only a small
population of humans has been able to fully make the necessary shift in
their consciousness. Because you assisted the members of your Pleiadian
community to shift their consciousness into the higher frequency of
perception and form, you will be of great benefit to the humans of
First, you will continue to seek out those who are Galactics in
human disguise and assist them to remember their true SELF. In that
manner, you will not need to train, but only remind, them to connect with their higher dimensional core. It is the NOW for all the members of the galactic away mission to open the many personal, earthly, galactic and dimensional portals that flow into Earth from the fifth dimension.
These portals are much like currents within an ocean or a river.
Once these portals are identified, they can be opened with the light
codes that the each member of the away mission carries in their
fifth-dimensional, galactic consciousness.
First, they must remember that they are their galactic SELF,
so that they can remember their mission. Then, they must recognize how
their higher dimensional galactic SELF interfaces with their earth
vessel. The reason why we chose the scenario of having our galactic away
team function through human earth vessels is because we are assisting
the planet and not just the humans.
It is the human earth vessel that connects to the 3D/4D matrix of
Earth while it is their galactic consciousness that connects them to the
5D matrix of Earth. Therefore, the members of our away team are living
portals through which the higher frequencies can:
· Enter their higher dimensional consciousness,
· Travel into their physical form,
· Move deep into the molecules and DNA of their form,
· And into the quantum world of the all earthly form of the 3D Matrix.
In this manner, myriad portals will be opened between Earth’s 3D/4D
matrix and the 5D matrix to facilitate a steady, peaceful transition
from the third/fourth dimensional matrix into the fifth dimensional
matrix. Once this transition is completed, the 3D matrix will dissolve.
In the meantime, myriad parallel and alternate realities of
ascending Earth will simultaneously exist. It is through the unity
consciousness of all earth inhabitants that certain realities will
gather force, whereas other realities will begin to blend into other
ones that have a greater force of unity consciousness.
The problem with Earth is that there has been so much fear during
the 2,000 years of the last Kali Yuga that the greatest force of unity
consciousness has been based on fear and victimization. This model has
allowed the few to lead the many because the many believed that they are
Once the members of the galactic away team remember their galactic
roots, they will blend with the unity consciousness of their
higher-dimensional galactic SELF. Furthermore, they will become aligned
with the immense unity consciousness of the Galactic Federation, which
represents the many galactic nations that are helping our sister Gaia.
For example, we Arcturians are working closely with the Pleiadians,
those of Sirius A and B, the Andromeda Galaxy, Antares and others. Once
our galactic away team, and as many other humans as possible, awaken to
their true galactic nature, the power of our galactic unity will be
felt by all those in human form. Then these humans will:
· Regain their ability to channel the light of galactic unity
· Through the portal of their galactic consciousness,
· Into their human consciousness,
· Through their personal DNA light portals and
· Into the body of Gaia.
Then, the few victimizers will no longer have the accumulated power
to rule the many, for humanity will be connected with the galactic
alignment. Just as the away team’s personal galactic consciousness
connects them to the greater unity consciousness of the galactic
alliances, their human consciousness connects them to all unity
consciousness on Earth.
Furthermore, their personal DNA portals will also connect them to
the body of Gaia. All of humanity, whatever path they choose, has
personal two-way portals of light within 97% of their DNA. This DNA is
currently being activated by the higher frequencies of light that are
entering Earth from the Galactic Center. This 97% DNA, which we will
call “Multidimensional DNA,” holds the secret to transmutation into a
higher frequency of form, as it is a two-way receiver and emitter of
higher frequencies of inter-dimensional light.
It will be your assignment to remind the galactic away team, and
all humanity, that inter-dimensional light and inter-dimensional
consciousness are identical in nature. Consciousness is light and light
is consciousness. Additionally, both light and consciousness carry,
transfer and manage information. This information is carried in
light-codes, which are small matrixes of information.
These light-codes are much like locks that can only be opened by the correlate frequency of consciousness. Hence,
· As each human resonates to a higher state of consciousness,
· They can receive and integrate higher and higher frequencies of light,
· Which can open higher and frequency light-codes of information.
Once these codes are opened they will be free to intermingle with Gaia’s biosphere and body.
On the other hand, if a human resonates to a very low state of
consciousness, they cannot open the light-codes, they will not channel
light, and they can actually channel darkness. The only difference between light/love and dark/fear is frequency.
Higher states of consciousness pull through higher frequencies of
light/information, as light is consciousness and consciousness is light.
Also, both consciousness and light carry, manage and transfer
Love facilitates a higher state of consciousness/light, with
unconditional love being the highest frequency of consciousness/light.
Thereby, by having unconditional love for their SELF, a human will open
the 97% DNA portals in their human form to the highest frequencies of
multidimensional light/consciousness. Hence, higher states of
consciousness allow access to higher frequencies of light and
information that resonate to the highest frequencies of light that is unconditional love.
Conversely, lower states of consciousness align with lower
frequencies of light. Thus, only fear-based information, often coming
from the Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension, can be received,
understood and maintained by a fear-based consciousness. Fortunately,
the higher frequencies of light that are entering Earth from the
Galactic Center is allowing all humans to experience and accept higher
states of consciousness.
As humanity accepts this higher light by opening their
consciousness to it, more and more inter-dimensional portals of light
are traveling through the Lower Astral Plane. When the Lower Astral is
devoid of light portals it becomes a dense wall of darkness between
humanity and the higher light/states of consciousness.
This wall of darkness sucks in the fear from the Gaia’s inhabitants
then rains it back down onto the Earth. However, with the myriad
portals of light opening through the Lower Astral Plane, more and more
inhabitants of Gaia are gaining access to the higher light and loving
information beaming through these portals. Furthermore, any
darkness/fear that enters the portals of higher light is instantly
transmuted by the unconditional love that fills these portals.
In other words:
· Consciousness responds to light.
· Different states of consciousness respond to different frequencies of light.
· The state of consciousness is determined by the interaction of thoughts and emotions.
· Thoughts and emotions create information that resonates to the different frequencies of consciousness.
· A particular frequency of consciousness gathers more light/information of a similar frequency.
Therefore, there are two primary paths of creation/perception, the path of fear and isolation and the path of love and unity.
We say the “path of creation/perception” because the path you take is
the path you perceive. Simultaneously, that which you perceive is the
path that you take.
Just as consciousness and light carry, transfer and manage
information, perception is creation and you create your perceptions by
your thoughts and emotions, which create your state of consciousness.
The path of fear and isolation is a lower frequency path and the
path of love and light is a higher frequency path. Of course, both of
these paths resonate in stages and degrees, but the path of fear leads
to isolation, whereas the path of love leads to unity.
The path of fear and isolation:
· Negative thoughts create fearful emotions, and fearful emotions create negative thinking
· Hence, negative thoughts and emotions create fear which lowers the state of consciousness
· A lower state of consciousness attracts lower frequencies of
light/information, or even the absence of light, which is darkness
· This darkness invites anxiety and depression
· Anxiety and depression continue the cycle of negative thinking creating fearful emotions
· Fearful emotions make you feel frightened, unloved, unsafe and closed to any new stimuli in case it may be even darker
· This creates the perception of being alone, uneducated, frightened and victimized.
The path of love and unity:
· Positive thoughts create loving emotions and loving emotions create positive thinking
· Positive thoughts and emotions create love, which creates higher states of consciousness
· Higher states of consciousness attract higher frequencies of light, carrying loving, positive information
· Unconditional love attracts the highest light which expands consciousness to
· Receive and understand increasingly higher frequencies of light
in which higher dimensional light-codes and information are embedded
· Higher frequencies of information activate thoughts and feelings based on the resonance of unconditional love
· This makes you feel positive, loved, safe and opened to higher frequencies of stimuli
· This path creates the perception of being united, informed, loved and empowered.
It will be an important component of your mission to assist the
ascending ones to create and follow the path of love and unity. Once
they are on that path, they will easily surrender into the higher
information they are receiving because they recognize the feeling of the
high frequency carrier wave of unconditional love.
We will continue our lesson when we meet again. We advise that you now seek out your friends, reminisce and have fun.