These soul promises are fear based agreements to stand by your soul
mates, karmic partners, and those who you fear will not claim their
power or acknowledge their divinity in this lifetime. You have made
these promises to them, so they will honor their soul contracts. Because
you know this stands in the way of their evolution and ascension and
you have a contract for healing with them, you have been available to
them as their source and healing light. But you have also delayed the
integration of your own soul growth on behalf of these promises, out of
fear that you would leave them behind. No one is left behind and all are
where they need to be at this time.
Each person must make their own decision regarding their ascension and it is what decides their level of participation in this aspect of this ascension cycle. If they choose to limit their soul growth, they will have other choices and opportunities. You are aware of this choice and have assisted them with it before, each time watching in great sadness and fear as they rejected the path of ascension and evolution. It is time for you to serve your soul’s needs and decide whether you are going to rise to your own potential, to embrace your own potential and allow yourself to ascend in fulfillment of your desire for ascension.
It does not serve you to limit your growth or possibilities, to remain behind so others can take as long as they need to make this choice. They have time and will continue to have opportunities to choose. You must decide the path that you will take, what you wish to do and the level of new earth energy integration you will enjoy. Be comforted in knowing that all is well, that you have accomplished your mission and can now move into the energetic space your soul desires for you, one that serves your ascension path and reflects the healing you have accomplished on your path. Serve your joy, your peace and your desire for ascension. It is time for you now, make this choice for yourself and step onto the ascension path that you have been longing for.
Copyright (c)2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, quote, copy and link to this article, only on free, non-commercial and non-donation based websites and blogs, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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Each person must make their own decision regarding their ascension and it is what decides their level of participation in this aspect of this ascension cycle. If they choose to limit their soul growth, they will have other choices and opportunities. You are aware of this choice and have assisted them with it before, each time watching in great sadness and fear as they rejected the path of ascension and evolution. It is time for you to serve your soul’s needs and decide whether you are going to rise to your own potential, to embrace your own potential and allow yourself to ascend in fulfillment of your desire for ascension.
It does not serve you to limit your growth or possibilities, to remain behind so others can take as long as they need to make this choice. They have time and will continue to have opportunities to choose. You must decide the path that you will take, what you wish to do and the level of new earth energy integration you will enjoy. Be comforted in knowing that all is well, that you have accomplished your mission and can now move into the energetic space your soul desires for you, one that serves your ascension path and reflects the healing you have accomplished on your path. Serve your joy, your peace and your desire for ascension. It is time for you now, make this choice for yourself and step onto the ascension path that you have been longing for.
Copyright (c)2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, quote, copy and link to this article, only on free, non-commercial and non-donation based websites and blogs, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.