lunes, febrero 27, 2017

Conversation of Dr. Suzanne Lie and Shawnna Donop - Communicating with the Council of the Pleiadians, Sirians and the Arcturians - Part 2 - 2-25-17


Communicating with the Council of the Pleiadians, Sirians and the Arcturians

Part 2

Conversation of Dr. Suzanne Lie and Shawnna Donop

Audio of this message available HERE

SL: Hello everyone. We are going to have more answers to the questions. We’ve had such a great response so we want to follow-up with that. Right Shawnna?

SD: Yes, and it’s interesting to see the breadth of information and guidance that people are seeing. And, it’s quite varied, so we appreciate the combination of information that’s coming through. We’re happy to at least address a few of those. We’ve had some great comments in the community to assist with the understanding of these things. So, thank you all for your participation. We appreciate that.

Jennifer Hoffman - Eclipsed by the Light and Dark - February 27, 2017

Eclipses are portals between the past and the future that show us simultaneously where we have been and the possibility of a new potential. That portal to the future is brief but compelling and when the eclipse passes, we have to decide whether we are going to repeat the past and what we know, or release it for the new and unknown. The glimpse of the future is surrounded in mystery, especially with Neptune in Pisces now, but it is a chance for us to explore new potentials that is not always a smooth flow of information. And eclipse energies usually last for 6 months or more, although the long-term effects are not always as strong as the actual eclipse. We can make the most of eclipse energy if we are flexible and balance our expectations with our intention.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday February 27, 2017

If you allow your innate goodness to lead the way, you will never experience regret. ~Archangel Gabriel

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Petra, Jordania - 2 - Ciudad Antigua - 14 a 16 de Febrero, 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Petra, Jordania, 14 a 16 de Febrero, 2017

2 - Antigua Ciudad de Petra

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Otra vez estamos afuera, en el país de Jordania, en las ruinas de la antigua ciudad de Petra. Es muy histórica, y algunos de ustedes lo están sintiendo de maneras muy raras, no de las maneras de que hablamos normalmente.

Otra vez, ¿es posible que la historia tenga vida? Y cuando hablan de los que estuvieron aquí, que construyeron esto, que lo utilizaron a lo largo de las edades, ¿Será posible que haya algún tipo de vida que permanezca, debido a su consciencia? Algunos de ustedes están sintiendo esto. Pero no es exactamente de eso que queremos hablar.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Petra, Jordania - 1 - Bienvenida - 14 a 16 de Febrero, 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Petra, Jordania, 14 a 16 de Febrero, 2017


1 - Bienvenida

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

A veces el mensaje es el mensaje, y podrían tener un salón lleno de quienes canalizan. Y habrá algo en común, un tema común a todos ellos. No es por accidente que ocurre eso, y deseo continuar el mensaje de Jeshua.

Está sucediendo algo en el planeta que es único en esta nueva energía. Hablamos de historia, porque de eso se trata este viaje en particular. El tour continúa, porque estamos en el país de Jordania, y si miran la historia de aquí, una de las cosas únicas en una región desgarrada por las luchas, con los que se oponen a Israel, con enemigos en cada frontera, este país ha sido el primero en hacer la paz. Y para hacer eso, les diré algo: se necesitó un rey para hacer algo así. Si él hubiera hecho una encuesta entre los ciudadanos, nunca hubiera sucedido. La visión de un hombre; una paz entre él, el país que él representa, y un país que había sido enemigo por muchísimos años. Podría decirse que esto data de siglos. Es hora de dejar de recordar, y es hora de empezar a mirar hacia el futuro.

Jamye Price - March Ascension Energies – 2017

February Review - Mental Sovereignty

February had an energy influx that was assisting with entraining the brain to a more coherent internal authority. You may have noticed it in ways that are unique to you, but here are some: 

Improved emotional detachment from circumstances
Times of “spaciness” (but in a good way—not a symptom of ungroundedness or avoidance)
More sleep, with more intense and/or informative dreams
Clarity of thought, less chatter
Easier to meditate, especially for short periods
Rote activity feels more like zoned-out action
Times of emotional outburst or the need to express something previously held in
 Moving through emotions more quickly than before

Linda Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel ~ “The Present Moment” - March 2017

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss the gifts of the present moment.

There is much movement of energy in your planet at this time. Indeed, there is also energetic change throughout the dimensions. A new age of enlightenment is being birthed, and with this comes much shifting of what currently is. With this energetic shift as a backdrop, it is important to be focused in the present moment as you move forward on your path.

Brenda Hoffman - This is Our Earth Now! - February 27, 2017

Dear Ones,

You are much different from yesterday – the day before the solar eclipse – or even the day before. Perhaps you are not noting a great deal of change for you awoke in the same bed and are in the same environment as was true yesterday. But this energy burst of the solar eclipse has shifted your being in ways you cannot yet understand. Just know that you have a more positive outlook/perspective than was true yesterday – that many of your recent fears have dissipated or disappeared for you are no longer enmeshed in the 3D fears of yesterday.

Christine Meleriessee - Lord Ashtar ~ Floating Of Light Emanations ~ Solar Eclipse &Amp; New Moon - February 2017


We have now entered the New Moon phase of Pisces with a Solar Eclipse. This combination brings forth the element of movement, change, new beginnings, with our hopes and desires to be realized. Lord Ashtar brings forth a divine message on how we are affected by the planetary alignments within our full body system.

Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

I am Lord Ashtar here to talk about the present energies while trying to assist each of you to understand what you may be experiencing in your personal consciousness.

I always like to reiterate my energies through the connection of the InterGalacitic Federation of Light with Lord Sananda so that every individual that is reading this message will get a feeling of being embraced by our essences. I ask you to take a deep breath to fully feel a change in your heart, and bodily structure, as you relax the physical level of your consciousness. Pretend that we are floating through space together having a meeting of our higher minds coming into the purest existence that you have ever felt.

Tom Kenyon - UN MENSAJE PLANETARIO DE LOS HATHORS - Restauración - Febrero 2017

Tom Kenyon


En Febrero del año pasado dimos un mensaje titulado Desestabilización. Al entrar en 2017 la desestabilización global de la que hablamos en esa comunicación, se está acelerando a una velocidad mucho mayor.

Sin embargo el enfoque de este mensaje no está en el proceso de desestabilización sino más bien en una nueva meditación de sonido que deseamos impartirles. Es un antídoto energético que puede ayudarlos a contrarrestar las consecuencias negativas de la desestabilización sobre su cuerpo/mente y su espíritu.

Esta nueva meditación de sonido se llama Restauración. De hecho es un coro celestial de los reinos de luz más elevados, que puede brindarles energías profundamente nutricias y restauradoras.