lunes, octubre 31, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Answers to Human Questions The Arcturians Through Sue Lie - 10-30-16

Arcturian Answers to Human Questions

Messages from 10-28-16

Dear Arcturians,
Something “died” last night, and something new was reborn. I had a dream, or vision, or reality in which it occurred. I cannot remember the details of the dream, and I don’t think the details are important.

What I do remember is the feeling that I had when I awoke, which was just a few minutes ago. Can you assist me to remember the dream, the lessons, or whatever it is that was forgotten and is now remembered?

Dear Suzille,
Of course we can assist you to understand the deepest memory of your morning dream of death and rebirth. Indeed, the dream was about “death and rebirth,” which is often an invisible, yet ongoing, theme for everyone’s third dimensional incarnation.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Allow the unfoldment - Daily Message ~ Monday October 31, 2016

Dear Ones, the universe is always responding to your intentions and requests. You just simply must allow enough time for your desires to come to fruition .

For example, if you gave your order to a server at a restaurant, you would not continually change your mind and order something different after a minute or two because you didn’t think the original order had been received would you? To do so would only keep you hungry and unfulfilled! At some point you would have to give the people behind the scenes time to receive, prepare, cook, and deliver your order. You would have to trust in the system.

The same it is with the universe. Allow the unfoldment! Settle in and enjoy your time as you are waiting for your order. Trust that there is an entire team whose greatest purpose and joy comes from serving you and seeing your delight as your dreams become reality. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jennifer Hoffman - November 2016 Energy Report - Oct 31, 2016 |

As we end another rather challenging month it’s tempting to ask when it will all be over. That’s not a good question to ask right now because it implies that we’re the passenger on this ride and we have no control over the outcomes. But we are the driver and we have all of the control, as we’ll see in November. From October’s 1 energy we move into the 2 of November but this is 2 reduced from 11 (November is the 11th month) which is the integration of spirit and matter, of human and divine. Are we ready to reap the rewards of our efforts now, or are we waiting for permission to sit at life’s victory banquet? It’s up to us and we’ll find out in November that the rewards are there but we have to step up to the podium and claim them for ourselves. November can be a ‘joy ride’ if we’re willing to let go, lift off, and shine on.



En este mensaje, parte 1 de 2, se da la perspectiva de Lord Melchizedek.

~ Transmitido por la Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Canal Integrativo

Saludos y Amor a cada uno de Ustedes: Soy Lord Melchizedek trayendo el ‘Sacerdocio’ (Priesthood) de Melchizedek para ayudarlos a entender la Ley de la Relatividad y su posible significado en relación con su senda para ganar la Maestría.
Todas las Leyes Universales representan las Iniciaciones, pues sin ellas no tendríamos una guía específica de cómo lograr la Maestría.
Muchos individuos no se dan cuenta de esto a menos que hayan estudiado textos esotéricos que fueron los primeros en traer esta información.
Creo que según los estándares actuales muchos de los iniciados no entienden realmente cómo aplicar las leyes en sus propias vidas pues no se les ha dado la oportunidad de estudiarlas para su uso personal.

Brenda Hoffman - Believe in Yourself - October 31, 2016

Dear Ones,

Are you discovering the joy and fun of expressing yourself in ways you could not imagine just weeks ago? Are you discovering new joys or readdressing former ones? It does not matter for much of your day is now focussed on joy even if you have not yet recognized that such is so.

Let us explain. Perhaps you worry about something even though the worst has not happened. Or you are focussing on how terrible your life is at this moment because you refuse to see or sense the fun of it all.

Of course, our words are producing anger, even rage within you for you do not sense any fun in your life.

So it is that it is time for you to fully claim your life.

Until now, most of you have allowed fears created by others to produce fear within you. Perhaps you beg to differ for you need to pay your rent or have family, work issues raging throughout your being whenever you try to relax.

domingo, octubre 30, 2016

Seven Sacred Flames Meditation: Third Ray Temple, The Crystal Rose Flame Temple of Love

John Smallman - Saul - The Love that you are longs to flow through you freely and constantly - October 30th, 2016

Humanity is on course and on schedule, and the awakening is progressing beautifully. It may well seem to many of you that the world is in chaos and that that state is deepening, but what is happening is that the awakening process is stirring up many unaddressed issues that have to be resolved and released for the awakening to proceed and come to completion. You are all dealing with these issues magnificently just as you intended before you incarnated to assist fully in the awakening process.

Quantum Existence: Leaving Others Behind

Kryon "Q&A Session"

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it - October 30, 2016

Dear One,

Just as a storm can clear the air with its cleansing rain, a disruption of energy also serves to bring clarity.

This disruption is a blessing that may come disguised as that which you do not want in your world. Sometimes knowing what you don't want is the quickest way to knowing what you do want for yourself in all situations. Clarity of mind is necessary in order to bring about that which you would like to see manifested in every area of your life.