sábado, febrero 28, 2015

Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – “Maintaining A Calm Center In Expanded Consciousness” – 28 February 2015

LindaRobinsonMarch 2015
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss maintaining a calm center in the higher frequencies of Light and expanded consciousness.
The higher frequencies of Light are continuing to come to the 3rd dimension in waves of energy that can assist you on your ascension path. As this occurs, it affects the existing patterns of energy on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. When you remain aware that this higher frequency energy is around you, you are able to use it for expanded consciousness and highest good.
The higher frequency energy brings opportunities for looking at existing patterns and situations in new ways. Current patterns of activity can be re-examined in this new Light of expanded consciousness. It is as if old energy is being dislodged and brought forth for re-evaluation. Sometimes it may occur gradually, such as an aha moment that gently comes into your awareness, or it may be a more rapid occurrence when it happens all at once.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - La Puerta - Una Parábola de Wo Introducción - Feb 21, 2015

Sacramento, California, 21 de Febrero de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Las energías en el salón son conocidas. Las energías en el salón las establecen los que están en él. Para muchos este proceso resulta extraño; otros están enterados de su realidad. Y antes de empezar hoy con esto, y con el mensaje, el mensaje breve que damos, les pido discernimiento; quiero que salgan de la 3D. En este planeta empieza a tener lugar una energía que está trayendo un nuevo paradigma de realidad.

Eventualmente la humanidad comenzará a volverse multidimensional, y lentamente tomará conciencia de realidades que son diferentes de las que acepta hoy. Las cosas que hoy parecen extrañas, inusuales, incluso mágicas, comenzarán a respaldarse en un razonamiento, y a verse una y otra vez. Procesos, formas de pensar, un factor de benevolencia que no esperaban, empezarán lentamente a aparecer, y lo invisible será menos misterioso, será explicable. La humanidad comenzará a agregar una perspectiva dimensional a lo que siempre pensaron que estaba allí, y eso incluirá un complemento o potencial espiritual.

Steve Rother - La labor de los Trabajadores de Luz -Transmutar el temor en amor - 15 de febrero de 2015

Los Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar de los Faros de Luz son presentaciones en Vivo en Internet, transcritas y enviadas en inglés los días 15 de cada mes. El próximo mensaje de “VirtualLight” de Lightworker.com en VIVO será el sábado 28 de febrero de 2015

a las 11:00 a.m. Hora del Pacífico de Los Estados Unidos

~Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar~

Nota: el siguiente mensaje ha sido recanalizado y editado con la supervisión del Grupo para lograr una mayor claridad en este formato.

Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos.

La energía de este día es mágica, va más allá de su comprensión. Ustedes han descubierto una visión de su futuro que pocos humanos han logrado ver alguna vez. Están acostumbrados a observar su historia solo después del acontecimiento. Posiblemente, por primera vez en la evolución de la humanidad, pueden ver hacia adelante en esta línea de tiempo. Ahora existen desafíos y ajustes por los que tienen que pasar. Están sucediendo muchas cosas, queridos. Ya lo han podido comprobar desde su perspectiva financiera e incluso desde su perspectiva astrológica y ahora les daremos la visión del espíritu. Básicamente, han pasado por un cambio, un gran cambio. Ya les anunciamos esto y les hablamos al respecto a fines del 12-12-12. Ese portal fue mucho mayor de lo que comprendió la mayoría de las personas y a medida que fueron atravesando esa energía, iniciaron una oleada. Esa oleada tiene su precesión y su recesión. Avanza y retrocede. Muchas veces, cuando va hacia adelante, ustedes consideran que es un avance de la humanidad. Y cuando retrocede, como es natural, tiende a sacar lo peor de la humanidad. Bueno, eso es lo que han estado experimentando constantemente en su planeta desde que cruzaron ese portal.

Selacia - Navegación Prudente de las Energías de Marzo - Feb 26, 2015

26 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Con las energías salvajes de Marzo a la vuelta de la esquina, piensen en prepararse ahora con estas visiones sobre lo que se avecina y cómo pueden cambiar sus resultados personales en forma positiva. La previsión y el planeamiento por adelantado pueden hacer toda la diferencia - ayudarles a aprovechar las oportunidades de un nuevo comienzo y a evitar la reacción a las sorpresas y las crisis.

Cada mes tiene sus momentos intensos. Entonces, ¿qué es lo inusual en marzo?

Brenda Hoffman - Jugar es Tu Lección de Hoy ... y Para Siempre - Feb 14, 2015


Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Has soportado, has descansado y ahora es el momento de disfrutar tomando sol - algo que has descuidado durante tanto tiempo. Es como si te hubieras escondido en un pequeño armario para que otros no pudieran adivinar quién eras en realidad. Te vestiste como se vestían ellos. Caminaste y hablaste como ellos lo hacían - pero tu no eres ellos y nunca lo has sido. Simplemente fingiste ser ellos durante millones de años en la tierra.

¿Quiénes son ellos? Cualquiera menos tú.

Pero encajar y seguir las reglas para que nadie sepa tu verdad se va convirtiendo en un problema cuando te das cuenta de que ya no necesitas preocuparte más por los demás o poner a los demás primero - aunque esa sea tu inclinación primera.

Solara - Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Febrero 2015 ~ IMPLEMENTANDO EL MEGA REINICIO ~ Feb 28, 2015


Por Solara

Traducción: Margarita López

Febrero es un mes súper concentrado y ultra potente de Acción de Rápido Avance. Este mes contiene tres Saltos importantes. El Primer Salto se produjo cuando entramos en febrero, que comenzó con una poderosa explosión de energía, haciendo que algunos de nosotros nos sintamos como si nos hubieran disparado de un cañón.

Febrero se despliega poco a poco, afortunadamente, teniendo en cuenta lo fuerte que son las energías en este momento. Es como que nos estamos precipitando por una enorme colina en un trineo, con el freno de mano activado a ambos lados. Estos frenos crean muchísimas chispas por el rozamiento en la pista de hielo, pero no nos desaceleran significativamente. Cuando Mercurio se tornó directo el 11 de febrero, uno de los frenos de mano se soltó. El Segundo Salto de febrero comenzó.

Méline Portia Lafont – Reminder And Reflection Of The Moment From Saint Germain: What Is Freedom? – 28 February 2015

What is freedom?
It is being without a shadow of thought, perceptions, visions, control, ideas, values, time, self image, actions… for these issues all limit the you from all freedom there is. Even in the slightest parts of you; freedom is you without all of that what is mentioned afore.
Truly, when you think about it and are trying to conceive what freedom is, to express freedom, it is already not freedom but limitation through a perception of the mind and what you think it is. Even putting into words of what freedom is, is everything but freedom for it is a limited form. An “inboxed” value you put onto it or try to conceive it as.

Questions for Jim - What's Wrong With Me - I'm Not Okay?

Abraham Hicks - Find Your Way towards Money

viernes, febrero 27, 2015

StarTrek.com - Remembering Leonard Nimoy, 1931-2015

Descansa en Paz Leonard Nimoy

Remembering Leonard Nimoy, 1931-2015

By StarTrek.com Staff - February 27, 2015

StarTrek.com is deeply saddened to report the passing of Leonard Nimoy. The legend -- an actor, writer, producer, director, poet, host, voiceover artist, photographer, husband, father and grandfather, as well as Star Trek's beloved Spock -- died today at the age of 83 at his home in Los Angeles. Nimoy succumbed to the end stages of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), an illness that resulted from years of smoking and which afflicted him despite having quit smoking three decades ago. In 2014, he announced via Twitter that he was battling COPD and urged fans to stop smoking before it was too late.

Nimoy's career spanned generations. Born and raised in Boston, he started acting as a boy, but moved to Los Angeles at age 18 to give it a go on a professional level. He worked his way up from small roles in the likes of Queen for a Day, Zombies of the Stratosphere and Them! to major guest star turns in such shows as Broken Arrow, Dragnet, Sea Hunt, Twilight Zone, Wagon Train and The Outer Limits. At one point, he acted in an episode of The Lieutenant, a show written and created by a rising behind-the-scenes talent named Gene Roddenberry, and he acted in an episode of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. with a young Canadian by the name of William Shatner.

It wouldn't be long before their lives intersected again. Roddenberry created Star Trek: The Original Series, tapping Nimoy to play Spock and Jeffrey Hunter to play Captain Pike. NBC rejected the pilot, but asked Roddenberry to try again. The second pilot once again featured Nimoy as Spock, but after Hunter opted out of his contract, Roddenberry hired Shatner to play Captain Kirk. DeForest Kelley, who'd turned down the role of Spock, came on board to portray Dr. McCoy, and that unforgettable trio -- complemented by Nichelle Nichols, James Doohan, George Takei and, starting with season two, Walter Koenig -- formed the cast that would see Star Trek through three seasons of the original show, 20-plus episodes of an animated series and six feature films, not to mention numerous television commercials and countless convention appearances.

Nimoy at times waged an internal battle when it came to Spock. He titled his first autobiography I Am Not Spock. Twenty years later, though, he wrote I Am Spock. He turned down the proposed Star Trek: Phase II series, but returned for Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Spock died in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, only to be resurrected for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, which Nimoy directed. He also directed Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and produced and developed the story for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and, as a tie-in, he guest starred as Ambassador Spock on two episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation. And in 2009, after 18 long years, Nimoy helped J.J. Abrams reboot the Star Trek franchise by playing Spock Prime in Star Trek (2009), passing the torch to Zachary Quinto, who became a close friend. He also voiced Spock for Star Trek Online, made a cameo in Star Trek Into Darkness and was reportedly in talks to appear in the upcoming Star Trek film at the time of his death.

Beyond Star Trek, Nimoy's many film, TV and stage credits included Mission: Impossible, A Woman Called Golda, In Search Of..., Equus, Never Forget, Vincent, Standby: Lights! Camera! Action!, The Simpsons, Transformers: Dark of the Moon and Fringe. With his friend and TNG's Q, John de Lancie, he created Alien Voices, which staged and recorded radio play-style productions of classic and original sci-fi/fantasy stories. And yes, who could forget Nimoy's music pursuits, which included such tunes as "Proud Mary" and "The Legend of Bilbo Baggins"? Nimoy joined Twitter in 2010 and gave William Shatner a run for his money, tweeting more than 1,700 times and amassing more than one million followers.

He was also a friend to StarTrek.com, helping re-launch the site in 2010 with an opening statement, granting an extensive, career-spanning interview in 2011, contributing a guest blog in 2012 about his creation of the split-fingered Vulcan greeting, and checking in with us often over the years for interviews and with updates on his current projects, as well as to answer specific questions about Star Trek as they came up. He ended his emails to us as he did every tweet to the public, with the acronym LLAP... Live Long and Prosper.
Back in May 2012, StarTrek.com teased Nimoy about being the busiest retired man in history. Asked if he truly considered himself retired, Nimoy replied, "Yeah, I do. I am. Look, I liken myself to a steamship that's been going full-blast and the captain pulls that handle back and then says, 'Full stop,' but the ship doesn't stop. It keeps moving from inertia. It keeps moving. It keeps moving. It'll start slowing down, but it doesn't stop. It doesn't come to a dead stop. That's the way I am. I still have a few odds and ends things that I enjoy doing. I don't want to get up in the morning and have nothing to do that day. That would be boring." Perfectly logical, right? And in his final tweet, which he posted on Feb. 23, Nimoy wrote, "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory.  LLAP."
Nimoy leaves behind his wife, Susan Bay, two children and several grandchildren. Please join StarTrek.com in offering our condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and millions of fans around the galaxy.