We are in midst of huge expansion on all levels.
It now the time to let go of all seeming limitations, of what is possible and not, of all our self imposed fears of truly breaking free, and allowing the total rebirth to occur on all levels.
It now the time to let go of all seeming limitations, of what is possible and not, of all our self imposed fears of truly breaking free, and allowing the total rebirth to occur on all levels.
Blossom: Hola. La semana pasada no pude hacer nada debido a un nervio pinzado en mi hombro, lo que me obligó a estar en posición horizontal durante días, ya que esa era la única manera de no tener dolor. Ahora estoy mucho mejor, pero esto provocó que en mi jolgorio de cumpleaños estuviera bastante enfermucha. Obviamente, mi ala izquierda está teniendo problemas para desplegarse. Muy bien. Allá vamos.
Hello. Last week was a no-go due to a pinched nerve in my shoulder, prompting me to be horizontal for days, as that was the only way to be pain-free. So much better now, yet, caused my birthday frolickings to be rather underpar. Obviously, my left wing is having trouble sprouting. Right Ho. Off we go.
Greetings of the Highest order to you, Blossom and Each Soul who enjoys our conversations as they are delivered.
Beloved Ones,
Many of you are feeling the big shift that is coming, for our bodies, as divine conduits, predict the many energies that we are now welcoming and that are transforming our bodies like never before.
Energies that depending on the inner work we are doing at this time can bring many imbalances to the surface, experiencing profound sudden healings, clearings, and activations, as we continue allowing, surrendering, and remaining in our Higher Hearts.
The Final Phase Of The Shift
The dark forces have tried everything they could to prevent this event from happening, even though they knew it was inevitable since day one of their plans.
Now that their plan has failed, they need a way out – and they are trying their best to hold onto power and drag as many souls with them into the lower dimensions.