domingo, septiembre 25, 2016

Marilyn Rafaelle - the Arcturian Group - 9/25/16

Mostrando SEPTEMBER 25, 2016

We speak to you in joy for many changes are coming to your world. New events are soon to occur, but try not to anticipate them with third dimensional thinking and solutions. Change often unfolds in very subtle ways making it seem as if nothing is happening.

The majority of news sources at this time are only presenting third dimensional concepts of "news"--almost always negative and in alignment with old energy. For the most part the news sources still have no awareness or interest in higher ways of seeing and knowing.

Change is inevitable because world consciousness is changing. You will recognize this as you observe many heretofore accepted concepts and beliefs within the political, religious, medical, scientific, educational etc., fields beginning to dissolve, opening to new and higher levels of thought.

Your job as an awakened soul is to be an observer, resting in truth regardless what presents itself as you go about your day. As you learn to be in the world but not of it, you soon recognize that everything done to or by others is a reflection of their state of consciousness but does not change the fact that regardless of appearances, their true essence is Divine, for there is nothing else.

Mike Quinsey - de mi Ser Superior - vuelta al lugar de donde vinisteis...23-09-2016


Por todo el mundo hay confrontaciones y batallas porque las Fuerzas oscuras intentan contener las pérdidas que están experimentando.
No servirá de nada porque su poder se está fragmentando y están perdiendo el control del resultado de los acontecimientos.
Sus días están contados, porque sus líderes ya no pueden comandar a sus seguidores para que logren el resultado que han planeado.
El fin de su poder y de su influencia está al alcance de la vista y no hay nada que puedan hacer para cambiar el resultado.
Visto desde fuera no conoceréis los hechos reales, porque está ocurriendo mucho al mismo tiempo.

Alex Collier on The Is-ness

Ashtar Command: BE THE STAR #144☮

sábado, septiembre 24, 2016

Andrew Bartzis - Animal Allies - Spirit Healers, Holders of Sacred Space, Dreamtime Guardians

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Equinox Teleconference - Sept 22, 2016

Shanta Gabriel

Our Equinox Teleconference was very special.Recordings are available. I also wanted to share with you one of the most powerful messages from Archangel Gabriel I have ever received:

Equinox Message from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,

At this moment in time, you are completing a year of Self Mastery. The discovery of who you are on a more deep and expansive level has been a revelation of consciousness. The awakenings that have occurred for you this year are only now coming into your conscious awareness.

You may doubt that truth of this idea as you have only noticed a blank state of expansiveness that feels like being spaced out in the void space or even stuck. What you are experiencing however is a level of Divine Neutrality that you have never witnessed. Even those who have relied on their emotional states to inspire and guide their lives are starting to recognize the wisdom coming from within their inner beings as a new system of Balance opening inside.

You who have taken stock of your creative offerings have felt the urging from within and the glimpse of the new gifts coming forward. The freedom this new expression offers is beyond comparison and is like nothing you have ever known in your lives to this point in time.

Sarah Varcas - Current Trends: End of September/ Beginning of October 2016 - 23/09/2016

Life, Love and a New Moon in Libra
Sarah Varcas

The second of three conjunctions between Uranus and Eris in Aries occurs on 25th September, with its impact reverberating through the coming months. Requiring deep reflection before action, this alliance of the wild child (Uranus) and the radical feminine (Eris), now both retrograde, demands careful handling and integrity so sharp it draws blood if we dare push too hard against it. We may be beset with all kinds of desires, passions, certainties and non-negotiables at the moment. Ice cold clarity is in the air. We are seeing, perhaps for the first time, the truth of our lives, of the false selves we have worked so hard to sustain, and the real Self neglected in the wings. We may be filled with inspiration as our potential is revealed, or horror as we recognise the consequences of past choices shaped by fear we mistook for truth.

viernes, septiembre 23, 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Information to help us through the upcoming time period - September 23, 2016

Yesterday I sat with the Equinox energies and felt this overwhelming need to journey. The purpose of my journey was to obtain information on what was needed to get us through the upcoming time period. I found some great drumming music, gave myself a full hour and let myself go.

I found myself walking to my familiar spot and I saw the woman I am familiar with that told me to simply call her grandmother, sitting around a huge fire. I sat on a rock around the fire and just then a warrior appeared and began dancing. He was dressed in full gear including leg wrappings. His performance was incredible and hypnotizing. He comes up to me and smears black on my face and tells me that I need to be a warrior. I protested and said “I don’t want to fight! I don’t like to fight!” he smiled and said that a true warrior does not need to resort to violence.

He told me that a true warrior is also a leader. That they listen to all sides and often choose not to respond, but simply observe. Warriors also trust their team. He looked at me and said “Do you trust your team?” The team he was referring to are my guides, the ones here in form on earth and the ones in the etheric. He was asking can I trust that I will always be provided for, cared for? Can I trust my team regardless of what appears to be chaos all around me? He told me that this trust is vital to maintain my energy and vibration.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Glensalough - Glendalough, Irlanda, Septiembre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente nos sentamos afuera, y el día es hermoso, y el sol está aquí para que lo disfrutemos. Pueden oir a Gaia, pueden oir los pájaros, pueden oir la vida. Este es el octavo mensaje, y en términos de numerología, el 8 en su acepción más simple significa abundancia. Aquí hay abundancia, a todo su alrededor; podrían decir, la abundancia de la sabiduría, de la enseñanza.

Hoy nuevamente quiero hacer algunas comparaciones con Gaia, que es el planeta Tierra, y la humanidad. Y si observan el mensaje de hoy, dirían que es el mensaje que di hace 26 años. El mensaje es el mismo siempre, con palabras distintas. Pero ahora el mensaje es más agudo, se diría, más afilado, debido al cambio de la humanidad que está en curso. Y parte de ese cambio de la humanidad es lo que está aliado con la naturaleza, lo que está aliado con el planeta. No es por error que hoy estamos en un lugar que ustedes llaman Irlanda, donde todo tiene que ver con el planeta, y con las cosas multidimensionales que sienten aquí.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Punta Española - Punta Española, Irlanda, Septiembre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Otra vez una canalización. Para este momento, espero que vean que es simplemente un mensaje. No es un pedido de culto; no es una petición de nada más que atender a cosas en las que, de otro modo, ustedes ni pensarían. No va más allá de lo que ustedes creerían, religioso o sagrado; no reemplaza nada que ustedes hayan aprendido. Es simplemente un homenaje a lo que es el Creador en este planeta, en muchas formas diferentes; eso es todo.

Algunos piensan que estos mensajes tendrían que reemplazar a otro sistema de creencia. Es un pensamiento muy lineal de la humanidad, que uno tiene que estar en esta caja, o en aquella o en la otra, pero quizás podrían estar en todas ellas al mismo tiempo y tomar lo mejor de cada una.

Es un nuevo tipo de pensamiento, un pensamiento que aún no está en el planeta. ¿No es interesante que se hayan librado tantas guerras respecto a cómo se adora a Dios, al Creador mismo, a la Fuente de Amor? Y son los mismos humanos los que se han metido en esas cajas de lo que es correcto y no es correcto; no fue Dios.