martes, septiembre 22, 2015

Benjamín Fulford - 22-09-15. ¿Se convertirá el gran “festival del amor” de la ONU simplemente en intento un intento del cabal de lavar su imagen y mantenerse en el poder?

22 sep
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Las próximas semanas deberían revelan si se va a anunciar cambios radicales en la forma en que se gobierna este planeta o si serán los mismos viejos criminales tratando de mantenerse en el poder haciendo un lavado de imagen. El evento interesante para ser visto en un futuro próximo es el eclipse lunar del 28 de septiembre. Esto se debe a que los cabalistas que han estado governando este planeta afirman que acompasan su manipulación de los acontecimientos geopolíticos a los movimientos de los cielos. Esto suena como una locura hasta que te das cuenta de que los presidentes Xi Jinping de China, Vladimir Putin de Rusia, Barack Obama de los Estados Unidos, Francois Hollande de Francia, Hassan Rouhani de Irán, etc. todos van a estar hablando en la ONU en esa fecha. La cuestión es si se anunciará el nacimiento de un gobierno mundial o de una nueva era, o simplemente escupirán buenas palabras antes de volver a los negocios de siempre.

Blue Ray Empath New Earth Body Template Unity Grid Activation Transmission wlmp

Sheldan Nidle Update - September 22, 2015

5 Chicchan, 18 Zip, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Over the past few months, this world progressed from being one in which the dark cabal was still in charge to one where these scurrilous crooks are on the ropes. The various groups of our Earth allies are finally realizing how this world’s scenario needs to be accommodated. As consciousness rises in this realm, the financial system changes and the new prosperity require a reveal. We have asked that this set of precise procedures be done at a much quicker level. This advice, as said previously, was largely ignored. The time is now ripe for these changes to be manifested and explained to you. The coming prosperity is simply an instrument by which you can achieve your dreams. Use these symbols of power to remake your world into one that is peaceful and harmonious. Be aware of what you are doing. Let it all flow and use your synchronistic powers to alter things gracefully and divinely. This world needs to change and to alter how it perceives itself. The old violent ways require an ending. The diversity of culture requires an honoring. You need to reside in a wondrous land with technology to end poverty and hunger. The world needs to see itself as a big and glorious family!

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Galactic Light Being Embodiment: Entering the Purity Era as Love - 9/22/2015

The speed of Light is instant and it spans all dimensions at one time. Delays do not exist. All occurs simultaneously in all spaces, for all spaces are one.

Embodiment of Light as a Light BEing allows you to span all dimensions at one time as well. The physical body vessel that used to hold density and distortions has gone through a purification process of where these lower frequencies were held inside. These cosmic light frequencies activate the higher light frequencies inside of you, and as they do, the old frequencies begin to transmit any thoughts that operated at those frequencies to start to play, as well as the outside holographic illusion play (physical reality).

lunes, septiembre 21, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Saliendo de Su Prisión - 14 de Agosto 2014

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Muchos de ustedes creen que los otros son los líderes y ustedes los seguidores. Eso se pone de manifiesto en la arena política, en su empleo y en su vida cotidiana. Nadie es líder de ustedes. Aunque ustedes puedan elegir obtener o valorar la experiencia de otro, este es solamente una fuente de información – no su líder.

Ese pensamiento deja a muchos perplejos. ¿Si no tienen líderes y ustedes se sienten como lo hacían en 3D, quiénes son entonces sus progenitores terrenales? ¿Tienen la suficiente fortaleza o sabiduría para salir adelante por sí mismos?

Jahn J Kassl - WHAT IS YOUR KINGDOM? SANANDA - September 21, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

„Be like a King, who makes laws, 
yet who is above the law!“ 


What does this allegory stand for?
Uplift yourself above your lower nature, uplift yourself 
above all ego attachments, because only on account 
of it are laws necessary on earth like this one.

Be like a King, who stands above the laws and yet 
applies them to all those, who act out of lower motives, 
who live in ego consciousness or who follow their lower 
instincts without obeying their divine reality.

Fran Zepeda - ‘Grace Under Pressure’ ~ by Fran Zepeda ~ September 21, 2015


As we harness these increasingly intense energies present in this Equinox/Eclipse/Blood Moon Gateway, further anchor the Light and move further in our ascension,  and as we go through this alternating clearing and upliftment process that we are all going through,  we are learning how to be ‘Grace Under Pressure’, loving ourselves, loving others, in spite of the pressures we feel, the obstacles/challenges that we  experience, and the changes that we are challenged to flow through with ease.

Christine Meleriessee - Top 10 Ascension Symptom Remedies - Sep 21, 2015

There are so many that have questions on what they are feeling.
+Physical Anomalies/Sensations in specific areas +Feeling Dizzy/Spacey/Unsteady +Diet Strangeness/Foods that worked before don’t all of a sudden +Over Fatigued/Over Energized +Mental Lapse of Recall/ Deja vu flashes

All of these are totally unexplained as to the root cause by medical professionals if you go see them (yes it is always advised to check in with them first so the establishment does not feel left out…we do not offer any medical advice ever so you must see them to get that.)
Why this is happening is because the human body is taking in more light frequencies. Think of it as growing pains when you were young. Everything has to shift and make room. Often this means that what is there must go. Here are the top 10 things we advise:
1. If you are not already doing so, remove artificial and chemical food/drink. Your body can no longer handle them like it did. Simpler and purer does better now.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (8) - Regina (Canadá), 24 de mayo de 2015

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Yo sé dónde estoy, y sé quién está aquí. Es importante repasar, solo ligeramente, para quienes no han oído estas cosas antes. En este salón hay enorme amor y benevolencia. Lo repito: oyen una voz de varón: es de mi socio. El Espíritu, la Fuente Creadora, no tiene género. Hablamos ahora de la sabiduría femenina que es un colectivo en Lemuria.

Lemuria era muy diferente; anoche les dijimos que fue la plataforma de lanzamiento del akash. Esto significa que, a medida que las almas pasaban por sus vientres y ustedes daban a luz, ustedes tenían conciencia como mujeres que estaban dando a luz almas que no regresarían a Lemuria, que ustedes estaban ayudando a darles la impronta misma, lo que ellos recordarían primero cuando reencarnaran otra vez en otros lugares del planeta.

Brenda Hoffman - One Step at a Time - September 21, 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,

Even though the energies now striking earth are of the creation variety, those energies are not as you anticipate for you are acknowledging all that is new with 3D vision. Your words, your images are not yet accurate for you cannot describe something until it becomes your reality.

A blind person in your 3D world cannot understand or visualize the color red. So it is for you now. You cannot understand how you and your world are changing until you are part of that change.