miércoles, octubre 02, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Create Your Reality or Accept & Surrender? - Oct 2, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in witness to so much that is happening there on Earth and with you all as individuals, and we are always delighted to see you growing through your experiences. You have these lives that you are living and that you often seek to gain control of through a variety of strategies and techniques. If you were to see yourself as the experiencer of your life and the creator of your experience of your life, how would that change your perception of reality? In other words, you often get the message from those like us that you create your reality, but then you also get the message that says, ‘You need to let go and surrender.’ And some of you might think that those two teachings contradict each other.

martes, octubre 01, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are witnessing the end of old times - Oct 1, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are witnessing the end of old times, as my Guides called this passage we are traversing, as we move through the Solar Eclipse in Libra and these last three months of the year. Everything within Creation gradually leads us to renewal and a new phase of liberation and reconnection, helping us unplug from the 3D plane, and align with the soul dimensions, where many of you already dwell, holding a harmonic frequency.

Patricia Cota -Robles - AWAKENING MAY BE JUST A BREATH AWAY - October 1, 2024


Patricia Cota -Robles

October 1, 2024

Company of Heaven said outer appearances make it is difficult for us to fully comprehend how much our invocations and decrees are assisting Humanity and Mother Earth during this incredibly critical time in Earth’s Ascension process.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 1, 2024

Dear Ones, did you know that every single time you experience channeled material you move closer into the alignment to channel for yourselves? There is an energetic entrainment that occurs that adjusts you into the same frequency which, over time, creates the pathway for your own flow of information to come through. It has never been about being a specialty for a select few, but rather, an opening for all to move into their own beautiful and unique partnership with spirit. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

October Ascension Report

Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - Oct 1, 2024


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. “Please tell us the truth. Is the chaos because these are the end times prophesied in the Bible?” These are the end times for evildoing! The time is up for deception, cruelty, warring, oppression and everything else based in darkness!

The Ascension Blueprint: Mastering the Keys to Transcendence

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - What the Ascended Masters Did on Earth - Oct 1, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus; we are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here to teach you and to guide into the ways of spiritual mastery, because we know that many of you have reached that level of knowing that you are creators of your reality, and you want to know how to create more and to react less. First, you must accept that everything in your life as it is right now is your creation, and then you must come to the realization that you created whatever you created with your vibration. You must acknowledge and understand that everything that exists as it does in your life is there to get you to pay more attention to your vibration.

lunes, septiembre 30, 2024

Judith Kusel - This morning I was told to go and sit in the sun - Sep 30, 2024

This morning I was told to go and sit in the sun, a rather wintry sun, even though it is supposed to be spring.

I was shown how the sun with the flaojres is emitting sacred geometrical patterns filled with sound. These are directly downloaded into our pineal and pituitary glands and activating the dormant faculties within, as it is activating our new lightbodies, and super human abilities.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Eclipse Solar en Libra Octubre 2024

El Eclipse Solar de Libra llega el 2 de octubre y es un Eclipse anular. Un Eclipse anular es cuando el centro del Sol queda cubierto, dejando un fino anillo de luz. Debido a esto, a los eclipses anulares a veces se los llama Eclipses de Anillo de Fuego.