jueves, mayo 02, 2024

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - The New Age on Earth & What It Means - May 2, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

You are coming of age there on planet Earth. You are becoming your true selves. You are not only waking up, but you are also growing up. You are becoming more mature as individuals, and that maturity helps you to recognize that you truly are a collective, and as a collective, what affects one of you affects all of you. As a collective, you are ascending, and those of you who are awake want to help the rest of your collective to ascend with greater ease and with an awareness of what is happening, and they are coming.

miércoles, mayo 01, 2024

Natalia Alba - Planetary Emerald Rebirth - Jerusalem Gate Awakening - May 1, 2024

Beloved ones,

We have ahead of us another important transformational month. During May we are going to be immersed in a planetary shift as never before in our human history. This change is propitiated by the rebirth of the emerald ray, for as the entrance points in our earth's grids are being rehabilitated, activating the emerald key planetary portals that anchor this ray, the retrieval of the divine masculine continues, as the elemental transfiguration taking place, during this time.

Aurora Ray - Humanity's Revolutionary Shift from Darkness to Golden Age Accelerates at Unprecedented Speed! - May 1, 2024

Humanity's Revolutionary Shift from Darkness to Golden Age Accelerates at Unprecedented Speed!

Humanity is undergoing a profound transformational journey like no other - the process of ascension from a 3D dark age reality to a 5D golden age reality!

This shift in human consciousness and capabilities has captured widespread attention and fascination throughout the galaxy!

Judith Kusel - We are in a huge upwards spiral - May 1, 2024

We are in a huge upwards spiral now which last for the next ten years in which wave upon wave of energetic upgrades will be utterly transformational in all those souls who wish to ascend into the New Earth.

Remember, that all souls on earth have free will and choice. Some may choose to leave the planet, some may choose to cling onto the old and stay in the Old paradigm and refuse to budge or continue sleepwalking. This is a soul choice and we need to honor this.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 1, 2024

Dear Ones, if you attempt to make someone be wrong for something, and it is a choice that their soul needs to experience, they will ultimately need to disappoint or detach from you, even if it causes them great distress to do so, because the soul’s desires must always be honoured.

If you are against a choice someone is making, it is because it is a choice that would not work well for you on your individual path. It is an experience you do not need to have, or a theme you have already mastered. This does not mean that the experience would not have value for the other person!

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message May 2024 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,

The ‘winds of change’ are flowing across the earth plane, the wheel turns as Earth begins to enter a higher cycle of consciousness, aligning to alternate multidimensional levels within this resident Universe.

We, the Pleiadians are playing our role with humanity, this is part of our mission for this incarnation. We hold the energetics of a Platform of unconditional love steady for those of you who are on this awakening path. This Platform allows you to begin to move into a state of self-acceptance of your human idiocrasies, which is an aspect of self-love. We witness you taking steps forward, maturing into your own unique frequency of light as you unfold.

Emmanuel Dagher - Energy Forecast - May 2024

 Puede ser una imagen de texto que dice "HAPPY MAY! THIS is the MONTH for MIRACLES to SHOW UP for ALL UPforALLofUS. ofUS. pass it on. EMMANUELDAGHER.COM"

Hi My Friend,

It’s always a blessing for me to connect with your brilliant Spirit in this way!

The world is shifting more quickly than ever, and people are waking up everywhere.

The next phase of the Awakening is happening now, and I’m so excited to catch up on all of it with you.

The Great Awakening is Upon Us: Earth's Vibrational Shift Is Happening Now!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What’s Coming in May 2024 - May 1, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have so much excitement for humanity’s journey at this time, because we see what you are on the precipice of, and we know that you are going to like what is coming. You have so much to look forward to in the next several years, and in the time leading up to the full and open extra-terrestrial contact experience, you still have your lives to live. There are many details within your lives that you would like to alter, and the month of May is a beautiful time to be considering what it is that you do want to shift within your experience.

martes, abril 30, 2024

Natalia Alba - We enter into another transformational month - Apr 30, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We enter into another transformational month, whose energies will help us ground ourselves and all the healing transmissions that we have been descending since the previous months. From an astrological perspective, May also reflects the planetary shift that has become a constant since March.