miércoles, enero 04, 2023

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Can The 9D Arcturian Council Take Physical Form? - Jan 4, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are coming to you from the ninth dimension, which is not really a different place from your dimension. It is just that we operate at a different frequency. Our vibration is higher, which means we do not have physical bodies. We could lower our vibration enough to take form and appear to you, and at some point in the future, we will. For now, however, it serves you and us more for us to stay in the ninth-dimensional frequency and in a nonphysical state and teach you from where we are. We want to point out to you that all dimensions are available to you, but you will not take your physical body higher than the fifth dimension right now.

martes, enero 03, 2023

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Kryon en Seattle - Día 1 - Seattle, Washington – 10 de septiembre de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Seattle, Washington – 10 de septiembre de 2022

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Es una hermosa energía, estar con quienes se abren a que tal vez haya más que lo que conocen. O quizás más que lo que les han dicho.

Ustedes viven en un tiempo que está cambiando; empiezan a ocurrir nuevos paradigmas. Nuevas maneras de pensar. Y algunas de las cosas que les dije hace mucho tiempo empiezan a hacerse realidad. Ustedes oirán a mi socio hablar de esto dos veces más, Los que creen que este planeta está sufriendo, y yendo a lugares peligrosos y negativos y temibles, están experimentando exactamente lo que yo dije que ocurriría. Algo sucede cuando ocurre la luz, cuando la ponen en su propia realidad. Si van a un lugar en su casa, que no ha sido tocado por largo tiempo, tal vez está en el sótano, o quizás simplemente en un área oscura de depósito, y empiezan a mover cosas, empiezan a ver lo que siempre estuvo allí. Puede haber insectos, suciedad, botones… O puede haber cosas feas, y ustedes dicen ¿Todo esto ha estado aquí? ¡Liberémonos de esto, limpiemos todo! Pero el hecho es que, en su casa, eso siempre estuvo allí. Ahora que la luz ha brillado sobre eso, de una manera que ustedes le pidieron que iluminara, luce feo. Así es como luce el planeta en este momento.

Aurora Ray - No Matter What Happens, Always Be Brave - Jan 3, 2023

No Matter What Happens, Always Be Brave

You can either be someone who is afraid to fight and risk losing everything he values, or you can fight and win!

I am someone who believes in a certain kind of courage!

It is the sort of courage that does not seek to overcome anything or anyone. It is the kind of courage that seeks only to understand and to understand itself, and it is this understanding that gives us true freedom.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, January 3, 2023

An essential element of working with the new energies is developing a deep and abiding trust in the flow. The flow is the movement system of the universe. It is designed to support you in every way, even through energetic processes you may not even be aware of.

Trusting the flow means you are ready and willing to accept whatever is being supported at any given time without doubt, worry, or resistance. It means you are willing to receive the love and support it is offering you, secure in the knowledge that it is customized to assure your wellness and success. It is understanding that it is always guiding you with the utmost efficiency because the universe works with beautiful and intricate divine orchestration.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The January 2023 Energies - Jan 3, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very aware that we have been talking to you quite a bit about 2023, and therefore, we have not zeroed in so much on January of 2023 and what the energies of this current month are all about for all of you there on Earth. The January energies are about aligning you and your physical body more perfectly with the consciousness of your soul. As many of you know, your physical body has its own consciousness. Each cell in fact has its own unique consciousness, and you are not your bodies. You are your soul. As your soul, you connect with the physical body, and you are either in alignment or not as a mind, body and soul.

lunes, enero 02, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Cada vez que termina un año - Dic 31, 2022

Cada vez que termina un año y estamos en los últimos días podemos entrar en pánico si empezamos a pensar en todo lo que no logramos, las metas que no logramos, la lista de propósitos de año nuevo que hicimos el 1 de enero y perdimos el 10 .

Un año nuevo es una fecha, un marcador de lugar, tiene un lugar de correlevancia en el gran esquema de nuestras vidas.

KRYON - Can You Say, “Show me,” to Spirit?

Judith Kusel - The Timelines are dissolving with it time itself - Jan 2, 2023

The Timelines are dissolving with it time itself.

The Old Earth is much older than humanity has ever been indoctrinated to believe and many highly technological advanced civilizations came and went and all which is left is the marking of massive megalithic sites, or stone circles, yet within the greater whole, the Earth itself, records everything, and so do the Omni-Versal energetic consciousness fields. Everything under the Great Central Suns has been recorded and is being recorded.


Aurora Ray - How To Defeat Dark Forces & Ascend Into The 5th Dimension - Jan 2, 2023

How To Defeat Dark Forces & Ascend Into The 5th Dimension

Ascension is about lifting up and carrying the positive energy of the light into our own lives.

It's about living a happier and more peaceful life by helping others.

Through ethical living and helping other people, we can lift ourselves out of the disharmony and suffering caused by the dark forces and their related dramas.