jueves, febrero 03, 2022
Suzy Ward - Matthew Ward - Febrero 3, 2022
Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Comencemos citando parte de un correo electrónico que mi madre recibió recientemente: "Pensé que me sentiría eufórica porque la Tierra está en modo de aceleración, pero estoy aún más angustiada que antes". El alma querida que escribió eso también mencionó lo que la está haciendo sentir de esa manera. Queremos abordar esos asuntos porque muchos otros se sienten un poco como ella. Puede que no sepan sobre la energía acelerada o las causas reales, pero les preocupa los mismos asuntos mundiales.
Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - February 3, 2022
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by citing part of an email my mother recently received: “I thought I’d feel elated because Earth is in acceleration mode, but I’m even more distressed than I used to be.” The dear soul who wrote that also mentioned what is causing her to feel that way. We want to address those matters because many others are feeling somewhat the same as she. They may not know about accelerated energy or actual causes, but they are apprehensive about the same world affairs.
Christine Day - Pleiadian February 2022 Message - Feb 3, 2022
Beloved ones we greet you,
An aura of brilliance, that we liken to a Nova, surrounds your Earth. As you entered the new time framework of 2022 there was a brilliant explosion of liquid light that emanated from the magnetic core of the earth plane. As this light traveled across the planet, it also moved outwards shifting the entire makeup of the magnetic field of Earth.
Over this last calendar month these brilliant frequencies have begun to ‘settle’ into an energetic multidimensional landscape, while continuing to build in vibrational waves, dramatically shifting the Earth’s functioning. This expansive brilliance of consciousness has formed a continual spiraling energetic light movement, like a Nova. This Nova is encasing the planet as it is continually growing and becoming more expansive in its form. Your planet’s frequency has fully aligned with the signature energy with the rest of the Universal God Consciousness state.
Aurora Ray - What You Seek Is Seeking You - Feb 3, 2022
What You Seek Is Seeking You
Dear beloved ones,
The word "problem" comes from Greek, meaning "to seek." The word was used by Plato in the sense of "search for the truth.
The word "problem" is used not only for the search for the truth but also for a situation that is disagreeable or unpleasant and where a solution is required.
Problems are not a curse. They are part of life because we are living beings, and living beings will face problems in their lives.
Life is a journey. Life is a series of problems. The real problem is not the problem itself but our attitude towards it.
James Gilliland - Coming Out The Other Side - February 3, 2022
Coming Out The Other Side
We just went through a major planetary alignment which brought up our deepest darkest wounds. The Sun also contributed to this event with major flares. Obviously the Spiritual and UFO community did not fair to well in this experience as other communities, cities, even countries. Minus the truckers. They are awesome teachers concerning Unity, the whole world is uniting in support of them. There are other examples, doctors, nurses, lawyers, even some politicians, people from all walks of life are coming together with a common cause. Preserve humanity. Unity is the death knell of tyranny.
Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Cosas Ocultas en Plena Vista – Parte 4 - Miércoles de Sanación 26 de Enero de 2022
Kryon a través de Lee Carroll
Cosas Ocultas en Plena Vista – Parte 4
Mucho está sucediendo, queridos, con ustedes, preguntas sobre los sueños, y reestructurar cosas, y el cuerpo reorganizando las cosas, y es verdad, y añadiré esto a aquello: que en esta nueva energía, queridos, el Espíritu los conoce, sabe en qué están, el Espíritu colabora de muchas maneras para ayudarlos. Los sueños son una de esas maneras. Si no lo notaron, los sueños parecen multidimensionales. Lo que quiero decir con eso es que nunca son lineales. Están en lugares donde solían estar, eso es gente que no tendría que estar allí, o incluso ha muerto, de modo que los sueños significan otra cosa. A veces los distraen, mientras trabajan en otras cosas. Y a veces están en relación directa con lo que están aprendiendo como trabajadores de luz.
Jennifer Hoffman - February 2022 Energy Report - Feb 2, 2022
What did you think of January’s energy? It certainly went out with a fiery blaze of more than 50 solar flares in the last few days, igniting the spark of awakening and community that is circling the globe. If the energies of joy and freedom are calling you now, it is time to answer them.
In the 2022 Predictions I wrote that the energy theme of Self Ideation would encourage us to seek greener pastures, to find ways to shine our light more brightly, to be open to new potentials, and to wipe away the limitations we believe stand between us and becoming Empowered Masters. That path opens up in February. Are you ready for more joy and freedom in your life? I sure am and we can get started on this new project this month and you can learn all about it in the February Energy Report.
Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 37 - Feb 3, 2022
Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)
Schumann Resonance Today
3 February 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 3/2 17:00 After the activity reported previously, from around 10 UTC the frequencies returned to their respective base values, at 9:30 UTC there was the last significant peak of the Amplitude at Power 16 before returning to minimum values. At the time of this update, all parameters are on calm values.
Schumann Resonance Today 3/2 09:00 After a period of calm that lasted about eight hours, from 5 UTC new movements started, guided by Frequencies 2 and 3 which began a gradual decrease while the Primary Frequency remained just below the base value. The Amplitude reacted to this condition with a series of spikes, the first at Power 27 at 5:30 UTC followed by the maximum so far reaching Power 37 at 6:30 UTC. From just before 7 UTC all frequencies started to rise and a last peak of Amplitude reached Power 30 at 7:30 UTC.
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, February 3, 2022
We were recently asked if you would see less narcissists in the new energies. We would like to address that today.
The experience of a relationship with what you would call a narcissist occurs to get your attention to move into a better balance with yourself. While it is true that it frequently happens with empaths and sensitives, it is not because they are targeted per se, but rather because they are over givers who need to create an extreme experience for themselves in order to get their attention and to want to address that within themselves.
Judith Kusel - You may choose to ascend and they not - Feb 3, 2022
You may choose to ascend and they not.
Life in the New Earth is totally different from that of the Old earth. What once were loving relationships and even Twin Flame relationships, will not be in the New Earth, for here every soul will be whole – fulfilled within themselves, as their own Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within is perfectly united and balanced.