Hard As Steel, Soft As Silk
Sarah Varcas
This month sees a concentration of energy in the signs of Capricorn and Aries, favouring pragmatic action fuelled by self-confidence and well-honed instinct. If you struggle with a lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem, draw upon this energy to challenge the debilitating inner voice which says you’ve failed before you’ve begun, it’s not worth the risk – you’ll only make a fool of yourself! None of us are obliged to believe such harsh inner talk and yet we do, far too easily, and it’s time we resolved to stop and find a different way to approach life’s challenges. She/he who never dares never wins and has already lost when it comes to fulfilment of potential. Which doesn’t mean we’re all here to be super-heroes, magical healers, hyper-‘spiritual’ enlightened beings. It simply means we can all find more peace, more openness, more love when we let go the harsh inner critic and first allow some of that peace, openness and love in. Only then can we share it with the world in our own particular way.