The Sky is Not Falling / Nay to the Naysayers
Weighing Truth, Wisdom & Discernment
AAMetatron via James Tyberonn
Copyrights Reserved 2017-Earth-Keeper
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. ...
Rumors and warnings that the end is near have been projected by seers and overheard by kings, sages and sires throughout the fabled history of your planet. The present is no exception.
The jolting nature of any 'doomsday' prophecy, in which prediction is haphazardly applied to the kaleidoscope of probability is a confusing & difficult one. On the surface it is an acclamation that naturally draws attention & alarm. And so the lingering question that jags beneath the fearful claim, "Is this real & if so what can I do about this?"