lunes, febrero 20, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Unity Connected Realities or Separation Disconnected Realities? - 2/20/2017

When the dynamics of your realities start to shift and change, how well do you shift too in order to adapt for intentional continued expansion to occur?
About a month ago we activated "adaptive algorithms" for how our realities would now play out. About a week or so ago we were shown that the dynamics of our realities are about to dramatically change. The constructs, infrastructure, directions of realities are all birthed, built, managed and maintained from within. It takes awhile to see how all works in conjunction to all things here.

Jenny Schiltz - Beginning Phase of Frequencies Separating on Earth - February 20, 2017

We are right in the middle of two eclipses and we can feel that something major is changing. In December I shared that come March the frequencies (3D, 4D, and 5D and beyond) would begin separating. Here is a link to the post: We are in the beginning stages of this now. We are being shown in clearer and clearer ways what each frequency feels like within and we are being asked to choose where we want to reside. We are being asked from which frequency do we want to create our reality.

Everything that will not stand in the higher frequencies is being shown to us if we take the time to simply observe. Observing requires being present within yourself and not allowing yourself to get caught up in the insanity of the outer world. The ego may appear to be getting louder within as it is begging not to be dissolved but to be integrated with love into our being. There is a quality to this energy that is demanding us to be still and really listen to the internal thoughts and beliefs. Anything that does not match your soul, your true nature will show itself.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 7 - Luxor - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

7 - Ciudad de Luxor

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente estamos afuera, todavía en la ciudad de Luxor. Deseo seguir la conversación sobre la consciencia, y quiero hacerlo de modo que ustedes entiendan cuán importante es esto para este planeta en este momento, qué ha pasado en la historia, y por qué este cambio en particular es tan asombroso; más que lo que ustedes saben, más que lo que pueden concebir respecto a lo que se empieza a mover en este planeta y cómo es.

Repasemos un momento; la búsqueda de Dios es intuitiva; la idea de una vida después de la muerte es intuitiva; y una civilización tras otra han utilizado su tiempo haciendo estas cosas lo mejor que pueden. Pero la consciencia es elección, y no es intuitiva. Pusimos como ejemplo al niño. Continuemos eso. Cuando un niño pierde tempranamente a sus padres, en ciertas sociedades lo juntan con otros niños y forma parte de la manada, sin instrucción, no tiene una consciencia acelerada, ni ética, ni compasión, y ustedes han visto esto una y otra vez.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 6 - Templo de Hatshepsut - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Templo de la Reina Hatshepsut

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon de Servicio Magnético.

Hoy el grupo se encuentra en Luxor, lugar de muchas tumbas.

El mensaje de hoy tratará de la ascensión, la iluminación y la consciencia. No confundan ninguna de ellas como que necesariamente van juntas. Existen algunos enigmas en la cultura que estudian. Ustedes ya saben que estudiar el Egipto antiguo es diferente del Egipto de 2000 años más tarde. De modo que nos concentramos en el comienzo, y empezamos hablando de algunos enigmas que algunos de ustedes han notado.

Antes de hacer algo más, les decimos que estos mensajes que se vuelven más elegantes en su información se los damos antes de la cosa importante (se ríe), porque cuando lleguen a Giza se sentirán abrumados con ideas, con lo que ven, y también simplemente con la enorme magnitud de todo lo que allí está.

Donald Trump, The Media, The Illuminati and The Starseeds

Blossom Goodchild - February 20, 2017

Well, here we are again my friends. The time is flying by. It’s very noticeable to me that something that took place maybe only yesterday, can seem as if it was a fortnight ago! Time feels very warped.
Welcome to you and may we offer words of consolation?
By all means. They would go down well. (Just paid out a lot of money to have 100 copies of A NEW DAWN printed and the cover design is off centre. Long story!) So, my mood was a little 'off' to say the least. Yet, had it in my diary to channel today, as I am pretty busy right now.
We are fully aware of you working on changing your attitude and indeed, your mood about this matter and we commend you for this. Do you see how far you have come, in not allowing ‘anything’ to mar your Vibration?
Well … it did for a while!
How long?
Ten minutes.

Brenda Hoffman - Opening Your Pressure Cooker - February 20, 2017

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel as if you cannot remove your anger shell. For just as you shift to happiness, another event sends you into a tailspin of discomfort and fear.

Such is to be expected during this time. For you are clearing deeply seated fears as are so many – you are not only feeling your anger but also that of others.

As you move deeper into this transition, you have greater abilities to sense the feelings of others. Even though now you likely believe that such is a curse, it is merely an indicator of how far you have come in a short time.

Sandra Walter - Stargate Activated: Gateways Open for Embodiment - Feb 20, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our Gateway week is upon us. Gatekeepers opened for the influx on SUNday, and the energies increased immediately. This is a powerful and transitional stargate for HUmanity, which will greatly affect those engaging with Solar Cosmic Christ embodiment. This massive stargate portal from the Great Central Sun is a highly encoded geometric template. The Gateway of this week – beginning on the 222 (February 22) will trigger aspects within the new HUman templates, and launch many of you into a stronger experience of the Cosmic Christ.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday February 20, 2017

La imagen puede contener: flor, planta, texto y naturaleza
Dear Ones, today we advise you to catch your breath. Do something loving and nurturing for yourself. Let the sun kiss your face. Seek things that automatically activate feelings of love and gratitude within you. All of these activities will support you with the shifting you are in the midst of, and remind you that your body and your ability to feel allow you to experience pleasure. ~Archangel Gabriel

Maryann Rada - The League of Light - In the Interest of Time - February 20, 2017

The time has come for a global revolution. While this is not news to many of you, we ask that you listen to what we have to say, as our perspective on what is happening is far enough removed from the maelstrom of emotion and logic breakdown that many are experiencing to give us some simplicity, some interpretive leeway, and thus perhaps some wisdom worth considering. We have mentioned that what is happening on Earth is akin to what many others in our field of service have experienced on other worlds, at other times. However, none has been so markedly attuned to the vibrational synchronicity that exists within the multiplicity of worlds that is in your now. You’ve heard it before: what happens on Earth now affects not only your world, but many. The ripple effect transcends time and material dimensions, and brings everything into the light of transformation. What that means for you, individually, is that you have the moment before you to move into a markedly more intelligent and creative reality than you have the wherewithal to yet imagine. What that means for your world remains to be seen. How your movement within your world affects other worlds is simultaneously ending and beginning a mode of being. You are in synchronous swathes of transformation with many relative realities, so it is well to be aware of your full potential from one moment to the next. The year before you is full of opportunities to release and expand, to seek and discover, and to meet challenges for settling into a new envelope of self-reflexive empowerment and wisdom.