jueves, enero 05, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday January 5, 2017

We were recently asked, “How do I fill myself up with love?” We would like to answer that question today.

It is important to understand that the unconditional love that is Source energy is always available to you. You may be in different degrees of acceptance or denial of that love, but you always have the ability to direct yourself back into that alignment through choice.

So the first step of filling yourself up with love is opening yourself up into the receiving of it. This does not need to be a complicated practice. Simply take a moment to still yourself, and with your inner voice simply ask to receive love and then make the conscious decision to allow yourself to accept and feel it. You can ask for an infusion of love from any higher vibrational being you have an affinity for, or you can keep it more general by simply intending to feel Source energy, or universal energy.

miércoles, enero 04, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Alpha meets the Omega - January 4, 2017

January does start off in a powerful way even if it begins with a Mercury retrograde that’s a carryover from January 2016 and a Mars/Neptune conjunction, two polarized planets whose energies are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Together they should create murky, unsettled energy but they will do just the opposite. It’s the first month in a new cycle too, a ‘1’ year that compels us to stretch and soar after going through a very challenging 9 year cycle. If we’re ready to soar, we will have every opportunity to do that with one caveat, this is a new paradigm and it’s not ‘done for you’, it’s self powered and self empowered. We can go far but we have to provide the motivation, determination, and intention to do that. We do have some help though, with something that happened on January 4th. You can see my YouTube video about it at this link. I think it’s going to be a great month and a fantastic start to what will be a miraculous year, full of the change we have been longing for and confirmation that we are indeed ascending into miracles.

Brenda Hoffman - Entendiendo a los Traficantes de Poder - 25 de Diciembre 2016

Traducción: Fara GonzálezDifusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora 


Quizás no se sientan muy diferentes de ayer o de la semana pasada. Eso no será más. Porque han añadido segmentos hace poco que están más allá de su comprensión.

Los segmentos que han añadido son las piezas revolucionarias, Fuertes, no siempre moralmente correctas que alguna vez los empujaron hacia el frente en un mundo basado en el temor – esas piezas que desde entonces han tratado de negar.

Todos ustedes han sido extremadamente poderosos en otras vidas en la tierra porque estaban preparándose para esta vida, para esta transición. Necesitaban saber desde su ser interno, los poderes que sostenían en un mundo basado en el temor. Así que ahora esas partes fuertes están dentro de ustedes.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 4, 2017


Dear Ones, a very simple way to start to live in a way that matches who you are and what you desire, is to consciously choose your preferred energy and act from there. You wish for more peace? Find the energy of peace within yourself and then proceed. You wish to experience more love? Fill yourself up with love and then go about your day. Want to experience more kindness? Align with the energies of kindness within yourself and then allow that to lead the way.

Laura Pleiadian - When Time Shifts ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - Jan 4, 206


We have all noticed time speeding up. Or slowing down, depending on what mode you are in. When having fun and more in the present moment, time goes by quickly. When waiting for things to change, time can feel like it moves along ever so slowly.
Love and beauty, sacred eternal moments, where time seems to stop, are those shifts in consciousness, where the eternal present moment shifts and transforms your consciousness. Into a new level, into your Divine Destiny.
When we are in the present moment, hours may go as if no time has gone by at all.
Months can go by or even years and may feel like just a day. This is the changing of time, that this post is about.
When there is no difference in your awareness of what happened years ago to just yesterday, time as shifted in your awareness of it.
Lifetimes stream together in an endless stream of Light. Parallel worlds, other dimensions. ALL interacting and communicating without the TIME barrier.

Pamela Kribbe - JESHUA - El Mensaje de la Oscuridad - Diciembre 2016

Queridos Amigos,

Yo soy Jeshua y los saludo a todos ustedes. Es un placer para mí, estar aquí con ustedes. Estamos conectados como hermanos y hermanas. Juntos, traemos una nueva ola de conciencia al mundo. Pido, a cada uno de ustedes que lo sienta en su interior durante unos instantes.

Ustedes son portadores de la antorcha; cargan la luz en vuestro interior. Imagínense cargando una antorcha que esparce su luz en la oscuridad. Al principio, ustedes son llamados a expandir esa luz en su propia oscuridad. Desde que nacen aquí en la Tierra – donde hay miedo, ilusión y desconfianza de la vida – ustedes pasan a formar parte de este mundo y de su intento de huir de sentimientos profundos. A partir del momento de su nacimiento y durante toda la infancia y adolescencia, ustedes son retados a intentar mantenerse fieles a vuestra Luz, a quienes son realmente y a lo que sienten. Es un gran desafío!

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - January 3, 2017

Greetings, I am Mira. I greet you today in your new year of great changes. We continue to watch over you and care for you. The intensity of the planet and your lives is expanding exponentially. We keep constant watch for where we are needed. We are here to encourage you and to assist you in joining the rest of planets of this solar system and beyond. The earth has been left behind to battle the forces of darkness for too long.

Now this is coming to an end. You can expect the intensity to increase as it get closer to end the time of darkness. Please know the fifth dimension is already overlaid on the earth and is in planetary position to shift in the blink of an eye.

Dianne Robbins - Mikis de Telos - Todo en la Tierra Hueca está construido de Cristales - Diciembre 4, 2016

Canalización Mensual ~, Derecho de Autor / Copyright © Dianne Robbins

Todo en la Tierra Hueca está construido de Cristales 

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Soy Mikos, aquí, para hablar sobre nuestra conexión con el
Universo y su conexión con toda vida en todos lados. Nosotros amamos nuestra Tierra, y como vivimos en su interior tenemos conocimiento de toda la información que ha existido jamás — y sobre todos los eventos sucediendo actualmente sobre la superficie, así como en otros sistemas solares en nuestra galaxia.
Nosotros capturamos, o registramos, estos eventos en nuestros Proyectores Cristalinos y los archivamos para salvaguardarlos en nuestra extensa biblioteca.

Todos nuestros registros son antiguos según nuestros estándares, pues sus vidas son muy cortas comparadas con las nuestras ; pero estos “antiguos” eventos existieron en nuestra línea de tiempo ya que nosotros estamos eones de años en el mismo cuerpo, y por lo tanto, han ocurrido durante nuestra vida.

Ron Head - The Council - Pay Attention - January 4, 2017

Pay Attention – The Council

You have now moved into the space and energy that you identify as your new year. In this year, you will need to pay attention as never before. Therefore, we have several pieces of advice that are now appropriate to pass on to you.

We have, in the past, commented several times about your asking to ‘bring it on’. Friends, it is now about to be ‘brought on’. This year is going to be about change in such volumes that you will despair of ever being able to catch up. You will, of course. But a day of peace will be a treasure.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Possible Phases of Ascension - 1-4-17

Possible Phases of Ascension

The Arcturians through Sue Lie

Please note that these phases overlap within what you perceive as “time.” Furthermore, not everyone will go through every cycle of this process, and some of you will go through the process in a different order.

What we present here is a “possible Path of Ascension.” Since Gaia is a free-will planet, all of you can use your free will to create your version of your Path of Ascension. Hence, we present the below Path of Ascension as a “possible reality.”

Every ONE of you on Gaia’s planet can enter the flow of this “path.” Many will, and many will not. Every one of you, even those lost to darkness and power over others, is called. However, the frequency of your consciousness dictates whether or not you will recognize, hear, see, and/or accept this call.