domingo, abril 03, 2016

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - 4/3/16

Dear ones, once again we come in love with messages of support for we know you often grow weary within a world that seems to see things so differently from you.

The chaos you observe daily is reflective of the breaking apart of old manifestations as the energy that supported them dissolves. As these manifestations crumble and disappear many struggle to hold them in place through whatever ways they believe are necessary--often violence. These dear ones can only fail, for nothing can manifest without the energy to form it. New and higher forms will replace them if allowed.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Ancient Elder Guardians: Higher Consciousness Light Embodiment and Walking AS the Keepers of Frequencies and Gridpoints of NEW Earth - 4/3/2016

The further all move into these higher consciousness vibrations, the more all will have to learn (REMEMBER) how to function as a higher-self Light BEing. Every exchange will present an opportUNITY to DO from higher Light Consciousness....

Embodiment is each LIVING and Existing AS ALL of their higher consciousness aspects, in the physical one. As another aspect activates, the other aspects must purify and cleanse the old unconscious vibrations and distortions physically held within.

Those old mentalities of the individual self, those old perceptions of reality, those old choices that only used to be about you, or another... Here you must always do what is of higher consciousness in every exchange, in every moment.....

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation - April 3, 2016

Dear One,

When you trust in the Divine Plan, you are moving into the Universal Flow of Good. You are acknowledging that there is an underlying energy within all things. This is the energy of God, and it is part of the Divine Plan for all beings to live in Harmony, Love and Abundance. You can trust this.

When you bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation, it increases the spiritual energy flowing through whatever you are focused upon. Blessing brings more love through the energy of Light to the person or situation, which brings an immediate improvement.

John Smallman - Jesus - You and God are One, and you cannot remain forever unaware of this divine truth - April 3, 2016

There are no accidents, there are only synchronicities. Every human is always on their chosen life path. Whatever arises is intended. That may seem like a harsh or insane suggestion when you look around at all the suffering in the world, or even at your own personal suffering. But everyone who incarnates as a human in any time era has, with infinitely wise spiritual guidance to assist them, made the free will choice to do so in that particular time and place with great clarity of mind. You all have a divine purpose, every child of God has a divine purpose and that is to be Yourself, the perfect being that God created.

As humans within the illusion that often seems not to be the case. By incarnating you enter the illusion, a place of forgetfulness, memory loss, and, in truth, insanity! Your purpose, every human’s purpose, is to awaken from the illusory dream or nightmare and help others to awaken, in order to be once more Yourselves. However, when you constructed the illusion you used your infinite divine power to do so, and you intended to make it appear absolutely real, and in this you succeeded.

Sarah Varcas - Informe de Astro Energías de Abril 2016 - Rehaciendo los Mantos de los Guerreros Espirituales - 30 de Marzo 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Rehaciendo los Mantos de los Guerreros Espirituales
Sarah Varcas

Abril comienza al cerrarse la estación de eclipses más reciente. Esto puede sentirse como alivio para algunos aunque los eclipses continúan resonando en nuestras vidas durante meses. El mes pasado fue intenso y puede habernos dejado algo cansados. Los retos a nuestro sentido del yo y a la autonomía personal pueden haber sido fuertes y dejándonos con la duda de si existe esperanza real de cambio o sólo más de los mismos viejos problemas en diferente envoltorio. Afortunadamente la segunda quincena de abril brinda una oportunidad para refrescar y reagruparse, ofreciendo espacio interior en el cual considerar los próximos pasos.

Graham Hancock: Divinity, Consciousness & Parallel Realms of Reality

sábado, abril 02, 2016

Lena Stevens - April 2016 Monthly Forecast - The main theme for April is UNSETTLED! - April 2, 2016

This month we are acutely aware that we are in transition. We have mental anxiety about what we might be forgetting or not keeping track of or not keeping up with. Our sleep is interrupted and light at best and non-existent at worst. We feel we might be missing something. It is hard to settle down and easy to get distracted. Even if we manage to cross everything off our to do list, there is a nagging feeling that something has been left undone.

This is the current state of affairs, necessary for change and evolution but extremely uncomfortable for many, especially for those with the “need to know” and a need for security. The Spring Equinox and the eclipses of March have left us in an unsettled place of asking, “what happens next?” We know it is not business as usual but we also cannot see around the bend or trust that what is showing up today will be the same as what shows up tomorrow.

Think of a puzzle. There are pieces coming together, some that are still missing, and the final picture has not yet emerged. This month requires a great deal of trust and flexibility. Anything can happen. To be proactive with the month you will need to be very clear in your intentions and have good solid practices to keep you grounded. You will also need to be comfortable with, and accepting of sudden changes that come as a result of these unsettled times.

viernes, abril 01, 2016

Kryon canalizado por Lee Carroll - Letra “T” - Torres del Painé, Chile - Aventura en la Patagonia - 18 al 26 de Marzo de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este mensaje no será largo. Para quienes no están aquí: estamos sentados afuera, en la belleza de Gaia, a orillas de uno de los muchos lagos, frente a las bellas torres de las montañas.

Hoy examinamos la letra T, y en un momento les diré qué deseo que vean en una palabra que comienza con T. Quiero que miren las montañas mientras escuchan este mensaje. Quiero que escuchen al viento. Quiero que oigan de una manera multidimensional, ya que Gaia dice que ellas han estado aquí por un tiempo muy largo. Han sobrevivido a todas las cosas. Esas mismas montañas que ven, han sobrevivido a la erosión del viento y de los glaciares, incluso han sido formadas por el magma del planeta. Han permanecido, y permanecido, y permanecido. La temperatura no parece ser un problema, ni el viento, ni lo que hace el agua, ni siquiera lo que hacen los volcanes. Ellas están siempre allí. En esto, Gaia tiene un mensaje, y ese mensaje es para nosotros. Cuando digo "nosotros" me incluyo yo también. Yo soy Kryon, de la Gran Fuente Central. Y también estoy implicado en este mensaje, porque la T representa al Tiempo.

Patricia Cota-Robles - THE EVENTS IN MARCH WERE GOD VICTORIOUS - April 1, 2016

We have just passed through the most intensified and life-transforming influx of Light the Earth has ever received. According to the Company of Heaven, this Light was accepted and effectively assimilated by literally millions of Awakened Lightworkers on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth. Opportunities like the celestial alignments we have just experienced have periodically occurred in the past, but in order for the increased Light from these alignments to be secured in the physical plane that Light must be anchored within the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God embodied on Earth, through our own conscious endeavors. This is why it is often stated that “GOD NEEDS A BODY.”

Until this year, 2016, Humanity was not vibrating at a frequency that could perceive or withstand such a monumental influx of Light. Consequently, in the past this life-transforming Light just passed us by. But this time it was different due to the miraculous things that have transpired on Earth since the birth of the New Earth on December 21-22, 2012. This time there were millions of Lightworkers Awake enough to not only perceive this unparalleled opportunity, but who were consciously aware enough to deliberately serve as the Open Door for this Light on behalf of Humanity and all Life on Earth.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - April 2016 Energy Report - Deeper To Our Core We Go.. More Love, Purity, More Gifts