Sacred School of OmNa
With great volumes of love anchoring into your world from such sources as Venus, many powerful awakenings are dawning. Love has the power to clear out old stagnant energies as well as all forms of resistance to acceptance of the Creator. While love supports cleansing and purification within your being, love also
encourages empowerment and manifestation of your dreams and soul aligned desires.
Un saludo a todos, yo soy Elrah del Servicio Rítmico.
Quise participar un momento porque también estoy celebrando un cumpleaños. En realidad, celebro mi cumpleaños todos los meses, pero no se lo he dicho a nadie porque ustedes no cuentan con suficientes números para llegar a la sumatoria de mi cumpleaños. No, ya superamos la marca de los 200.000 y, a partir de ahí, tendemos a olvidarlo. Sin embargo, quise celebrarlo con todos ustedes porque comprenden lo que está sucediendo en el Planeta Tierra y que se está volviendo hermoso.
Light Pillars – Light Map In The Sky Taken by Mia Heikkilä on January 12, 2016 @ Kauttua, Eura, Finland
Ascension Update~Current Energies Flowing IN
By Diane Canfield
Today we are experienced extreme crown chakra activations which changes and transforms our DNA through upgrades to our LIGHT BODY. You may experience tingles and the feeling of helmet head, which is pressure around all sides of the head. I came up with this term a year or so ago to describe the feeling that happens when the Ascension waves come in and what it feels like around the head with crown chakra activations.
Meditation for Chakra Two
As I focus on my second chakra between my waist and the base of my spine, I feel a rush of emotion from a long forgotten childhood and early life. I embrace these emotions with the power of my Unconditional Love.
With the power of my Unconditional Love, I can Unconditionally Forgive myself for whatever I thought I might have done wrong. I can also Unconditionally Accept that I wrote those episodes of life into my birth plan.
¡Saludos, Maestros! Yo soy Metatrón, Ángel de Luz, y se une a mí en esta sesión Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Nos han pedido en esta reunión discutir el año que viene, Año 4 de la Nueva Tierra, que es 2016 en la cronología lineal.
Deseamos insertar aquí que lo que ofrecemos en este mensaje son probabilidades y potenciales, basados en las corrientes de realidades probables dentro del formato y la influencia de las gravedades astronómicas y los campos de pensamiento masivos de la humanidad. Seamos claros: nadie, ningún grupo angélico, ni canalizador, ni individuo, puede predecir exacta y plenamente el futuro, y aclaramos que no es esa nuestra intención. Ciertamente, por definición de las leyes que rigen en el reino de la dualidad 3D, el futuro siempre es fluido. El reino de la 3D está gobernado por el libre albedrío, y entonces la manifestación de realidad resultante no está fija en términos absolutos en ningún nivel individual.
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Terminamos el 2015 en el cual muchas personas tuvieron momentos difíciles, incluyendo mi familia. Accidentes potenciales o reales que pudiesen haber terminado peor solamente por pocos segundos de diferencia. Al final, percibí que aquí estábamos en esta realidad donde todo funcionaba bien, pero que había una realidad paralela muy diferente que había sido desviada y en la cual nuestra vida hubiese cambiado drásticamente.
Esto me puso a pensar. ¿Cuántas veces nos ha ocurrido esto como colectivo en el Planeta Tierra? Más específicamente, ¿cuántas veces ha ocurrido en años recientes particularmente con respecto al ‘Cambio’? Miramos alrededor y pensamos que las cosas pudiesen estar mucho mejor, pero cuando experimentamos algo cercano a un accidente vemos que las cosas pudiesen haber sido mucho peores al punto de desconectarnos, de terminar el juego aquí.
Events are moving on very quickly and pressure is being put on those who are expected to announce Disclosure, to go ahead without delay. President Putin is the one who is applying the pressure and is currently leading the action to get results as soon as possible. Meanwhile the Earth is now operating within an energy shield that is maintaining protection against outside interference. You may be assured that your future is in the hands of those who wield immense power for the success of the Light. The dark Ones are naturally aware that they are powerless to achieve their aims to bring about another World War. So you may go about your day knowing that the future of the Earth and Humanity is in safe hands. Powerful Light forces await their call to bring about a greater awareness, and lead you to an understanding of your true history. One revelation that will bring you great relief concerns the latent power of each Being of Light. You have been led to believe that you are powerless, when in fact your potential is unlimited. With it comes the responsibility to use it wisely, and as time progresses you will receive ample guidance and instructions in this respect.
14th January 2016
By Karlos Kukuburra
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
So you thought you wanted enlightenment? Thought that life would be all peachy and smooth sailing when the veils of illusion were lifted? Those who have become ‘dis-illusioned’ — and haven’t slid back into denial after seeing what was on the other side, or run in the opposite direction with their first taste of ‘enlightenment’ — realize that waking up is hard work!
So what is behind these veils of constructed reality, one might ask? To put it in succinct terms, what lies behind the social conditioning is this: “That our society is the product of an extraterrestrial race that moves and breathes — and even breeds — beneath the surface of all of human history.”
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
One moment here. If you’re practicing channeling you know that you can come in kind of light and sink down a little bit deeper so I’m going to be sinking down a little bit deeper here. Alright good.
Alright. Violet Flame is what I am going to work with now. Just really sort of seeing the entire body engulfed in violet flame and then if you would please as well see the planet engulfed in violet flame.
VIDEO (recommended!)
Naturally we don't speak the word but express through signs and sound.
But for those who don't have access to these we may speak through a human tongue.
We are from the highest realms of light and ecstasy, healing and upliftment for the human race and all that is ready to walk the path of the new Divine Creation to expanded visions of realities of perfection.