viernes, diciembre 11, 2015

Mike Quinsey - 11th December 2015

Much is happening on your Earth at this time, most of which is out of sight so that you have little if any knowledge as to what is taking place. A fierce confrontation is occurring between the Light and dark Ones who are rapidly losing their influence. Gradually long suppressed inventions or advancements are coming into being, with those Light Beings involved sometimes risking their lives to be successful. However, they cannot stem the flow and the Light is lifting up all over the world. With an increase in the level of your consciousness, more souls than ever are suddenly becoming aware of how for centuries they have been misled. Time has virtually stood still as the dark Ones have ensured that new inventions that would have lifted you up, have been held back. Be assured that it can only be a temporary delay, as you are destined to leap ahead before this present cycle ends.

jueves, diciembre 10, 2015

Tuella - ASHTAR, THE MAN AND HIS MISSION - A Tribute Part 3

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Dec 10, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re getting some interesting phenomenon. We’re having quite a few glitches, we’re really working diligently on the inner planes at getting communication purpose to align and really what’s happening is something like tidal waves, that’s how we would describe it energetically.

Kryon "The Three Winds"

Ron Head - The Council - There is a Great Deal of Talk - December 10, 2015

There is a great deal of talk in your media about religion vs. religion, nation vs. nation, and race vs. race. Unfortunately, in order for you to define who you are, it is necessary at some point for you to see what you are not, or what you refuse to be. That is just the function of the mirror in your societies. It is not seen clearly that the vast majority of you are using this to say internally, “I am not that. I do not concur!” It is not necessary for you to ‘fight’ anything. It is enough that you be who you define yourselves to be. And toward that end we would make a couple of points.

Insights of Gandfather - Dr Charles Thomas Cayce on Edgar Cayce

miércoles, diciembre 09, 2015

Dana Mrkich - End of 2015 Energy Summary: Where are we at? - December 9, 2015

As 2015 draws to a close, it’s a good time to touch base on where we are at exactly on this mammoth energetic and very physical ride that we are all on. I want to also acknowledge those who have their doubts, those who may feel, or have heard, that the whole ‘new age’ was a big distraction campaign complete with a ‘false light’ guiding us.  There are some valid nuggets of truth concerning that particular perspective, and that’s important to address, yet let’s get clear so that we don’t throw a perfectly good shoe out the window just because of a few pebbles that have been wedged inside.
What with false flags to the right of us, and supposed false lights to the left of us, what is a person to believe anymore? Let’s take a moment to see what’s what, what truth we can sift out to take with us into 2016, and what we can leave behind in the garbage bin labelled ‘expired’.

Kryon "The Ascended Doors of DNA"


Greetings everyone, before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. I have received two channelings back to back, one from the 33rd Dimension from Melchizedek and company and another from the Arcturians. I was asked by my guides to combine these two together for you into one transmission as both are very important and timely.

Tuella - ASHTAR, THE MAN AND HIS MISSION - A Tribute Part 2