miércoles, diciembre 02, 2015

Benjamín Fulford - 01-12-15. Según lo prometido, los Illuminati ofrecen un pavo (Turkey=Turquía) de acción de gracias a trozos, mientras que los líderes del mundo hablan de gasolina en París

01 Dec

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/12/01/as-promised-the-illuminati-offer-a-carved-up-turkey-for-thanksgiving-while-world-leaders-talk-gas-in-paris/

Los Illuminati (Gnósticos), a través de su “gran maestro” Alexander Romanov, prometieron una sorpresa para el día de Acción de Gracias de este año y hasta nos dio una idea de lo que sería, mostrando un mapa de Turquía en su página web. Ahora fuentes del Pentágono dicen que Turquía va a pagar por haber financiado a Isis y sus agresiones en Oriente Medio mediante la confiscación de grandes extensiones de su territorio. Tanto los Illuminati como fuentes del Pentágono dicen que lo mismo le va a pasar a Israel. Dicen que Arabia Saudita, por su parte, dejará de existir como el parque de recreo de propiedad privada de la familia saudita.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, December 02, 2015

This is a morning when you can look around you and see that there is a lot of wonderful energy in your world. Or you can look around and see that there is a lot of sorrow and chagrin in your world. Which would you rather see? Is it a world that you would choose to create and enjoy, or is it a world that brings you the opportunity to go from here and build it more it more as it feels the best for you?

Kryon - "Soul Planning" October 18, 2015 Montreal, QC, Canada

martes, diciembre 01, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (Codings) Part 09

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Uriel - December 1, 2015

12:12 ~ The Awakening of the Transcendent Heart 

Dear Ones,

In an explosion of Unity consciousness, the Christed Light is ignited within your High Heart on December 12. In the Light Field of the Transcendent Heart, new life begins to awaken; a life that transcends the old ways of belief and opens doorways into Unconditional Love. This is a power so sweet that compassion fills every corner of your consciousness.

Every year, the field of the Christed Light enters on the twelfth day of the twelfth month to open the world to love and compassion, to forgiveness and choice. You have all experienced the sense of innocent hearts opening around the holidays. This is the Christed Light, which can now embody the transcendent heart of those who are present for the 12:12 empowerment.

RONNA - “Accediendo Al Potencial Más Elevado De Su Poder” - Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Amados Maestros, la meta de la Ascensión para la humanidad, dentro de esta era de experiencia terrenal, es la de integrar todos los Fragmentos remanentes del Alma del Yo Almico individual dentro de las Dimensiones Tercera y Cuarta. Esto iniciará una reunión con su Tríada Espiritual, una Faceta Sagrada de su Yo Divino, que espera el regreso de ustedes dentro de este primer sub-plano de la Quinta Dimensión. Esta es la meta principal de la humanidad para esta ronda de la evolución.

Jahn J Kassl - STOCK TAKING OF END TIME, SANANDA - Dec 1, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Report: I am in Vienna, initially in the 2nd district, then in the

1st district. Thereby I observe the human Beings walking past
me; their facial expression, their behavior, and how and what
they speak. While in the 2nd district the manner of expression
is less refined, in the first district mostly „Schönbrunner-Deutsch“
is spoken. (Schönbrunner Deutsch is the form of High German,
which after the late 18th century was spoken in the Viennese
imperial residence. Wikipedia)

Jennifer Hoffman - December 2015 Energy Report

December brings quite a lot of action in a month that is typically a time to relax and focus on holiday gifts and gatherings, and preparing for the new year. But while we’re decorating the tree and singing holiday songs, there is a lot happening under the surface. The last month of 2015 can be the ‘end’ of many things, a deciding moment between the past and the future, as we get a life review this month too, as many decades of cycles come around again, just to make sure we have made a choice we like and are happy with. December’s energy can be like good Scrooge or bad Scrooge, but it will definitely be exciting.

James Tyberonn - Sacred Canada & The Michael Vortex of Banff

Lisa Transcendence Brown - December 2015 Energy Report: The word is POWERFUL