jueves, julio 16, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - July 13, 2015: Full scale cyber war erupts in wake of Greek default, Pentagon takes on Khazarian mafia

The Greek default has triggered major cyber and information warfare that raged across the world last week. The warfare involved banks, defense firms, major stock markets, telecommunications firms and more.

For example, the July 8th cyber-attack that shut down the New York Stock Exchange, the Wall Street Journal, United Airlines and several mobile phone companies was retaliation for an American attack on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, according to Chinese and Pentagon sources. “This was just a dry run,” the Pentagon sources said.

The Greek default essentially bankrupted the IMF, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Board, even though the officials of these agencies are still ignoring this elephant in their room and pretending it is not so. However, the reason they are ignoring a Greek No vote and threatening the Greek government with violence unless they loot Greece to save them is because they simply do not have the money needed to keep Greece or themselves going. As we will discuss further later down, the Greek situation is rapidly morphing into full scale revolution.

miércoles, julio 15, 2015

Steve Rother - Subtle Influences ~ The Dwarf Planets Ceres and Pluto - July 15, 2015

Greetings from Home, Dear Ones.
This day is a magic time. You have changed so much on your planet; you have shifted so much energy that you are seeing it happen right in front of your eyes. It is magical and we applaud all the humans and also the Family of E for the incredible work you have done over many lifetimes. You are here to help people re-member their power. Well done, humans.
The Six Parental Races
There is still much work to do. Although there is a great deal that we wish to share with you, you have now started to uncover your own history. It was not that long ago, dear ones, that you sent your first space probe to Mars. You will discover different forms of life on Mars that will help you understand a bit more about the six parental races that began with Earth. Now they did not create Earth—let us make that very clear--you did. You are the spirits, dear ones, there from the very beginning nurturing this beautiful, hot ball of magma floating in space the third rock from the sun. You were not in physical bodies, which  would not exist on the planet then. However,  you were in light bodies and you nurtured Earth. Many of you have done this with several other planets that have evolved throughout the universe that now have life. This is a beautiful story because when you start to understand what some of this is about, you will be looking at your own history on planet Earth. Ever since we mentioned there were six parental races, you have wanted to know who they are. Everyone has their own ideas about the original races, yet it is very difficult for us to give you those names. When we give you a name such as Sirius, Pleiades, or any of the other ones which you have labeled, understand that these are human names which are placed upon these stars. The interesting part is that there is a rhythm that connects them all. Some believe that these names and stories have been made up. Neither is the case, for it is simply an interpretation or another way to read the same story. Now you are starting to uncover the rest of the story and beginning to understand the process, which is very exciting.

Suxanne Lie - The Arcturians - The Two-Way Circuit Home - July 15, 2015

The Arcturians 

Dear Ascending Ones,

We the Arcturians are always happy to answer some of the questions that we have perceived in the consciousness of our volunteers to Earth. We will not state the questions, but we will directly address the answers. Our answers will be perceived differently when you are in different states of consciousness.

For example, in your 3D beta wave state of consciousness you may think that you know the Truth, but when you are in your 4D alpha or, especially, your 5D gamma wave consciousness, you will know that you must live the truth.

Knowing the truth, or what you currently perceive as the truth, is based on time because it is a third dimensional interpretation of inter-dimensional information/experience.

Lena Stevens - Actualización De Luna Nueva - 15-7-15

14 de Julio 2014

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Nueva es el miércoles 15 de julio a las 7:24 PM Horario de Verano de las Montañas

Este es un tiempo de evaluación y de decir la verdad. Esta Luna Nueva también puede traer algo completamente inesperado a su vida. Sea lo que sea, véanlo como un regalo y permitan que los ancle a ustedes en algo totalmente nuevo. Permitan que los otros les apoyen en este tiempo con aquello que ustedes necesiten.

No anticipen o esperen que las cosas sean de una cierta forma solamente porque han sido así durante las últimas semanas. Acepten el cambio. Si su vida ha sido difícil, abracen la calma. Un asunto no resuelto puede de pronto disolverse. Una limitación percibida puede perder su asidero en ustedes. Dediquen algún tiempo en esta luna nueva con un enfoque en la expansión de su contenedor más allá de lo que consideren como cierto. ¡Cualquier cosa es posible!

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción a “El Estado del Alma Antigua – Informe de la Mitad de 2015” - Laguna Hills, California, 4 de julio 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Una y otra vez he dicho esto. Durante más de una hora han oído la voz de mi socio; él se sienta y se vuelve otro. No está en el paradigma de tu realidad. Algunos incluso lo han llamado "culto", a causa de su extrañeza, simplemente porque no están acostumbrados a esto. Hay algunos que van y meditan y oran, se sientan quietos en su momento de silencio, sienten el amor de Dios; les llega una abrumadora sensación de paz y alegría, de que todas las cosas están bien. Les llega la energía de la sanación. Algunos la sienten ahora. Y lo último que harán es cuestionarla como extraña, o rara, o inapropiada: todo lo que sienten es la mano de Dios tomando la suya. Su corazón emotivo se consuela y se acostumbran a todas estas cosas por sí mismos.

Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - New Moon Report for 7/15/15

The Reframe. The Release. The Return to Essence. 
Hello Cosmic friends and welcome to another new moon. This one's got quite a bit going on and of course I'll tell you why. It's been speaking to me for awhile now and I've been listening.
I know the watery (6 planets in water) astrological landscape has some people running for cover, but there really isn't reason for alarm. This new moon provides us with a excellent spiritual opportunity. Remember dear ones, that Cancer is the great natural psychotherapist. On New Moon day we will have Mars, Mercury, Sun and Moon in that particular sign energy. The Shadow energy being cranky, overly sensitive and defensive. Also, using humor as sarcasm and attack, "I was only joking." The light side being highly intuitive, healing, attentive and nurturing. It is the sign of the Lunar Goddess and the Divine Mother.


Ron Head - Go for it! – The Council - July 15, 2015

The Council
What will you create today? You are a creator being, fashioned in the likeness of the Being who created you and you have been given free will. Let’s explore for a short while some of what that might mean.
Let us begin by stating that you will create something. The one thing that you cannot create is nothing. You will have thoughts. You will make decisions. You will have experiences and you will form opinions. You may decide to actually turn some of your thoughts into physical things. But even though that is likely how you think of creating, all the rest is creating, as well.

Newest closeup images of Pluto reveals ice mountains on its Surface

Crop Circles 2015 - Rollright Stones, Rollright, Oxfordshire - UK - 15th july 2015 - UFO