sábado, junio 13, 2015

Kryon "Who You Are" - Sedona, Arizona Wednesday - Thursday - June 4, 2015

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ You are chemically and biologically part of all things


As we get closer to the summer solstice Time will shift in accordance with new laws of physics that are on the edge of being discovered. Allowing us to change all possibilities.

 In an average human 24 hour day there is 86,400 seconds. In an average day see yourself having approximately 86,400 thoughts at the speed of the light.

If you were given a penny for every thought on an average earth day, you would accrue $864 per day.  Multiply that by seven days and you will accrue, per penny, per thought, $6048 per week. 

Multiply that per month and you will have accrued $24,192 per month just by having a penny for your thoughts. 

Gillian MacBeth- Louthan ~ Each kindness that you do travels thru space and time touching all

From Your Hostess of Light, Gillian

Lately we have all walked thru many layers of fear as we come into more of our unearthed selves. Just like the shifting earth we do not remain the same for very long. We stand face to face with every inch of ourselves, knowing that our bodies are storage devices of unspent energies and unopened truths.

Energies that are now being asked to be dissolves. Like jello sitting out on a hot day, we are all letting go and most of that has been liquid!  Parts of ourselves surface like shifting sands and we come face to face with parts of our selves we have not known. We gasp as we see shades of our other selves making themselves seen.  Even if you have released and released every darn lifetime/ past present an future, parts of our unknown selves surface, like we are releasing multidimensional lives not just one.  The very matrix has shifted and humanities thoughts have risen in accordance with their desires.

viernes, junio 12, 2015

Natalie Glasson ~ ¨Peace of mind ~Vywumus - Jun 12, 2015

Peace of mind is an aspect of ascension which many strive to achieve wishing to bring stillness and quietness to their thought forms with a presence of peace emanating from their mental bodies. Peace of mind is a state of being which indicates a greater connection and resonance with the Creator due to the mind’s inability, when in this state, to be distracted or confused. To many existing upon the Earth experiencing peace and stillness within their minds is a luxury which seems unobtainable and imaginary, yet such a state within your mental body is already present within your being and simply requires your focus and acceptance.

Crop circles 2015 - Dondukovskoy, Adygea, Russia - 7 June

7 June 2015 crop circle: Pontecurone, Alessandria, Italy

Suzanne Lie - All That Is Within The NOW!

Love Song from Venus/Heart Healing~Shekina Rose Singing the Angelic language

The Pleiadian Network - Leave Fear Behind - June 12, 2015

Good morning, we are here, give us a moment. It is June 12, 2015, Mercury going Direct. Let us begin.
We have not had many opportunities to chat with you lately, partly this has been designed because of the Mercury Retrograde, but also it has been designed to give you time to experience. When we come in with our point of view, with our take on things, sometimes it can prevent you or take away from an experience.
You know when you teach someone to ride a bicycle, there is times when you are very close, you hover, and you are holding onto the bicycling, and you’re helping the person pedal and stuff, but then there comes a time when you must let go and let that person pedal and ride the bicycle themselves. And maybe you can come back in and help them if they try to turn and it’s difficult to turn, but eventually they will get to a point where you can let them go on the bicycle on their own, and this was that kind of time.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – June 12, 2015

A Message to Lightworkers – June 12, 2015
The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:
Greetings! We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you in this astounding and joyful time upon the Earth.
We are aware that much appears to be in disorder.
We have spoken before of the negative slant of the news media and the entertainment media.
Yes, there is still a glorification of war on many levels, and a glorification, among individuals and communities, of a twisted sense of masculinity—that which deals in defensive, egoic posturing and threats, if not outright violence.
And we would say, that you are living in the very last moments of this patriarchal, unequal and unjust world, and that there is so much to celebrate now, that you would not believe us if we listed all of the blessings and good will being poured out upon you.