sábado, abril 04, 2015

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Abril del 201 - 1 de Abril 2015

1 de Abril 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El Tema para Abril es “Arriba, Abajo, de Costado: Esperen lo Inesperado”

Este es ciertamente un mes excéntrico que los pondrá a prueba a cada momento. Habrá altas y bajas, superiores a las experimentadas antes e inferiores a las que nunca pensaron podrían manejar. La flexibilidad será la clave para navegar el mes al cambiar sus planes mejor diseñados y entonces cambiar de nuevo y de nuevo.

No se apeguen a nada. Parte del trabajo del mes radica en la liberación de sus apegos al pasado. Si están esperando que todo esto termine para que las cosas regresen a la normalidad, estarán esperando largo tiempo. No hay vuelta atrás y sus apegos solamente pesarán sobre ustedes y obstaculizarán las experiencias superiores que ofrecen inspiración para crear algo nuevo y maravilloso en su vida. Esperar que las cosas regresen al nivel de su zona de comodidad no es hacer un uso productivo de su tiempo y energía este mes. Es mejor que tomen una respiración y se lancen a lo desconocido.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 4 April 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is in your heart at all times, both desire and resistance to the very same. There is love and there is fear. It is your choice upon the earth to focus upon that which you love, and to use the power of your free will to overcome the fear and resistance to the very same.
For example, suppose God puts a desire for a vacation in your heart. You love the idea. You dream of taking time to relax at the mountains of the beach, but then in the very next breath the voices of doubt, fear, and resistance begin to negate your God give right to receive help and assistance from the heavens. “I have no time.” “Everyone depends on me.” “How on earth will I ever afford that?” Subtly, and no so subtly, the doubts negate the idea and the desire that God planted in your heart. It is here that you can exercise the power of your free will, and choose to align your mind with love, with a greater truth! “Dear God, you gave me the desire for this vacation. I trust in the right way and right time, you will provide the means, the pathway, and everything I need to enjoy it. Thank you God in advance for your abundance and grace.” And then, dear ones, whenever the voices of doubt attempt to negate this desire, speak up! Speak truth. Align your hearts with love. If you cannot do so yourself, ask your angels for help.

Lena Stevens - Actualización De Luna Llena/Eclipe Del 4-4-15 - 2 de Abril 2015

2 de Abril 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,
La Luna Llena y Eclipse Lunar Total es el sábado, 4 de abril a las 6:05 AM MDT

Los que están en su recorrido, véanlo si pueden. Honren este evento como un marcador de enormes oportunidades para cambiar no solo a ustedes sino también al planeta. Este es el segundo de dos eclipses y cierra un período de gran intensidad para la mayoría de nosotros y nos lanza a un nuevo ciclo. Respecto a la oportunidad de cambio, no necesitan saber lo que cambia. Todo lo que deben hacer es intentar con su corazón y espíritu permitir el cambio más positivo posible aceptando la incomodidad de los altibajos de los eventos inesperados que siguen.

Steve Rother - ~ Quince Minutos de Magia ~ 17 de marzo de 2015

~Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar~

Nota: el siguiente mensaje ha sido recanalizado y editado con la supervisión del Grupo para lograr una mayor claridad en este formato.

Saludos queridos. Soy el Guardián del Tiempo.

Oleadas de energía

Estoy aquí en este día para compartir con ustedes lo que está sucediendo en este, su planeta mágico. Lo están cambiando todo a cada instante y observarlo es muy mágico. Como lo hemos mencionado, todo esto viene en una oleada que también retrocede. Muchas de sus dificultades ocurren en la oleada de energía, a medida que esta llega. Afortunadamente, nunca retrocede completamente como las de los océanos, pero de alguna manera siempre se las arregla para llegar un poquito más lejos cada vez que entran las olas. Esto es parte de la nueva física que comenzará a tener sentido a medida que empiecen a comprender el propósito de la energía oscura. Están a punto de descubrir que comprenden mejor el mundo que les rodea y todos sus múltiples niveles dimensionales. Queridos, están sucediendo cosas mágicas en la Tierra.

La energía del agua

Hemos mencionado antes que se están presentando muchos hundimientos súbitos del terreno en la Tierra. De repente, la Tierra literalmente se abre… El otro día vimos a dos personas que bajaron del autobús y cayeron en un hueco en la acera. Interesante. ¿Qué causa esto? Bueno, es un fenómeno que está sucediendo en todo el mundo relacionado con las corrientes y energías del agua subterránea del planeta Tierra. Van a ver más de estos hundimientos y ellos también se presentan en esas oleadas, queridos. Esa es la magia que compartimos con ustedes. Cuando aprendan acerca de las oleadas y las puedan sentir, no necesitarán saber exactamente cuándo llegan o cómo estar en la mejor posición para recibirlas. Sencillamente empezarán a sentir la energía, y eso es lo que están experimentando en la Tierra en estos momentos.

viernes, abril 03, 2015

Chat & a channel 2 Special guests: White Cloud AND The Federation of Light.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Christed Blood Moon” – 3 April 2015

DjwhalKhulApril 2, 2015
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. One moment here while I get a little bit deeper into the channel and get better command over the voice. Alright. There.
This week is quite exciting and quite challenging at the same time. Essentially we have the Full Moon which is the first of the three sacred esoteric moons. So the Full Moon of the Christ is also a Blood Moon and marking the Feast of Passover. So we have the third of four blood moons, the next one is coming Sukkot Feast of Tabernacles and that will be towards the end of September.
When these things are affecting everyone, what is happening is more Christed consciousness is flooding the ethers. People are receiving a lot more white light essentially, which means positive energy so you can do whatever you want with the positive energy.

Quan Yin's message: The Christ Heart of Compassion & Forgiveness, the Power of Redemption

jueves, abril 02, 2015

Lena Stevens - Full Moon/Eclipse Update 4-4-15 - Apr 2, 2015

Dear Friends,

The Full Moon and total Lunar Eclipse is Saturday, April 4 at 6:05 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

Those of you in the path of viewing, see it if you can. Honor this event as a marker of huge opportunities for change not only for yourself but also for the planet. This is the second of two eclipses and closes a period of great intensity for most of us and launches us into a new cycle. Regarding the opportunity for change, you do not need to know what is changing. All you need to do is to intend with your heart and your spirit to allow for the most positive change possible and be willing to go through the discomfort of the ups and downs of the unexpected events that may follow.
This is an exciting time and one that opens a great portal to a new experience of living your life at a higher level of abundance and satisfaction. Keep your vibration high, be around friends and community this weekend and celebrate spring and all things new. It would also be useful to do some ceremony, prayer, dreaming, and intentional letting go during this time.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - April 2, 2015

April 2, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as protection. As one grows in their spiritual light, awareness and knowledge, they come to the realization that they must develop their spiritual skills impeccably. It is also their task and theirs alone to gain knowledge about how to use these skills. Their new awareness and knowledge must be used with conscious intent and emotional control. The daily use of invoking and calling upon spiritual protection is important in the life of every aspirant upon the spiritual path to prevent negative energy from influencing them and doing harm to them. By visualizing a protective sphere of brilliant white light completely surrounding one’s being until it is bright and glowing helps to form a solid barrier of protection that negativity cannot cross. By verbally stating that one is surrounded with the pure white light often throughout the day, it helps to create a strong shield of protection. This protection will stay with each individual always, as long as it is daily reinforced through one’s focus and intent. One can use this method of protection to surround and protect their family members, their homes, their vehicles, and their pets.

Benjamin Fulford - March 30, 2015: Proposal for world federation has now been passed on to key power centers

The White Dragon Society has proposed the creation of a world federation (not a fascist New World Order) in order to achieve permanent world peace and start a golden age of unprecedented progress and prosperity. The proposal was made, during ongoing secret negotiations, to the Pentagon, the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Commonwealth and other power centers.

Under this proposal, the United Nations Security council would be replaced by people representing the political consensus of seven major regional groupings. These would be Africa, China, East Asia excluding China, Europe including Russia, India, the Muslim world and North plus South America. Decisions would be made by a majority and each region would have a veto only for its own region. Each region would also have its own meritocratically staffed future planning agency and people owned central bank.