domingo, mayo 04, 2014

Direct Contact to Subconsciousness resp.” Your Higher Self ” has now been activated — Gaia through Marc Gamma – 04-05.2014

Dear humans, this is Mother Earth speaking to you and today I submit to you some particular message with merry tidings!
With this script I want to show you some easy measure how you – on your very own – may find some direct and easy access to your subconsciousness resp. to your own Higher Self.

When time and years of life ravage on you – you will find it a matter of course to go forward too. Now, what is meant by such expression so much used by you too?  It refers to something being clear and distinctive to all of you. It is your death that is meant by it – the physical one, reminding you that your body is of mortal character. Yet it is actually only your physical body being left here – however your soul will go on living on and on and on.

John Smallman - Beware of unsought advice or guidance because it is generally the result of another’s ego demanding your attention. May 4, 2014

As you wait patiently for the great event keep on reminding yourselves that its arrival is inevitable and imminent and that any doubts or anxieties you may have are unfounded because the Will of God is always perfectly achieved. Within the illusion it is hard for you to remain patient, but you are doing very well, even though your ability to perceive the big picture while enmeshed within it is severely compromised. You are having to rely on faith to see you through these tense times, and that is one of many reasons why you are so highly honored. If you feel in need of further encouragement and support in holding and displaying the Light, your Light, then talk with friends who are also following a spiritual path and exchange information with them, and tell them about uplifting spiritual sites you have found because sharing and exchanging information strengthens your individual energy fields so that even more Love flows through you to further assist in bringing all to awakening.

NESARA is much more and this has to be made known now everywhere – St. Germain through Marc Gamma – dated 04.30.2014

NESARA is much more and this has to be made known now everywhere – St. Germain through Marc Gamma – dated 04.30.2014
My beloved humans here on earth – this is I “The Ascended Master St.Germain” speaking to you:
I am greeting you and I do welcome all of you here after a short lapse of my absence. Today I have a wonderful message for you – and it is as always some message of Love – but foremost it will deal with information about NESARA.
However, before I start here I should like to make some tiny introduction since I want to wake up certain lightworking people – awaken them so that they may become aware that it is not them having eaten all wisdom with big spoonsas you have to comprehend that even experienced lightworkers have to stay in their hearts. They also have to listen to their heart and soul so that they are not misled in some way. NESARA is a matter of inner hearts and will take place in human inner hearts too.
Please, comprehend – if you judge on people or about them – this always takes place in your mind and not in your heart.

The Lie NASA Told - The Imminent Demise of the NWO

They don't want you to know how strong YOU are. It's time.

Time Travel, Time Machine, Journey through Time - Full Disclosure

James Tyberonn ~ Star-Gates – Teachers & Gateways - May 4 2014

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light ! We greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love ! We welcome each of you, individually, as you read these words. 2014 continues to be an extraordinary year, and one of challenges and intensities. The solar reversal has affected many of you in manners not fully acknowledged, and this has been amplified with solar radiation. Masters all of this is purposed, and the 2nd half of 2014 will be much easier for all of you, relative to the first half. All of these astro-wave insertions are benevolent and with purposethese are part of the crystalline shift.
With the diminishing of the magnetic grid, and the emergence of the 144 Crystalline Grid, Arizona and Arkansas are now the most potent crystalline portals in North America.

sábado, mayo 03, 2014

Karen Dover - GOD message for 2nd May 2014 - May 2, 2014

Beloved ones, I am the energies that are known in the context of GOD and I AM here with YOU as YOU now adjust and come back into HARMONY and BALANCE at a very human conscious waking mind level. The movement now intensifying and the expansion now beyond any experience that YOU have endured within the old 3D earth created CONTAINMENT FIELD.  The movement of my CHILDREN and FAMILY into place now rapidly and swiftly expands and multiplies and I GIFT to my FAMILY :

fenomeno extrañisimo, ovni ??? invisible? bajo el agua?

The Suppressed 1974 Mexican UFO Crash