Peace Seeds by Archangel Michael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson –
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa Greetings and love, I Archangel Michael, extend to your being now. It is an honour to be in your presence and to bring forth the gifts of the Creator through my being. Today I wish to bring forward seeds of peace. I wish to speak of the vibration of peace and its seeding into the Earth.
You are a radiant beacon of light; you are an anchor of the Creator's light, and it is your purpose and your natural ability to express the Creator’s energy and light through your being. As you focus more upon the expression of the Creator so more light, love, wisdom and truth will be attracted to you, flowing through your being to be expressed into your reality. Deep within your being there is a Seat of Peace. It is where the essence of the Creator's peace at the vibration you currently connect with and remembering is present. This vibration of peace is like a sanctuary, it is like a well, a source of peace. It is a space that you can enter to recover, to rejuvenate, and to remember the truth of the Creator. This Seat of Peace fills your being with peace. It energises your being with the vibration of peace that is aligned with your current being. The more you connect with this Seat of Peace within your being, the more you will attract higher vibrations of peace to flow over and through your being to heighten your Seat of Peace. Heighten your experience of peace in your reality, allowing your energy and vibration of peace to quicken and increase will support you in exploring and embodying deeper states of peace, understanding, and acknowledging the presence of the Creator's peace.