martes, junio 21, 2016

Suzanne Lie - the Pleiadians - PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT Chapter 10 - Peeking Into The Fifth Dimension


By the Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie

Peeking Into The Fifth Dimension

We Pleiadians are all “a-buzz” in preparation for our next phase of contact. What that next phase is will depend greatly on whether or not our friends and family on Earth are ready for a clearer, more third dimensional experience of our presence in their reality. First off, I would like to explain my statement about our “friends and family.”

As you may know, many of us have taken an earth vessel for a certain amount of your “time.” During that “time” we made friends that were as close as our Pleiadian family on the Ship. When we returned to our true Pleiadian self on the Ship, we invited you, our earth-friends, to join us on the Ship in your fourth-dimensional night body.

Many of you have indeed visited us on the Ship in your fourth-dimensional, astral body while your physical form slept. Some of you have come to the Ship to use our “Regeneration Chamber” to heal an illness or injury. Others have come to attend one of our many educational meetings, or to just visit your friends.

Kara Schallock - The Soulstice Full Moon Gateway - June 21, 2016

It was my "plan" and intention to write this Note before the Soulstice Full Moon Gateway, knowing that celestial events don’t necessarily happen on Earth’s exact timetable. I was guided not to; my energy was reeling from the powerful calibrations of the Gateway, so was told to rest. So I thought, “I’ll write about it on the day of the Gateway;” yet by then the energies were really flowing, knocking me off my feet on the day of the Gateway. The energies had really really knocked me out. I am reminded that we can make plans yet flow with the energy, for plans may shift. Plans and intentions simply do not fit into the New. We can have an idea, yet it is best to follow our energy, for it will guide us. There just is no room for set plans and intentions, for while they may come from our desire to express Divine Will, they really are based in the intellect and there is no control or making something occur when your energy is not aligned with what is.

Dana Mrkich - Galactic Centre Full Moon - June 21, 2016

With Monday's Full Moon (20 June) on the degree of the Galactic Centre, this week is one of closure and new beginnings. Because it involves the Galactic Centre, we are talking about major karmic closure, soul contracts ending, huge chapters of our lives and soul evolutionary path transitioning into new cycles.
This feels like a 'line in the sand' kind of week, where you are feeling compelled from within, or being triggered by the outer, to say enough is enough. Maybe you need to change your life somehow, or change something about how you live your life. Maybe this change has been a long time coming, but suddenly something that no longer works or fits feels like an itchy scratchy jumper that you have to fling off once and for all.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Soulstice to Equinox: acceleration of creation - June 21, 2016

Happy summer/winter people of HEART! But that’s not even the best news. The best news is that Mars is f.i.n.a.l.l.y. fixin’ to turn direct (June 29) and we are THIS close to completing quite a legendary (physical) transmutation cycle in preparation to receive more of our soul Self in form. If you can remember back to when Mars turned retrograde (April 17th) I am sure that particular theme of your personal transcension expedition is quite obvious to you by now…i.e. those places in your physical body and/or reality that you needed to shift/rise above in order to fully open the (new) flow of life force.

This particular leg of the journey has been so challenging and complex because it involves the densest layer of our existence…it also been filled both with ecstatic highs and excruciating lows. This is to be expected as we depolarize at the physical level, but it is still quite an experience to behold as our human existence merges with our divine essence.

Selacia - Mensaje de esperanza de la estación de Wesak - 14 de Junio 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

En los últimos días hemos experimentado un nuevo nivel de intensidad, no sólo en cuestiones políticas; también la humanidad está enfrentando algunas de las cuestiones más antiguas y oscuras relativas a la violencia, la sexualidad y al uso equivocado de la religión.

La matanza de Orlando - Un ejemplo ha sido la masacre en el club gay de Orlando, Florida. Dicho incidente contiene los tres elementos mencionados y se considera el tiroteo más mortífero de la historia de Estados Unidos.

El papel de los Divinos Hacedores de Cambios

Los medios de comunicación ofrecerán infinidad de interpretaciones acerca de su significado y de cómo evitar que vuelva a suceder algo semejante. Como Divinos Hacedores de Cambios, hagan lo posible para permanecer despiertos en medio del revuelo social que despiertan cuestiones de esta envergadura. No se trata sólo de América; vivimos en un mundo donde el odio se expresa de infinitas maneras..

lunes, junio 20, 2016

Brenda Hoffman - Rest – You’ve Achieved Your Gold Medal - June 20, 2016

Dear Ones,
Please know the glorious day it is. Perhaps you are not feeling the glory of earth at this time, but you will. For the Universal energies of love and self-love are now reigning down in full force.
Some of you fear these energies because you do not yet fully understand what self-love means for you, so you are disguising your self-love with snippets of anger towards those you find in your path. A bit like winning an Olympic gold medal and finding yourself irritated because you have no idea what your life will look and feel like once you are not pushing to win that gold medal.
This irritation that pops up now and then within you and directed towards others seems unreasonable even to you. You have the life that you created or are creating. You climbed your mountain and rolled down your hill of self-discovery. And you note that those around you display indications of shifting into their new beings.
You should be celebrating – yet, there is a feeling of discomfort, of something not quite right, of, “I did all that for this?”
Such thoughts and actions are merely your exhale from the months, years or even decades of swimming upstream despite indications that you were wrong and society was right, that what you were experiencing in 3D was all that there was and ever would be.
Think of an infant having a wonderful day at the beach laughing, building sand castles and playing in the water. But because of that joyful day, they are so tired they are unusually cranky. And so it is, and so you are.

Kryon "Crystal Channelling" Parts I & II, 2016

Kryon "The Crystalline Choir" 2016

Kryon "Crystal Channelling" Parts III & IV, 2016

Kryon "The Three Amigos" Q&A Session, 2016