miércoles, diciembre 25, 2013

10 Spiritually Transmitted Diseases

It is a jungle out there, and it is no less true about spiritual life than any other aspect of life. Do we really think that just because someone has been meditating for five years, or doing 10 years of yoga practice, that they will be any less neurotic than the next person? At best, perhaps they will be a little bit more aware of it. A little bit.

Judy Satori - Christmas Message from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua - Dec 2




Christmas Message from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua

Peace, love and gratitude to you all. May your year in 2014 be bright and blessed.
Click Here to Listen
(To download - Right Click and choose Save Target As)

martes, diciembre 24, 2013

Angelic Guides – “A look ahead: The year of 2014″ - Taryn Crimi - “Un Vistazo Adelante: El Año 2014″ - 22-12-2013

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the year of 2014. As many of you know we do not particularly like to give “future predictions” simply because your future is not set; rather it is constantly changing based on the decisions you make in the now moment. However the “future” energy of the human collective is far more stable than any one individual is. The reason being is that it is based on the decisions of the masses, rather than simply one individual’s choices. We will not focus upon events or occurrences, but rather the energy and experiences that will likely manifest continually in each of your lives over the course of this next year; your calendar year of 2014.

Wes Annac - Planetary Healing: The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius – Part 2 - Dec 24, 2013

The following was written by Wes Annac for the “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.
Continued from last week’s Age of Aquarius discussion.
Beyond what I and Wikipedia have already described, what are some other traits of the Age of Aquarius? What else could we potentially expect to see as we go about this shift? 2012 Spiritual Growth Prophecies explains.

Brenda Hoffman – Merry NEW Holidays To Us – 24 December 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s December 22, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: As was true in puberty, you’re changing hourly. Those people you might not enjoy today, may feel right tomorrow. All entities throughout the globe are evolving even if they elected not to be part of new earth. As was true for most in puberty, there are no earthly parents encouraging you to be. Your higher self, inner-being, spirit guide, angels, etc. are functioning in that role during this transition. 
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Join the Sparkle Fest”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

After 100 Years Of Failure, It’s Time To End The Fed!

From: againstcronycapitalism.org
Indeed. End the Fed.
Sounds so radical doesn’t it? Isn’t the Federal Reserve there to smooth out the economy, to stabilize the currency? To make sure the world doesn’t blow up?
What if I told you that it doesn’t smooth out the business cycle, but exacerbates it. That the dollar has lost 95% of its value since the establishment of the Federal Reserve. And that the world has “blown up” multiple times under the Fed regime? The world is worse for having the Fed in it.
A reasonable person might ask, “Well, I don’t buy it. That’s not what I’ve been told. Wouldn’t things have been even worse without the Fed?”

Golden Age Messages from the Masters: Living in the Joy of the Season Part I ~ 12-22-13 posted December 23, 2013

Living in the now is living in the Presence, and living as the Presence of God embodied is truly the only everlasting joy there is in your world or any world! This is indeed simple to understand, yet truly living as the Presence of God and the mastery that goes along with living moment-to-moment in unconditional love has eluded the minds and hearts of humanity for untold centuries. We delight in sharing with you that the time has come for each of you to fully remember your origin ~ because in remembering your origin, you will know that you are on Earth to live as the glorious Presence of God that you truly ARE and that is a real cause to celebrate the joy of this season!

Julie Miller – El Morya: Being Consciously Aware of Your Speech Dec 24, 2013

http://goamusic.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/interfaith.jpg?w=535Being Consciously Aware of Your Speech
Received by Julie Miller, December 24, 2013
Your individual and unique power of speech is one of the most significant elements that distinguishes you from other species that you share your planet with.
The great use of this power provides you with opportunities to shine your qualities, thoughts, and feelings without being harmful to the ones you are expressing to.
What you say, how you say the words and the methods you use to communicate and how effectively you communicate makes a great difference when interacting with others.
It is your intention behind your speech that will come through your verbal and written words, and this intention does not go unnoticed as your intention carries its own energy that is an important part of your ability to communicate effectively.

Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica les desea una muy Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo 2014 - Dic 24, 2013

Que el espíritu de Amor y Paz reinen en sus corazones 


Catherine Victoria - Never give up on yourself. Remember how special you are. - Dec 24, 2013

Never give up on yourself. Although, it is people who are so different that often do. Because they don’t always see how special they are because they are different. In this world it least. And sometimes, we get lost. But if you let yourself shine, and stand strong, you cannot be lost because your light won’t let you.