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sábado, julio 02, 2022

Natalia Alba - We are heading into the 7/7 Sirian Portal - July 2, 2022

Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the 7/7 Sirian Portal, a wisdom passage that opens the Lion's Gateway and that has been gradually introduced by the Solstice's benevolent energies. This year we are receiving seventh-dimensional frequencies, from not just our Sirian family, but also from our Arcturian ones, for they are also very involved in our evolution. Our planet is receiving assistance to continue opening more and more to its new harmonic dimensional location, as well as all who desire to follow it, in its evolutionary journey.

Sirians and Arcturians are highly evolved seventh-dimensional beings with the appropriate light technology to help us remove, in our non-physical bodies, the debris, imbalances, implants, etc. required for us to be able to retrieve the purity and healing that we so desire to have.