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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Yeshi. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, julio 09, 2021

Jennifer Crokaert - Yeshi: The role of the ‘sleepers’ - July 9, 2021


 Yeshi: The role of the ‘sleepers’

Many are in crisis, which can feel painful. You see the naked truth of ‘reality’ as presented in this matrix, and you are also being presented with the truth of you. The difference between the external and internal ‘truths’ is heart-breaking.

Many no longer know where to turn, who to trust, how to cope and how to continue on. This is humanity’s dark night of the soul, and you lightworkers are holding much of the pain and tension that others are currently unable to. Their seeming inability to process what is happening is not stubbornness, ignorance or arrogence. It is a part of the divine plan. This process of evolution has to strip away everything, absolutely everything associated with all lies and distortions for ions past. It is part of the process of rebalance and it cannot be rushed or avoided.