Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Rayos de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Rayos de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, julio 10, 2024

Natalia Alba - As our planet continues undergoing the Emerald retrieval - Jul 10, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As our planet continues undergoing the Emerald retrieval that started months ago and whose peak will be on the triple 888, many of you are now contributing to assist on this Emerald anchoring. There are key locations you will be guided, as Emerald holders and anchors, to help in grounding the Emerald Ray now descending upon our planet, and supported by the White Elohim Guardians.

martes, mayo 21, 2024

Natalia Alba - Shoulder Blades Activation Light Code - May 21, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are now undergoing a massive opening, as you consciously reconnect and realign with your Divine Self. Opening and reactivating our shoulder portals blades is one of the most important inner tasks to achieve to prepare our light body for ascension, as when our shoulder portals are not fully opened, we cannot embody and retrieve the Indigo and Violet Rays, under which many of you have incarnated.

sábado, febrero 24, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are at a key phase in our ascension journey - Feb 24, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are at a key phase in our ascension journey, in which personal recalibration, rejuvenation, and stabilization is vital to be able to act as the loving, and healing emissaries that we came here to be. This is a personal task that today's Virgo moon together with Piscean energies, already among us, facilitates. Guides invite us to balance all aspects of ourselves before we can step into our planetary work, as the coming two months are going to be pivotal to working with the female and masculine earth's templates. This is why it is so important to hold the same balance within.

jueves, febrero 22, 2024

Natalia Alba - For the Blue Ray Essenes Descendants - Feb 22, 2024

 No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.

Beloved Ones,
There are many different galactic and earthly lineages among the ascending souls. We are all unique individuals with a specific mission. However, we all descend from the same Source. Blue Ray descendants are some of the many ascending beings among us who are of service to the planet, and humanity. Today, I would like to dedicate this post to the Blue Ray soul descendants from the Original Blue Flame of Creation, who are on the planet with the mission to restore the masculine and unify it with the female.

Natalia Alba - Planetary work for 222 - Uluru Earth´s Portal as a Cosmic Unifier - Feb 22, 2024


Beloved Ones,
During this month and especially today with the energies from the 222 passage, we have been immersed in the conscious recalibration and stabilization of our light bodies, planetary fabrics, and other structures that need assistance. Today, my Guides shared the importance of helping in the stabilization of the earth's representatives' feminine and masculine gates, helping in the neutralization of the distorted masculine through consicous neutralization, and hence, unification.

sábado, agosto 01, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Twelve Rays of Light - Aug 1, 2020

Dear Readers,

I suddenly found the below information from 12-31-12, and decided to share it with you 12 years later


First Ray of Light: Will

Second Ray of Light: Love

Third Ray of Light: Creative Intelligence