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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Pronósticos. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, diciembre 09, 2023

Natalia Alba - As we traverse this last month of the year - Dec 9, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As we traverse this last month of the year, we are approaching the Golden Portal, for it is how Guides name the passage that we are already feeling, introduced by the Sagittatian energies that surround us, the 12/12 portal, and that will culminate with the Solstice. A plasma-crystalline frequency that already bathes our planet and that is supported by the joyful and passionate Sagittarian New Moon, that will too square Neptune, already direct. Sagittarius represents the Golden frequency that we are immersed in, transmuting Fire into the Light of who we are.

viernes, diciembre 01, 2023

Natalia Alba - Tomorrow, we initiate a new harmonic and loving month - Dec 1, 2023


Beloved Ones,

Tomorrow, we initiate a new harmonic and loving month with wonderful energies that invite us to celebrate and focus on self-nurturance, family, and everything that makes us feel at home.

December offers us the gift of rejuvenation and soul communion, so we can, step by step, move into the next stage of monadic integration, taking place already and continuing during 2024.

jueves, noviembre 23, 2023

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Llena en Géminis Noviembre 2023


Casi hemos llegado al final del año calendario y, bajo la Luna Llena de noviembre, podemos comenzar a sentir que es hora de soltar y dejar ir cualquier pesadez que el 2023 nos haya traído.

Aunque todavía nos queda una Luna Llena más en diciembre, la Luna Llena de Géminis del 27 de noviembre nos guía para comenzar a pensar en lo que deseamos limpiar y lo que deseamos purgar.

sábado, noviembre 11, 2023

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Nueva de Escorpio Noviembre 2023


La Luna Nueva de Escorpio del 13 de noviembre tiene profundas y enredadas redes de energía que se extenderán hacia las partes más oscuras de nuestra alma y psique.

¿Qué está mal? ¿Qué está bien? ¿Cuál es el camino? Estas inquisitivas preguntas filosóficas danzarán en nuestras mentes bajo la Luna Oscura de noviembre, guiándonos a emprender el viaje hacia el laberinto de nuestro ser.

miércoles, noviembre 01, 2023

Natalia Alba - Today we enter into a new passage ruled by Scorpion energies and the 11:11 portal - Nov 1, 2023


Beloved Ones,

Today we enter into a new passage ruled by Scorpion energies and the 11:11 portal. A phase that will continue during the next two weeks. Guides shared that we are beginning the work on planetary reconstruction like never before in our human history, for it is now that we, as well as planet Earth, are prepared to move into a more illumined frequency.

During this time planetary workers will be immersed in helping remove false planetary technology created to separate and restore the authentic trinity geometry meant to bring us back into our true state of being - one of unity consciousness with All That Is.

martes, octubre 31, 2023

Natalia Alba - The Energies of November 2023 ~ Wings on the Ground - Oct 31, 2023



Beloved Ones,

As we end this seventh universal year of wisdom and profound light activations, we realize the many changes that we have experienced, from both a personal level and a planetary one. Polarity is being emphasized by the ones who desire to continue living in separation. At this time our planet is experiencing a massive holocaust clearing, in our timeline and other parallel ones. We are seeing the evidence of how the victim and victimizer roles are being highlighted, in an endless battle to regain control.

viernes, octubre 06, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - CATARSIS, CLARIDAD, CONGRUENCIA - Oct 1, 2023

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:

Sé que parece que estuviéramos en un ciclo interminable de caos, confusión y calamidad. El mundo se siente oscuro y estamos listos para que la luz entre y ilumine toda la oscuridad. Eso está sucediendo ahora, aunque no tan rápido como nos gustaría. Aunque sabemos que el caos es un subproducto de la desintegración y la confusión es parte de la trascensión del puente 4D, no es útil cuando has estado parado en el lado 5D de la 4D esperando que se enrolle el puente para que podamos continuar con el resto de nuestro viaje de ascensión.

lunes, octubre 02, 2023

Natalia Alba - New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra - Healing the Past - Oct 2, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As many of you are already feeling, October has begun with intense energies that prepare us for a major shift. Changes, on the opposite of what is often believed, come from our desire and inner work of transforming as a species, as nothing from the outer can really trigger any change if we first do not create it from the inside.

We soon will welcome the New Moon Solar - Annular - Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra, which represents the peak of the stabilizing frequencies received during September. We are shifting from the Nodal Axis Taurus/Scorpio, into the Aries/Libra one, having the last Eclipse in Taurus at the end of the month. We are asked now to move into a sovereign space, as Pluto, another important ally during this moon, together with Aries remind us, only achieved through inner balance, as Libra suggests to us.

sábado, septiembre 30, 2023

Natalia Alba - We welcome October - Sep 30, 2023


Beloved Ones,

We welcome October, one of the busiest months, astrologically speaking, of the year. We begin the month by having Mercury moving into the sign of Libra on October 4th. Mercury in Libra emphasizes the essence of October, as it is about bringing balance into our mental plane, as balance begins by holding the mental equilibrium and clarity required for us to make the necessary changes that we wish to create in our life experience.

domingo, septiembre 24, 2023

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Llena de Aries Octubre 2023


La Luna Llena de Aries ilumina el cielo el 29 de septiembre de 2023, cerrando el ciclo que comenzamos en marzo de este año.

Si nos remontamos a marzo de 2023, hubo una poderosa Luna Nueva en Aries, seguida de un Eclipse Solar de Luna Nueva en Aries en abril. Es probable que las intenciones que se establecieron en ese momento estén ahora en plena floración bajo esta Luna Llena de Aries.

martes, septiembre 12, 2023

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Nueva de Virgo Septiembre 2023


Al llegar la Luna Nueva de Virgo el 14 de septiembre del 2023, tenemos seis planetas principales retrógrados. La fuerte energía retrógrada bajo la Luna Nueva puede atraernos hacia dentro y hacia el pasado, haciéndonos revisar las cosas para asegurarnos de que comprendemos plenamente dónde hemos estado antes de avanzar.

Con tantos planetas retrógrados, puede que sintamos que la vida o ciertas situaciones se han detenido por completo. Puede resultar difícil avanzar o saber cómo cambiar una dinámica.

Natalia Alba - During this harmonic and rejuvenating month - Sep 12, 2023


Beloved Ones,

During this harmonic and rejuvenating month, before stepping into the eclipse season, we are passing through a very healing phase, with the Sun and soon moon too in Virgo. Virgo invites us to purify and transform ourselves, through the conscious release of what no longer serves, especially in our bodies, as they are the ones suffering the most from our ascension process.

This is a time to honor them, by being grounded and in perfect harmony with our Earth plane, for it is the best purifier that we could ever have. Our bodies are our sacred temples here on earth, the ones who allow us this experience and the ones who constantly regenerate and transmute so we can live and expand on our human plane.

miércoles, septiembre 06, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - September 2023 Energy Report - Sep 6, 2023

This is the beginning of the season that I truly enjoy with its cooler temperatures during the day and especially at night, as the leaves change color and the sky turns that brilliant blue that you only see at this time of the year. September begins harvest season as farmers and gardeners reap the bounty of their efforts during the summer. If you have ever worked on the farm, you know that autumn is a busy season as you rush to harvest before the weather makes it difficult or ruins your crops.

viernes, septiembre 01, 2023

Natalia Alba - We have left one of the most intense months of the year - Sep 1, 2023


Beloved Ones,

We have left one of the most intense months of the year with the third moon in Pisces, an essence that helps us in the process of reconnecting with our soul portal and restoring our body portals to retrieve our original communication with the God Planes.

We also begin September by having Venus direct again, for those who resonate with these phases, on the 3rd of September, together with six other planets retrograde, summing Jupiter, which turns retrograde the next day.

domingo, agosto 27, 2023

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Súper Luna Llena Azul en Piscis

El 30 de agosto del 2023 tenemos una Súper Luna Llena en el signo de Piscis. Como ésta es la segunda Luna Llena del mes, también se la conoce como Luna Azul.

Las Lunas Azules son ultra raras y ocurren cada 2,5 años más o menos, por lo que su presencia es algo a lo que queremos prestar atención.

viernes, agosto 25, 2023

Natalia Alba - As we approach the end of the month - Aug 25, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As we approach the end of the month, we will feel the invitation to retire, being in silence, in deep communion with our Soul. This period of self-illumination, through the inner communication with our soul is vital to be able to retrieve the wisdom, strength, and clarity required for our personal journey. Pisces together with the Sun in Virgo reminds us of the importance of service, which is often misunderstood as self-sacrifice.

miércoles, agosto 23, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are heading into the last phase of this powerful energetic month - Aug 23, 2023


Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the last phase of this powerful energetic month. A month that concludes with the Sun moving into the sign of Virgo, another Full Moon at 7 degrees Pisces, on August 30th, and a few retrogrades - Mercury and Uranus - for those who resonate with it. The planetary energies from this last period will help us greatly in self-care, especially as we move toward the Piscean Moon.

Primarily, this is a period of purification, so we can work on self-reconnection, as this is the first step to retrieve our connection to the divine within us. There are many who will benefit from these energies, as they are under a process of light body reconnection, which is a long-term process that involves the conscious rehabilitation of all their body portals.

martes, agosto 15, 2023

Natalia Alba - During this second phase of August - Aug 15, 2023

Beloved Ones,

During this second phase of August, many of us are focused on regeneration, inner reflection, and above all, self-care, for it is essential for us to continue our path of conscious creation and planetary work, for this is a major time for gridwork for many. Tomorrow we have the second Moon of this intense month. As you know, August has two Full Moons and a New Moon tomorrow at 23 degrees Leo.

domingo, agosto 13, 2023

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Nueva de Leo Agosto 2023


La Luna Nueva de Leo llega el 16 de agosto de 2023 y trae el comienzo de un nuevo ciclo lunar. Al comenzar el ciclo lunar, podemos hacer borrón y cuenta nueva en nuestras propias vidas, especialmente en lo que se refiere a nuestras emociones.

Las Lunas Nuevas ofrecen un reinicio y pueden guiarnos a evolucionar en cómo nos sentimos con respecto a algo. Las Lunas Nuevas son también un momento poderoso para establecer intenciones para las siguientes semanas. Podemos usar las energías de la Luna Nueva para aclarar en qué deseamos enfocarnos en nuestras vidas.

sábado, agosto 05, 2023

Tanaaz - Portal de la Puerta del León 88


¿Qué es la Puerta del León 88?

El Portal de la Puerta del León 88 es la apertura de una puerta galáctica que transmite energía de alta frecuencia a nuestro ser, permitiéndonos hacer renacer nuestra energía espiritual y la energía espiritual de la Madre Tierra. Esta energía de alta frecuencia puede utilizarse para abrir nuestros centros energéticos, inspirar nuevas ideas, elevar nuestra conciencia y realzar nuestra capacidad para recibir descargas psíquicas.