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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Profecías. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, noviembre 01, 2014

Jennifer Hoffman - November 2014 Energy Report

The good news about this month is that it’s not October any more. With so much energetic activity, a Mercury retrograde, daily X class solar flares, multiple planets changing signs, and our need to de-clutter, clean, and clear our internal and external spaces, last month was busy. And while in some ways November is a little quieter, it gives us a chance to integrate and align with what we have already done before we start on a new project. I am not saying that nothing happens this month because it does, but in a more organized and orderly way, because it’s preparing us for December’s movement. Our objective for November is to live in AWE, and what that means will be explained in this article.
If you have ever watched a car race, all of the drivers are lined up at the starting line so they start the race together. While they’re waiting for the flag to drop so they can take action, they’re revving up their engines and making lots of noise. At least some of the drivers are. Others are making last minute checks to their cars, not over-heating or flooding their engines, or using the extra time to sit quietly and prepare themselves. Mindset is more important than muscle in winning a race and although the muscle may initially be flashier, it’s the mindset that wins out in the longer term. And have you noticed that as soon as the race begins, the starting line becomes the finish line? Are you trying to win your race through mindset or muscle? Do you realize that there is no end or beginning and as soon as you finish one race you’re qualified for the next?

sábado, junio 15, 2013

Mayan Day Keepers ~ Day 76 Cib 11 Moving Beyond Doubt - June 15, 2013 - Debbie Erasmus

mayan-messagesHello, I am Cib with Tone 11. Today we would like to talk with you about finding your way through the maze of self-doubt. Although there are many of us in various Dimensions that are here to assist, you doubt that we exist. Although you have direct connection with your Higher Self, you doubt the validity of this inner voice. Even when you are presented with scientific proof of the existence of many things, you doubt its validity. There is nothing wrong with doubt, for there are many false teachers and many invalid responses to scientific query. However, instilled within each of you is a way of knowing what is true and what is the best solution for whatever you seek. How can you tap into this knowingness to such a degree that you move beyond doubt?

miércoles, junio 12, 2013

Debbie Erasmus - The Mayan Day Keepers ~ Day 72 Eb 7 “Promise of Abundance” 11 Tuesday Jun 2013

mayan-messagesGreetings! We are thankful for this time to share with you. We offer you the promise of abundance in all you do. It is our intention to assist you in re-discovering the gifts that have lain dormant within you. Take time now to relax your body and to let go of outside concerns. Focus on the things you would like to obtain in your life. Although there is nothing wrong with wanting material possessions or massive wealth, we suggest you go deeper into the feelings you would like to experience each moment of the day. Although we can answer your prayers by giving you a new house, car or additional income, look around, there are many wealthy people who are considered to be rich, yet they are poor in their relationships with others and themselves.

domingo, mayo 26, 2013

Mayan Messages Day 51-56


Laughter is the Best Medicine
Good day to you. I am Chuen with the Tone of 12. Together we welcome you to this grand and glorious day and encourage you to take care of yourself and truly lighten up. Humans tend to take themselves and their situations way too seriously. Let us begin by laughing. Take time now to laugh. Deep, hearty, belly laughs.
Get your energy flowing. Work your internal muscles. This will energize you. Do this anytime your energy is feeling low. Although it may not be socially correct, do it anyway and encourage others to laugh with you.
How many business meetings would be less boring and more energized if they began with a good belly laugh? Wow, wouldn’t those creative juices flow then? Those who work with children, take laughter breaks. So often in your educational settings, their giggles and laughter are reprimanded. Get them laughing and watch their attention spans increase dramatically!

domingo, marzo 17, 2013

Next Weeks Breaking News : Headlines for Mid March : Hitlery under house Arrest unconfirmed : Cyprus bank run, The biggest ever will start Mon Am : The vatican bank has been Slapped with BASELIII conformity to prevent Corruption : The Queen Cancels more Dates : US Martial Law in NY Brooklyn

Here are some headlines to keep an eye out for next week:
Here is the deal!!
I give you some pointers ,,YOU GO FIND THE TRUTH !! some interesting leads at the foot at the article for you to do your own research and a brilliant world weather weapon video about how they now intend to kill us off with the weather and how they are actually doing it. Enjoy that please.

Informacion oculta nuevo Papa - 2013/03/15

papa dos
Operación cónclave
Mientras en Alemania se vela “el papado fallido de Benedicto XVI”, Bergoglio intenta lavar su imagen en espera de un eventual nuevo cónclave.
Las partes más significativas de su libro y los documentos que contradicen esa versión angelical.
El rechazo de Emilio Mignone a los pastores que entregaron a sus ovejas y la mutilación de documentos para ocultar el apoyo episcopal a la dictadura.
Por Horacio Verbitsky
Cuando la publicación más importante de Alemania, Der Spiegel, se refiere al “papado fallido” de su compatriota Joseph Ratzinger (el mismo término que la Inteligencia estadounidense aplica a los estados con vacío de poder en los que justifica su intervención), el primado de la Argentina y arzobispo de Buenos Aires, cardenal Jorge Bergoglio, emprende una operación de lavado de imagen con la publicación de un libro autobiográfico.

domingo, marzo 10, 2013

Window of The Great Change - February 13, 2013 by Drunvalo

Dear Ones,
We are about to enter into a window of the time that has no name, but is inside of the Mayan END OF TIME window that was connected to December 21, 2012 and will end in about three years.
This window begins on February 18th, 2013 and continues for about three and a half months until June 2nd, 2013. However, it could last for as long as the end of August if the circumstances change.
I feel it is important to be aware of this significant period of time and what it could mean for you.

sábado, febrero 16, 2013

Pope’s Resignation and the Papal Prophecies By John Van Auken

Perhaps one of the best measurements of the progression of prophecies for our times is the succession of popes. Three different prophets are said to have given clear and measurable information about the predicted line of popes: Malachy, the Monk of Padua, and Nostradamus. With the announced retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, it is a great time to review these predictions.

ST Malachy blog 02122013
St. Malachy ~ Wikipedia

In 1138, an Irish bishop named Malachy visited the Vatican where he fell into a deep trance during which he saw the reigning pontiff and the line of succession of 112 popes, followed by the final fall of the Church of Rome as we have known it. When he awoke, he wrote a complete manuscript on the vision, giving each pope a Latin motto. The manuscript was sent to the Vatican after Malachy's passing, where it was stored in secret archives until 1590, long after Nostradamus's death (1503-1566). Later, around 1730-40, a monk called “The Monk of Padua” wrote a manuscript listing a sequence of popes and the ultimate end of the papacy, which closely followed and used Malachy's mottos for the popes.

Of the 20th-century popes, Malachy called Pope Pius XII (1939-58) Pastor Angelicus, referring to his angelic shepherding of the church, which many inside and outside the church acknowledged. He was followed by Pope John XXIII (1958-63), whom Malachy called Pastor et Nauta, shepherd and navigator, perhaps referring to his position as Archbishop of Venice or his reconvening of the Ecumenical Council which used the symbols of a cross and a ship. After him came Flos Florum, Flower of Flowers, Pope Paul VI (1963-78) whose coat of arms contained a floral design.

After him came De Mediatate Lunae, the middle or half of the moon, Pope John Paul I (August 26 to September 28, 1978) who openly supported women’s rights and agreed to discuss artificial birth control. This is one of the shortest and most suspicious papal reigns in history as he was only 66 years old and in good health when he suddenly died. His body was cremated, against strict Catholic custom at that time.

Pope John Paul II, De Labore Solis, the labor of the sun, (1978-2005), was from Poland. J.H. Brennan, author of some of the best books on Nostradamus, points out that the part of Poland from which John Paul II came was originally a portion of ancient France, and therefore the following quatrain may refer to him:
Not from Spain, but from ancient France
He will be elected from the trembling ship
To the enemy he will make assurance
Who in his reign will be a cruel blight.
Brennan considers the trembling ship to be the church itself. The great enemy of Polish John Paul II would have been none other than the Soviet Union, and he made assurances to the Soviets concerning the workers strikes in Poland.

Malachy and the Priest of Padua predict only two more popes: Gloria Olivae (glory of the olive) and Petrus Romanus (Peter of Rome). Malachy’s descriptive phrase given to the 111th Pope, Gloria Olivae, the glory of the olive, does fit the current Pope Benedict XVI (2005-2013) who took the name Benedict from The Order of Saint Benedict, which is also known as the Olivetans from Jesus’ time on the Mount of Olives.

Coat of Arms Vatican City Blog 02122013
Coat of arms of the Vatican City.

The final petrus romanus, Peter the Roman, could be the return of St. Peter as the first and the last to rule the church (according to Roman theology—others and the Cayce readings say that James was the first leader). Bishop Malachy’s vision concludes with the end of the church:
"In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."

This Malachy prediction that the Vatican will be destroyed correlates with The Priest of Padua’s prediction that the holy center will be burned when the last pope sits on the throne. And then we have this from Nostradamus:
The great star for seven days will burn
A cloud will make two suns appear
The big mastiff will howl all night
When a great Pope changes his territory.

We shall see how all of this plays out on the stage of life. Some visionaries have seen the church continuing in a more enlightened form and even including women. The prophetic Mayan date of December 21, 2012, is now in the past. We are approaching the year 2038, which ends the timeline prophecy inside the Great Pyramid in Egypt. These years may be the culmination of a long cycle which results in much change in the world and the beginning of a long-sought new era.’s Nightly News website has reported that the same day Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation, lightning struck St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, the Catholic Church's center in Rome.

John Van Auken conf L2001John Van Auken is an internationally renowned speaker, longtime staff member, and a current director at A.R.E. A popular leader of A.R.E.'s life-changing tours to Egypt and other sacred sites, he is also the author of several best-selling books including 2038: The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy, Toward a Deeper Meditation, Edgar Cayce and the Kabbalah and the presenter in several best-selling DVDs, including Edgar Cayce's Tour of Egypt, Meditation Techniques to Boost Soul Growth, and Prophecy & Reincarnation DVD Set. In addition he is a regular contributor to Venture Inward magazine. With his extensive knowledge of the Cayce readings, the Bible, world religions, Gnosticism, and ancient Egyptian mysticism combined with years of experience as a teacher and meditation retreat leader, he is a regular presenter at A.R.E. Conferences.

BREAKING Russian Meteor Caught on VIDEO 02 15 13 Part 13

miércoles, febrero 13, 2013

The Second Coming | Revelation 17 Reveals It is Only a Few Years Away!

The Second Coming | Revelation 17 Reveals It is Only a Few Years Away!

Publicado el 04/04/2012 - The Second Coming: Only a Few Years Away

• Revelation 17 - Prophecy of the Seven Kings
• Church of Rome . . . the Whore of Babylon.
• Pope Benedict XVI's reign soon to close.
• "Resurrected" John Paul II to be impersonated by a demon!
• Trumpets 1-4 will blast at any moment!

In this video:
Revelation 17 Reveals Second Coming is Imminent!

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