Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Pleyadianos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Pleyadianos. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, diciembre 03, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message December 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

The Scahndahlah effect consciousness light is continuing to build in momentum, creating huge waves of pure light consciousness which are flowing throughout your planet. This vast content of flow is unleashing a higher fluidity across the entire planet. The fluidity of this movement can be likened to a powerful current, which has an ultimate design to reposition you steadily towards your natural higher path.

sábado, noviembre 11, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Pleiadians' Gift: Enhancing Humanity's Evolution through DNA Upgrade and New Technologies! - Nov 11, 2023

The Pleiadians' Gift: Enhancing Humanity's Evolution through DNA Upgrade and New Technologies!


According to the Pleiadians, once human DNA has been upgraded to twelve helical strands, it will give us the opportunity for a far better understanding of who we really are as spiritual beings having a human experience.

With this DNA upgrade, our deep inner truth and soul essence will become clearer to us. We will gain profound insights into our true cosmic origins, soul mission, and purpose for being here.

domingo, noviembre 05, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message November 2023


Beloved ones we greet you,

The Scahndahlah effect consciousness is creating huge waves of light to flow onto your earth plane. Energetic planes are being established across the planet in readiness for the New Year frequencies to transform. This time is about a rapid transmutation of Earth, and a vast shift of consciousness for those of you on an awakened path.

sábado, noviembre 04, 2023

Aurora Ray - Pleiadian DNA Upgrade: Elevating Human Consciousness! - November 4, 2023

Pleiadian DNA Upgrade: Elevating Human Consciousness!

The arrival of the Pleiadians is ushering in an exciting new era for humanity and all life on Earth. As they assist us in upgrading our DNA and expanding our consciousness, we are elevating into higher states of being. This opens us up to experience more peace, love, and harmony within ourselves and in our world.

The Pleiadians carry a refined vibration that further activates the light codes within us. Their energy fields help awaken our latent abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and telekinesis. As we learn to master these extra-sensory skills, we can connect in more heart-centered ways. This lays the foundation for greater understanding and compassion.

With expanded consciousness, we gain a clearer insight into the interconnectedness of all life. This dismantles old paradigms of separation and fear which have fueled humanity's discord. Embracing our shared essence as spiritual beings having a human experience naturally dissolves superficial divides.

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message November 2023 Article


Beloved ones we greet you,

There are higher currents of pure light structures that are entering our resident Universe at this very juncture of time. These are arising from the higher consciousness states of existence coming directly from the God Seat of Power. They arise and flow with total consciousness, reaching to transform while they touch all lifeforce groups that exist within the entire Universal planes. We, the Pleiadians, as part of the Universal community, are collectively being expanded, held by these elevated light structures of consciousness.

jueves, octubre 26, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Evolutionary Leap: Awakening Our 12 DNA Strands with Pleiadians guidance! - Oct 26, 2023


The Evolutionary Leap: Awakening Our 12 DNA Strands with Pleiadians guidance!


The Pleiadians, an advanced ET civilization, have been observing Earth and monitoring human progress for millennia. For eons, they have been waiting to physically reveal themselves and their advanced technology until humanity was ready to evolve to a state of higher consciousness and spiritual awareness.

Our planet has now reached a critical point where we face challenges that require new solutions, innovation, and expanded thinking. The Pleiadians recognize that humanity has an opportunity at this time to make a quantum leap in understanding ourselves, the universe, and our connection to all life. They want to assist in this process.

miércoles, octubre 04, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message October 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

We celebrate your unique vibrational frequency that exists within your multidimensional Heart. Your frequency within your Heart is like a central jewel shining, pulsing outwards within your earth plane and flowing into this resident Universe. This is the time for you to begin to understand your inner power that flows outwards from your multidimensional Heart space. The time is now to further develop this connection with the higher aspect of your sacred nature, to begin to actively, consciously utilize this aspect of yourself in your day-to-day living.

Pleiadean Presence: Earth's Eternal Allies in Our Ascension Journey!

martes, octubre 03, 2023

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message October 2023 Article

Beloved ones we greet you,

Each one of you have said “Yes” to being here on the earth plane at this very sacred junction. You were specifically chosen to incarnate on earth in a human form in this lifetime. This was always the plan. For you to be present on Earth at this time was considered a great honor. You are destined to play a unique pivotal role here on the planet while simultaneously to participate in playing a collective role in the full transformation of your earth plane.

lunes, septiembre 04, 2023

Brenda Hoffman - Remembering Joy - September 4, 2023

Dear Ones,

You are currently undergoing significant changes – both inside and out. Perhaps you have felt the energies within you, but you have likely not noticed the changes in your outer world.

You will note at some point that when you are part of a group, the energy lightens, perhaps even sparkles. Not every day or all the time, but much more frequently than was true just days ago. You have passed through the gauntlet of the freedom to be.

domingo, septiembre 03, 2023

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - Pleiadian Message September 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

Vast forces of light from the Scahndahlah effect are dramatically shifting the magnetic core of Earth. These flows of powerful light are emerging through the magnetic core and radiating outwards. Impacting the energetic rotation of the planet and shifting the perception of what you refer to as time.

sábado, septiembre 02, 2023

Aurora Ray - Pleiadians and the Game Masters: Crafting Civilizations Beyond Imagination

Pleiadians and the Game Masters: Crafting Civilizations Beyond Imagination

The Game Masters are limitless, without shape, and can change their forms. They possess an incredible brilliance that goes beyond the creation of games. They do more than just imagine a game; they sketch out an entire plan for a civilization to thrive within it.

This blueprint includes everything, from the most skilled artisans to the humblest beggars. Then, they create doorways that actually place these civilizations into the world we live in, like putting pieces into a puzzle on Earth.