Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Nancy Tate. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Nancy Tate. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, febrero 21, 2017

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Avenda, February 21, 2017

As we go into our system that is being fabricated with all of the desires and interests of each other, we are seeing the results of what we believe, and what we desire for our lives. We see the attitudes of so many people change and take on a different agenda. As this takes place we will go through the awakening process that will bring us to a clearer picture of what our journey at this time is creating for us. It is a Wake up Call that surpasses all that we have accomplished to this point in our journey. As we go through this we are contemplating several pathways that will lead us to the expansiveness that is in store for us as we take our journey through this experience that we are creating.

sábado, febrero 04, 2017

Nancy Tate - Ohmnipure & Porda - Feb 04, 2017

We are Ohmnipure and Porda, and we are here today to let you in on a little secret, for it is time for it to be a secret no more. It is all about what is going on in the background and how it is affecting the release of all that you are waiting for. It is going to be released to the freedom of being able to live as you want and give your energy to the fun and peacefulness in which you can live as you desire, and that will benefit not only you, but also all of existence. It will build a super foundation of trust and Love that will bring more and more truth to the open. This will give those who are not in the same mindset that you are the ability to see what it is that so many people have been supporting the energy of. They know on an inner level that the truth is that what is going on in the background is what has been taking all of the mistrust and storing it away in a freezer which keeps it in storage. Anyone who wonders what is behind it will seek and find it to represent what they have been being told from those outside of the freezer, and in the reserves of trust that are representing the truth.

sábado, diciembre 31, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure - Dec 31, 2016

This is a time for all of you when it is time to speak and move on ahead in what you desire for your life. If the ‘means by which’ don’t seem to be with you, then ask yourself why. Ask yourself what the desires you have mean in your life, and what they will mean to those whom you have in mind to share them with, or to exhibit to. Is there an ongoing fantasy in which you see the dreams of a lifetime coming true? Is there a’ means by which’ you feel you don’t have the ability to bring into your life, or are you seeing the result of what the world is telling you is going to happen?

sábado, diciembre 24, 2016

Nancy Tate - Mike Quinsey Sent This to Me - December 24, 2016

Happy Christmas and New Year, from Mike and Nancy

Mike Quinsey Sent This to Me, 

I, Nancy Agree to Send it To All Of You on Both Lists

Hi Friends,
I rarely send out messages other than my own unless I believe it is genuine, and I feel it is vital to get this information out to as many people as possible. As I can totally resonate with it I have no hesitation in forwarding it on to you.

In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.

domingo, diciembre 11, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure + St Germain, December 11, 2016

I have been wanting to communicate with you again, and this time it is very timely. It is about what is taking place not only around the world, but out into the universe as well. I am Ohmnipure, and I am here with St. Germain. We are seeing what is taking place around the corner and under the hills. It is a resounding ring more or less like what you have been hearing. That is why we put it in place for you to hear in hopes that you would remember the repeat of the sounds calling you for a message. I will now go on with the message and then St. Germain will add his 2 cents worth.

There is coming a great deal of chaos that will be very short lived. It will be the impact of what has been being released from underground pits and several closures of the Sea of Galilee and the part of the ocean that is under shore now since Atlantis went under. As this ringing goes on it is representing the ungoing tribute to what is taking place in the caverns and the underwater seas that are springing forth the energies that have been being brought to the surface. They are about to carry forth to the surface of this globe.

sábado, diciembre 03, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, December 03, 2016

There is a time coming in all people’s lives when they will ask themselves, what am I waiting for? I am supposed to be waiting for what someone else can bring me. Or am I supposed to be bringing what I want to my life, even if it is in stages. Perhaps I can learn through the stages and get so much more out of them.

That is what is coming to the front in so many people’s lives. It is not what they have been told is going to come to them through others. It is what they can bring into their own lives that will suit them right now as far as what they see they want in the next moment.

viernes, noviembre 25, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, November 25, 2016

Wake up Call: St. Germain, November 25, 2016

I am here today to let you in on a little secret, or not so little according to where you are and what you part is in it. I will first tell you that there is coming a definite clearing of many bundles of merit that have been elevated to the truth energy that is needed, and is being expelled around the world. I am involved in a true feeling of being a part of the fixtures that are being replaced with the truth of what has been taking place around the globe. It is now being exposed for what is the drudgery that has been being felt by so many people. What is now taking place is that the truth of so many delays in the system being activated that you all, through your intentions and acknowledgments of what the truth really is about the universal solar systems and all that is involved with your history, is being brought forth to co-operate as was originally intended when this planet began it’s ascent to what is being seen as the ascension from the duality that has been in place for so long.

martes, noviembre 22, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, November 22, 2016

Good Morning Dear Ones,

I awoke early this morning and starting blinking my eyes. Within at least 6-8 blinks I saw an image of a partly cloudy sky with a sun beaming throughout the sky. Each time I saw the image I heard, “A new day is dawning.” I have not had this sort of thing happen for me in a long time. It brought a feeling of something new coming for us all. Just a few minutes ago, I got the feeling that a message was here for us all. Here it is.

Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, November 22, 2016

This is the time to get through the encumbrances that are seemingly all around you. It is time to look at them in a different way and see them as messages of release. There is coming a new way to see things and that is taking it in a different place than before. As you do this you will begin to see what the inner cause for such encumbrances may be about. They may be the opportunity for you to go in a different direction. They may be for you to deliver a message to the ones who are involved in what it is that seems so out of harmony. This can bring to your world a new flavor, a new way to believe in the outcome of what may come from it. As you do this you may experience a new way of feeling about what gave you cramps, or uneasiness. It could be the very message that you’ve been missing due to the old way of looking at something.

jueves, noviembre 10, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure - November 10, 2016

I am Ohmnipure, and I would like to say to all of you that the dance has only just begun. It is in the works for the RV and all of the other funds to be set loose. It is going to go through a process that has been evolving through the energies of all of human life, and all of what has been taking place since the election in the country known as the United States. It is soon to be seen what the new changes will be bringing to the way of life, and the ones who will be creating those changes. It is a fine example of what you are all capable of and how you can create that which you desire in a way that may at this time seem to be a confusing way.

I will go on with this category of people standing in line waiting for certain moves to be made. They are the ones who have been following the steps that have been going on for so long. They are the ones who are deeply involved with what has been in the works and how it has been proven to be confusing, and at times disappointing. I understand how this can happen, for you are all going through so many upliftments of your inner beingness. It is a time for all of you to investigate on a soul level what it is that you have been creating within your own personal world in this process. Have you put so much on hold that the air is stagnant around you? Are you still awaiting the outside source of information to lead you in a way that will bring you to the doorstep of the funds you’ve been looking forward to?

Well I suggest to you now that you may benefit from checking in with your inner self for information. Look to what you feel about the questions you have, and then ask your higher selves for the answer. Once that answer comes, then investigate what it means as far as the steps you have taken, and the ones you may be inspired to take. Trust in your inner self, when you have a good feeling about what it tells you. Do you see a picture? Do you have a feeling that doesn’t seem to go along with your questions? Take the opportunity to play with this idea. See what images come up in your mind from them. See what feelings that these images create. Allow yourself to feel what is in keeping with what you believe is good for you. Is it the answer you have been searching for? Is it a surprise, or seeming not to have relevance to it?

Take the time to let go of it, and then after some time, if it flows back into your thought forms, allow it to grow from there. You are the creator of your world. You can bring into your lives that which you desire by trusting in your thoughts, feelings and surety of what you have already brought into your life. If you see something in your life that you have created, yet consider it very small in comparison to what you are awaiting, realize that in the inner world there is no size; there is no ‘better than’. It is all the same energy of creation, and in that reality anything that you desire and allow into your lives can be a cup of wonderful tasting coffee, a whole meal that is far beyond what you though it would be in enjoyment, or is a huge benefit that you were given that can buy your new house. It is all from the same seed of creation, and it all is possible with no limitations.

I have given you today a few things to think about and play with. You can go out and have fun in the yard, the town, the city, the country, anywhere, and it will all be of benefit to you. I cheer you on, and I know that you have the power to create the avenues to your abundance, no matter how it appears and how it comes to your doorstep. Go now and have a joyful day and live the rest for eternity, in joy, peace and Love for all of Life.

Thank you dear Ohmnipure,

Much Love, Nancy Tate

martes, noviembre 08, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, 11-08-16

I am here to speak with you on this day of change not only in one country but also around the world. It is a day that will prove that the outcome of every incident and carrying on of change will affect all of life on this planet. It is a day of simply looking at the outcome and the circumstances of what is to take place in one corner of the world and how it can affect the rest of the family of earth.

I send to you the images of closeness within your knowing. It is one that speaks of the timeliness of what is about to happen. See for yourselves what it means, and how it interprets your own ideas of what one incident can do to change the rest of the world. Is it the power of that incident against the power of the rest of the family? Or is it that the family is all one, and within that energy of Oneness comes the ability to change the totality of what is experienced around the world.

miércoles, noviembre 02, 2016

Nancy Tate - St. Germain - Listen to Spirit - Channeled Audios (MP3) - November 2, 2016

Listen to Spirit

Channeled Audios (MP3)

11-02-16: St. Germain speaks through Nancy about how the energy is with us all right now, and in the times to come. At the end of the message Cassie barks in tune with what St. Germain has shared with us.

domingo, octubre 16, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, October 16, 2016

If I were you I would rely on what is simple, and in that I am also referring to the situation with the funds that are in the works. It is a good idea to live your life in the moment and know as you do it affects the way that the funds system will flow. If everyone is waiting for them to be freed, they will be slowed down because the energy will be as if it was already in place. What we put our attention to is what we have with us. When we have it with us it becomes that reality and not the reality of still waiting.

There’s more! If you all do what you see as your perfect life in the moment, then it will be. If you want your life to be more than it is right now, you will have to wait until it is for it to become the perfection of what you live and create in your life. It is a matter of living the desire and knowing that the process is up to date and that it is the creation of what you know is in perfection.

martes, octubre 04, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, October 04, 2016

There is coming a time in this world when all will be in an order that is in harmony with all of life on earth. In that enclosure of time will be the freedom to ease into the life that is desired, and in the activation of that which is a tribute to the upcoming times of the flow of funds around the world. Until then the figures that will be in movement are the ones who at this moment are sorting through what it is that they are destined to do with the funds and how to set the steps into motion.

martes, septiembre 27, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, September 27, 2016

I am here today to let you in on a little secret. There are no secrets at all. All is in the mind of the beholder and therefore all are able to access what is the truth and see what it means to them and how to live with it in a way that is basic and loving to all of life. Do you see what I am saying? There is a way in which we are all one, and in that way we all have access to what each other is thinking, feeling and doing. What keeps them from tuning in is that there is no hesitation except for the inner desire to be private and allow others to. It is one of the ‘straw cottage’ agreements that began when life on this planet went beyond what it had been before this planet came into being for this purpose of closing in and allowing each other the privacy that was desired for the purpose of being here.

I am Ohmnipure, and I come through this one today for the reason that she asked on a soul level to help her to realize why she is feeling that there is nothing to do in her life that makes her feel one with others. She is now beginning to see why she has gone through these past days in a way that brings her to wonder why she is still here, doing the ‘nothing that comes to mind’. She feels that she is not alone in this energy of nothing to do, for she is tuning in to so many of you who are wondering why, what is the reason for being in this backlog of energy in which they wonder what to do in the next moment that means anything.

domingo, septiembre 18, 2016

Nancy Tate - Message From Antikryon - September 18, 2016

Love Essence of Mushaba

Message From Antikryon, September 18, 2016

Yes Bob, he (Anakhanda) is hearing news from upstairs in the ‘penthouse’, as Anakhanda says!

Greetings to you I am Antikryon and I was introduced to all of you before through Anakhanda in your last year. I am here to share with you basically, the “Family”.

It is at a point now to where things are about to burst wide open. There has been so much misinformation and out right lies being told concerning the RV, the New Republic, all of it. We have been very careful in what we have been sharing. We have not shared through any source any information that is contrary to what we had been sharing with you. In other words, the RV is on schedule to happen. The New Republic is Primed and Ready to step in at a moments notice. The announcements of NESARA and GESARA are scheduled as well. There have been so much meticulous workings in the background and so much time and effort on getting this thing right so that there will be no problems that can occur from these actions especially the financial transactions. It has been a difficult and challenging road for there were those of the dark minions that have agreed to return to the light and then suddenly try and carry out dark acts.

jueves, septiembre 15, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure - September 15, 2016

I am Ohmnipure, and I am here this day to fill you in on some progress that is being made on your planet. There is much taking place in the everyday measures of life. So many people are bringing love for each other and for what they do into their motions through the newness that they are feeling. They are reaching out to many who are homeless, in dire straits financially, and physically. They are giving money, or a room in their homes, food on their tables, and are helping others who need it in any way that they can. They are reaching out and giving them a living hug, if that is what they feel to do. It often brings tears to the eyes of the needy, and they release what it is that they have been carrying emotionally. That gives them a new freedom to go forward in life and make a better one for themselves.

Can you believe the power of a hug, a pocket full of coins, a loaf of bread given to those who have need of something to brighten their days? There is so much of this kind of thing going on around the world, and though it isn’t all making the mainstream news, it is making a huge difference in the hearts and souls of so many around the globe.

miércoles, septiembre 07, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, Sept 07, 2016

There is something coming for all of humanity, and it is waiting in the wings, in a certain respect. It is not only the funds that are being talked about around the globe, but it is as well what will be done with them as they come into the hands and the people begin to explore what they will do with them.

I am Ohmnipure, and I am here to say that there are many people who already have their destinations for the wealth to go into place and begin the means by which the first stages of the reversal of the way things are around the globe come into order. As this begins, it will be obvious to many people that the designation of the energy of exchange will show them how in the reversal it is imperative that the energy of Love be the beginning factor for the distribution of the funds to the various places and causes that are being instrumented as I speak.

martes, agosto 16, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, August 16, 2016

I am here this morning to tell you of some breaking news. I am St. Germain, and I want to share with you an outcome that has come to the surface and brought some freedom into the interaction that is taking place behind the scenes with the ones who are involved in the process of freeing up the funds for the world.

As I say this I see in front of me millions of funds that are awaiting the continuation of being distributed to various sources that will release them to the people in the various ways that have been planned. When this takes place in it’s entirety, then all of you out there who are involved in the receivership will be able to follow the steps that will bring you the funds that you have been waiting for. Till then, I would advise you all to send your loving and positive thoughts and feelings to the whole situation.

martes, agosto 02, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure - August 02, 2016

I am here this morning to give you a rundown on what is taking place on the earth today at various places. I am Ohmnipure once again, and I am here to give you a rundown of what you can see in the coming times. It is a pleasure to be with you again, and to see how beautifully you are all doing and living your lives.

First I will tell you about an incident that I observed while taking a break the other day. It was one in which there were two people who did not know about the funds and how it was all to come into place. They were listening to a group of people in the next row of observers at a ball game. They were talking about how they were going to spend their new money when it came in, if it were to ever come as they had been told. They all agreed that there would be lots of things that they would buy and then take to their home and family to distribute for their pleasure. They were saying that they would use the money for so many things that they have always wanted.

sábado, julio 30, 2016

Nancy Tate - An Update on the Post Regarding the Removal of the Cabal: 7-30-2016.

The Latest from Bob T:


I knew that this question was going to come up after I put together the original post but I didn't think of that until that post was released. I guess my brain took a small vacation.

I am getting folks asking questions like the following from a very dear friend.

"Hey Bob, Hope you're enjoying your chocolate ice cream!!!

How does this news piece collaborate with Nancy's channeling that the dark is kaput???"


Here is what I believe and has been confirmed from upstairs.

The cabal that has been removed from this planet are the very top echelon cabal members. These are the real (I am calling them the top of the pyramid of control bosses) who's names have never been revealed in public, by their own design, and ones we will never know by name. These Top of the Cabal are the ones who send down the orders to the their more public lower minions to carry out their dastardly deeds. These public lower minions are the ones we all know by name and are in the news quite often.