Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, octubre 16, 2017

John Smallman - Sheldan Nidle - October 16, 2017

Please hold Sheldan Nidle in your prayers and meditations

Dear readers and listeners,

My very dear friend Sheldan Nidle had major surgery on his back last Thursday, October 12th, and remains in hospital in severe pain. It is hoped that in a few days he will be moved into the rehabilitation part of the hospital so that with physiotherapy and gentle exercise he will regain the ability to walk, which he has been unable to do for quite a number of weeks.

He and his beloved life partner, Colleen Marshall, are in need of your help through prayer and meditation, because the last few weeks of his immobility followed by the major surgical procedure has been, and continues to be exhausting for them both.

When he returns home he will have to use an electrically operated hospital bed which Colleen has ordered for him. Apart from that they have had numerous other heavy expenses due to his illness, so if any of you feel intuited to send him a donation in this his hour of great need, it will be most warmly, appreciatively, and gratefully received.

If you do not know of Sheldan here’s the link to a brief biography:

and here is the link to his web site where there is a mine of pertinent information about him and his work:

Thank you for your kind attention to this call for help,


domingo, mayo 04, 2014

John Smallman - Beware of unsought advice or guidance because it is generally the result of another’s ego demanding your attention. May 4, 2014

As you wait patiently for the great event keep on reminding yourselves that its arrival is inevitable and imminent and that any doubts or anxieties you may have are unfounded because the Will of God is always perfectly achieved. Within the illusion it is hard for you to remain patient, but you are doing very well, even though your ability to perceive the big picture while enmeshed within it is severely compromised. You are having to rely on faith to see you through these tense times, and that is one of many reasons why you are so highly honored. If you feel in need of further encouragement and support in holding and displaying the Light, your Light, then talk with friends who are also following a spiritual path and exchange information with them, and tell them about uplifting spiritual sites you have found because sharing and exchanging information strengthens your individual energy fields so that even more Love flows through you to further assist in bringing all to awakening.

lunes, octubre 07, 2013

Sending All Our Love to John Smallman

John Smallman at homeThe team at Golden Age of Gaia and InLight Radio send all our love in great capacity to John Smallman, channeller of Jesus and Saul,Eugenie at this time.
John’s beloved wife Eugénie sadly passed yesterday afternoon, October 6, 2013.
Please join us all in a sending our love, light and prayers to John and his family and friends.
John writes:
It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that my beloved wife Eugénie passed away suddenly and totally unexpectedly on Sunday afternoon October 6th 2013.
I was just looking through my personal messages with Jesus (I only have a couple of personal ones) and came across this one from last year which I felt would be good to share with you.
Love and hugs,