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Glosario Galáctico para Principiantes-Galactic Glossary for Beginners
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John Smallman
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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta
John Smallman
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lunes, octubre 16, 2017
John Smallman - Sheldan Nidle - October 16, 2017
Please hold Sheldan Nidle in your prayers and meditations Dear readers and listeners, My very dear friend Sheldan Nidle had major sur...
domingo, mayo 04, 2014
John Smallman - Beware of unsought advice or guidance because it is generally the result of another’s ego demanding your attention. May 4, 2014
As you wait patiently for the great event keep on reminding yourselves that its arrival is inevitable and imminent and that any doubts...
lunes, octubre 07, 2013
Sending All Our Love to John Smallman
The team at Golden Age of Gaia and InLight Radio send all our love in great capacity to John Smallman, channeller of Jesus and Saul, at t...
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