Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jeshua. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jeshua. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, julio 12, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - Who or What Is The Soul? - July 12, 2017

Dear people, I am Jeshua, your friend. I am with you during this moment as a brother. Accept my companionship, my presence, for I am not far away. I want to caress your heart with my hand to remind you of who you are and of the unity that binds us together. 

Greet me in return; open your heart to me. I am a messenger of the Oneness and I kneel down before you because you are my brother or sister, and I see in you an equal, a soul mate.

jueves, julio 06, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - The Spiritual Meaning of Life on Earth - July 6, 2017

Dear like-minded friends,

I am Jeshua speaking. You are my brothers and sisters. I join you here as an equal, not as one who is exalted above you, but as a friend, a comrade. Feel the common source through which we are connected. Feel the life flow between us, the connection that heals and sets us free.

sábado, abril 29, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - El Mensaje De La Oscuridad - 27-04-2017

Queridos amigos: Soy Jeshua, saludos a todos. Es un gozo para mí estar aquí en medio de ustedes.
Estamos conectados como hermanos y hermanas.
Colectivamente le traemos al mundo una nueva onda de conciencia. Sientan esto por un momento dentro de sí.
Ustedes llevan la antorcha, portan una luz interna dentro de sí. Véanse sosteniendo una antorcha de luz que se esparce en la oscuridad.
Inicialmente ustedes son llamados a diseminar esta luz dentro de su propia oscuridad.

viernes, abril 28, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - The Dance With Darkness - April 27, 2017

The Dance With Darkness

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

Dear friends, I am Jeshua; I greet you all. I am with you as a like-minded friend, an equal; accept me as your brother. I want to be with you and to hold your hand.

It is easier for me to see life from a higher and wider perspective than is possible for you at the earthly level. It is the purpose of life on Earth that you become partially immersed in ignorance, in the heaviness of your earthly surroundings, and that you have that experience from within it. Doing that is certainly not easy, but it has its purpose.

miércoles, marzo 15, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - The Dance With Darkness - March 15, 2017

Dear friends, I am Jeshua; I greet you all. I am with you as a like-minded friend, an equal; accept me as your brother. I want to be with you and to hold your hand.

It is easier for me to see life from a higher and wider perspective than is possible for you at the earthly level. It is the purpose of life on Earth that you become partially immersed in ignorance, in the heaviness of your earthly surroundings, and that you have that experience from within it. Doing that is certainly not easy, but it has its purpose.

jueves, enero 19, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - The Eternal Light of the Universe - January 19, 2017

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua speaking. I love you all deeply. Please feel my energy around you as I greet each of you – I honor you deeply. As you open your heart to me, remember that I am there inside it. When you recognize me at your deepest level, you recognize your own essence, which is of the purest light. You are eternal light and this is what the universe is made of. Some of you see this light shining from my eyes or from another teacher’s eyes, but I am here to remind you that this light is yours, as well. It is my deepest desire that you see and experience your own greatness and inner light. This is what will change the world, which is in need of change. You are here to make a difference, but you can only do so when you truly trust who you are. This can be a difficult thing if you are raised with ideas that tell you that you are not good as you are. For many of you, your natural life and knowingness, your intuition, becomes veiled as you advance through childhood.

miércoles, enero 04, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - JESHUA - El Mensaje de la Oscuridad - Diciembre 2016

Queridos Amigos,

Yo soy Jeshua y los saludo a todos ustedes. Es un placer para mí, estar aquí con ustedes. Estamos conectados como hermanos y hermanas. Juntos, traemos una nueva ola de conciencia al mundo. Pido, a cada uno de ustedes que lo sienta en su interior durante unos instantes.

Ustedes son portadores de la antorcha; cargan la luz en vuestro interior. Imagínense cargando una antorcha que esparce su luz en la oscuridad. Al principio, ustedes son llamados a expandir esa luz en su propia oscuridad. Desde que nacen aquí en la Tierra – donde hay miedo, ilusión y desconfianza de la vida – ustedes pasan a formar parte de este mundo y de su intento de huir de sentimientos profundos. A partir del momento de su nacimiento y durante toda la infancia y adolescencia, ustedes son retados a intentar mantenerse fieles a vuestra Luz, a quienes son realmente y a lo que sienten. Es un gran desafío!

miércoles, diciembre 21, 2016

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua Channelings - How do You Recognize Your Soul's Plan?

Dear friends,

Welcome everyone, I am Jeshua. I greet you all from my heart. I am connected to you, so feel my presence. I am that which connects your hearts, for I represent the unity that is between us all.
I ask you, now, to ground yourself, to connect your body with the Earth beneath your feet and to imagine that roots sprout from your feet into the soil. Feel how your consciousness is completely present in this space and penetrates, through the roots from your feet, into the Earth. Feel the power of our collective energy, so that together we create a field of consciousness with a deep and pure intention.

martes, diciembre 20, 2016

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua - The Message of Darkness

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua, I greet you all. It is a joy for me to be here in your midst. We are connected as brothers and sisters. Collectively, we bring a new wave of consciousness into the world. Feel that for a moment within yourself.

You are a torch bearer; you carry an inner light within you. See before you that you hold a torch of light that spreads into the darkness. Initially, you are called upon to spread this light within your own darkness. As soon as you are born here on Earth, which is full of fear, of illusion, of distrust against life, you take part in this world and in its attempt to escape from deep feelings. From the moment you are born, and throughout your entire upbringing – your early youth and adolescence – you are challenged to try to hold fast to your light and to who you really are and feel. And what a huge challenge this is!

jueves, septiembre 29, 2016

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - Embodiment - September 29, 2016

Dear friends,  I am very pleased to be with you and to have my energy commingle with yours.
You are radiant beings of light and you have no idea of the strength and beauty that you demonstrate daily in your life. Even though the outlook is dark at times, and sometimes you feel exhausted from trying to move forward in your life, you are ever courageous. You need to be aware of the incredible courage and power that you demonstrate day after day. You continually bring more and more light on to Earth just through your being here. By anchoring yourself in your body, you spread your light on Earth. You are the living light on Earth, and your body is part of that embodiment.
You incarnated here with a purpose, with a deep intention. You are here for yourself, to bloom inwardly, and to deeply experience and know every part of yourself. But you are also here for the Earth, for this planet and to inspire and nourish her with your angel light. Your body is composed of the same elements as the Earth and the kingdoms of the plants and the animals. That is what you share with them; you are not separate from the life around you.

miércoles, junio 29, 2016

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - The Cross of Life - June 29, 2016

Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I come to you from the beyond, from a realm of light and love that exceeds your imagination. However, I am also very close. I speak to you from your own heart and you are touched by me, because the realm where I dwell, and the love and the light that belong to it, is yours, too. You are a part of that realm. You are born from it and to it you will return, for it is your Home. Feel its presence here and now in your midst. This is what I come to bring to you today, a reminder of Home.

You are here to bring in the energy of Home and to establish it among the people on Earth. You are here to burrow your roots deep into the Earth, to feel good and secure here, and from that place of connectedness to be a beacon of light for all people who feel Home-less and are searching for love and light.

martes, octubre 06, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Repost: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua ~ Creation and Manifestation ~ Mixing the Palette of your Love Essence - October 6, 2015

This is a repost of an earlier message that I was guided to share with you again since it fits in with and enhances my recently channeled message from Yeshua and Mother Mary, entitled “Beautiful Hearts…Create Away!”   (Link)  (As an interesting side note, the following message also showed up yesterday in a facebook group, spontaneously appearing with my profile picture as a current post, as if I had just posted it! and I had  actually posted it there over two months ago!  Love those beautiful synchronicities!) Enjoy:
imagesReceived July 27, 2015
Hello Dear Ones. We Are Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and we bow before you, together. The Sweet Pure Love Essence that we are, our energies entwined together, we offer to you now for your inherent manifestation. This Sweet Pure Love Essence that you are is there, and is magnified now in our Presence, if you allow it.
Within that is Creation, and Manifestation of that Creation, ever-entwined and ever-present for you to realize.

sábado, julio 04, 2015

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - Inhabitant of two worlds: the lightworker's mission

Pamela channels Jeshua


Dear friends, I am Jeshua; I love you all deeply. I respect who you are, both your light and your dark sides.

I call upon you, you who are the carriers of today's new consciousness. In my life, I carried a torch of light and wanted to share it with humanity. I was a very human being, just like you. I had anger and despair, just like you, but there also were moments of deep connection with my soul. I was growing on the inner level, just like you. It is important that you stop seeing me as a perfect being, a master high above you. I am your brother, your friend, and I am not here to judge or to preach. I want to share my feelings of companionship with you, so please feel my respect for you.

martes, junio 03, 2014

Pamela Kribbe - Paraíso en la Tierra - Jun 3, 2014

Pamela canaliza a Jeshua

Traducción del inglés por Sandra V. Gusella

Queridos amigos, hoy les doy la bienvenida aquí y los saludo a todos desde lo más profundo de mi corazón. Mi mayor placer es estar con ustedes. Los admiro por vuestro coraje y perseverancia.

Han venido a la Tierra para aportar algo en este tiempo de transición. Todos ustedes llevan un precioso regalo: el regalo que ustedes son. Y quieren dárselo a la Tierra, porque ustedes la aman. Han estado en la Tierra muchas veces y una parte de ustedes pertenece a ella.

jueves, marzo 27, 2014

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Paradise on Earth Mar 27

Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan
Dear friends, I welcome you here today, and I greet you all from the bottom of my heart. It is my greatest pleasure to be with you. I admire you for your courage and perseverance.
You have come on Earth in order to contribute something to this time of transition. You all carry a very precious gift within you: the gift that you are. And you want to give it to the Earth, because you love her. You have been on Earth many times and a part of you belongs to her.
You are light bearers. You desire to bring light into a reality that has been immersed in darkness, where darkness stands for fear, ignorance, and a desire for power. And you yourself have also been lost in that darkness, because a part of your mission is for you to become acquainted with the darkness so that you might find the strength from within to overcome it.

viernes, enero 03, 2014

Jeshua via Judith Coates: Do You Know How Blessed You Are? Jan 3, 2013

Beloved one, when you first thought to create, you left a part of you, an awareness of you that is still with you. You turned from it and you said, “I want to create. What can I create?” And you have created all worlds, all scenarios, everything that you can imagine in this lifetime and more because you wanted to know your creative ability.
At first your creations were from Love and from the Isness of Being. Then, later the creative Energy desired to know what else there could be, what could be unlike Love. So you began an experiment. You wanted to know, “How does it feel to be completely immersed in my creation and to be creatively challenged by someone else’s creation?”

martes, octubre 01, 2013

Wes Annac-Jeshua and the Ascended Masters: If Things Don’t Seem to Arrive, then Arise - October 1, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With so very much Love and joy, I am Jeshua speaking for our collective of Masters and for the Company of Heaven overall. We continue to watch you go about your Earthly endeavors, and we encourage the expansion so many of you find yourselves undergoing as you subsequently greet purer understandings about yourselves and this beautiful Creation around you.
You’re gaining deeper glimpses into the spiritual realms, and as you do this you emit an energy; a frequency that reaches out to everyone around you and helps them find enlightenment in their own ways and in their own time. You’re helping so many others to become aware of the reality of their existence with your mere presence on the Earth, dear souls, and this is why we encourage your continual efforts to help your collective become aware.

lunes, septiembre 16, 2013

Jeshua - Two Types of Darkness - Pamela Kribbe 

Pamela channels Jeshua
Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan
Dear friends, I am Jeshua, an old friend who loves to share this afternoon with you, simply being together in the energy of love and unity. This is something you desire so much, because quite often you feel adrift and lost in life on Earth. I am here to remind you of the truth that lives within you, in your soul. It is not observable with the naked eye, and you often lose touch with that truth when you are busy and involved in your many activities, duties and responsibilities.
Please take a moment to become still and let all those external pressures fall away. Sense the silence deep within you. The silence in your heart is not a void, but a full presence that can only be sensed if you take a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We are here today to take that step back in order for you to remember who you are, and to revitalize yourself with the fullness of silence in your heart. This enables you to begin to live again, but now with more ease and joy.

sábado, agosto 31, 2013

Being A Teacher In The New Era - Pamela Kribbe – June 2009

Jeshua channelled by Pamela Kribbe – June 2009 –
This channeling is also available as audio file. The transcript has been slightly edited for purposes of readability. Heartfelt thanks to Maria Baes for making the transcript.
Dear friends,
I AM Jeshua.
I was the bearer of Christ consciousness two thousand years ago, and now you are the ones carrying that torch.  It is a torch of light that brings change in this world, a world that is in need of change at this very moment. You live in an age of crisis.  There is a financial crisis, an economic crisis going on right now, and there is also crisis of the planet, an environmental crisis going on. You live in the midst of this crisis, which is also an opportunity for change.  Always when things change in a fundamental way, a lot of old things need to fall away drastically and fundamentally.

martes, agosto 27, 2013

Wes Annac – Jeshua And The Ascended Masters: Spiritual Liberation Will Help You Create Heaven On Earth – 27 August 2013

wes-annac-300x229(Lucas : I need to be clear again on my blog:  you discern yourselves about all your read, hear and  see! I just give a variety of news and other articles, videos, etc, for you to take in or not. I am not judging you. I only give if so my own view on things that might not be yours and that is fine with me. I still will not post most comments. It is up to you to discern yourselves. We still are one people, there is for me no more the good the bad, etc. We need to come out of that separation thinking and the way we see things in opposites when you still do.)
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With the brimming Love of the entirety of our collective of Masters, I am Jeshua.
At this time, we wish to communicate the importance of treating every facet of consciousness around you with the ordained respect you wish to be shown. In the time ahead, humanity will come to understand the importance of connecting with the plant and animal kingdoms and allowing them the same rights humans expect to be able to enjoy.