Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jennifer Hoffman. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Jennifer Hoffman. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, mayo 12, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - The Energy of Courage - May 12, 2023

Have you ever had an experience where you had to act quickly, boldly, and decisively and you did, even though it may have involved something dangerous and scary? But in that moment you did not consider the scary and dangerous aspects, you knew that you had to act and to do something in that moment, and you did.

domingo, mayo 07, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Reporte de Energía para Mayo 2023: DOMINA TU MATRIX

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:

Y entramos en otro mes en este año de continuas revelaciones, liberación, revisión y reconsideración. En las Predicciones de 2023 dije que el enfoque de este año estaba en la energía, el potencial y la expansión y no podemos permitirnos distraernos con los escombros que están siendo arrojados desde los eventos que se desarrollan con frecuencia diaria. ¿Puedes creer que ya es mayo, el 5º mes del año? Se siente como si el tiempo se moviera rápidamente, pero ¿es así o simplemente estamos más enfocados e intencionados para movernos por la vida de una manera más ordenada y eficiente?

jueves, mayo 04, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - The eclipse on Friday, May 5 - May 4, 2023

The eclipse on Friday, May 5, is going to feel like a pressure valve finally being released. The energy leading up to it this week has been dark, heavy, and intense. Maybe that's because this eclipse cycle, April and May, is pulling up the previous cycle in April and May 2004 and we're on the cusp of another big paradigm shift.

I can feel it and I know you can too.

lunes, mayo 01, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - May 2023 Energy Report - May 1, 2023


It’s now the 5th month of the year and where do you stand with respect to your intentions, plans, goals, objectives, and secret dreams for the year? Are you close, nearly there, or so far away from them that you are discouraged, depressed, and demoralized? Don’t lose hope because this month is a creative wellspring of high vibes that is going to give us the energy and opportunities to make tracks and gain traction even though we start the month with Mercury retrograde and the annual planetary retrogrades begin. Don’t be intimidated by May’s energy theme of Mastering your Matrix – because it’s a process you have been engaged with for years and now you get to add the final touches. It’s a process I call IDEA – Intend – Decide – Expand – Act.

lunes, abril 24, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Eclipsed - Intersection of Intention and Interests - Apr 24, 2023

The recent April 21 eclipse was indeed a powerful one. A rare hybrid eclipse that began as an annular eclipse and morphed into a total eclipse that could be seen in in Australia and parts of the south pacific region. It is another astronomical phenomenon but we know it’s much more than that because it is part of a vast energy movement that has been showering us with energy shifts and downloads for the past 4 years. With a solar eclipse, which means that the dark obscures the light, the sun being covered by the moon, but don’t stop there. To eclipse something is to surpass it, to be the best in comparison to others.

sábado, abril 15, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Indigos Crystals and the Blessings of Being Different - Apr 15, 2023

I don’t exactly remember when I realized that I was different from most of the people in my family. Maybe it was because I was the one who was paralyzed for 5 years, or maybe it was because my brother and sister, who were 11 months apart in age, looked like twins and I looked much different.

Maybe it was because I would get very angry at being lied to, unfairly blamed, or the game playing and manipulation that I experienced with my parents. I always felt like I was born into the wrong family and they were not my people.

lunes, abril 10, 2023

Brenda Hoffman - So It Begins - April 10, 2023

Dear Ones,

Even though you ended your 3D dance, you might not yet feel beyond 3D, for some pieces continue to impact your moods and interactions. Such is to be expected. You did not shift from a 3D infant to a toddler in one day. It was a process, as it is for you now.

Past actions are no longer appropriate, and future actions are just beginning, so you feel discombobulated and a bit raw. Allow those feelings to pass through you as you adjust to your new being.

domingo, abril 09, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Happy Easter! This is a special time and the collective energy is very strong - Apr 9, 2023


May be an image of text that says 'Happy Easter The Portal of Re-Birth Into Freedom Jennifer Hoffman'

Happy Easter! This is a special time and the collective energy is very strong, whether you celebrate Easter as a religious holy day or not.

This is a portal for Re-birth into Freedom - created by the energetic focus of the collective today and this week.

What is re-birth? What is freedom? From the April Energy Toolkit:

"Re-birth is not a do-over or a restart, it is a personal commitment to re-energize yourself and create a new starting point in the present.

martes, abril 04, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - April 2023 Energy Report - April 4, 2023

Well, March is over and that is a relief as we head into April, one of my favorite months of the year. Partly because it’s my birthday month, and partly because it’s when spring goes into full growth mode and this is my favorite season. We’re surrounded by new growth, everything is blooming, as nature prepares for a new growth cycle. As a gardener this is the time of the year when I assess my plants, see what is doing well, what has to be moved or what has not survived the winter. It’s also time for a spring clean of my garden and my house to get rid of what is no longer relevant or necessary.

viernes, marzo 31, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Feeling a bit frazzled? - Mar 31, 2023

Feeling a bit frazzled? My day has been like that but on the bright side I have a spiffy and sturdy new mailbox, my car has new tires and brakes, and tomorrow is another day.

March is supposed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb. It appears to be going out like an F5 tornado. If your karmic cycles are being activated it's so they can be released now.

lunes, marzo 20, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Happy New Year! - Mar 20, 2023

Happy New Year!

It's the March Equinox & the beginning of our solar year

Forget January 1 - the New Year begins today, at the March Equinox.

Time to celebrate and time to shine.

Honor the past you are leaving behind while integrating its learning and wisdom into the present.

It's GO time!

I never understood why we would celebrate the new year in January, when it is dark, cold, and nothing grows. The truth is, until 1752 the new year did begin on March 20, the Equinox. And that makes more sense to me, to start the new year when the earth begins its new growth cycle.

Today is the Equinox and the start of our solar new year, the 0 Aries point in the zodiac. It's the first day of spring and where I live, everything is in bloom.

If you have been on my facebook page you will see that I have been talking a lot about this week because so much is going on.

It's the Ascension Trifecta - exponentially multiplied.

First we have the March Equinox today, the start of our solar year.

Then we have the Aries New Moon and Alpha Omega Portal opening on March 21. That's a huge event for us, I wrote about it in the March Energy Report and discussed it in detail in the March 2023 Equinox Master Class.

Then we March 23 we have Pluto entering Aquarius, which previously happened in 1778 and it was called the Age of Enlightenment.

And at the end of this week Mars finally moves out of Gemini (where it has been since last August.

So buckle up and enjoy the ride - and claim your blessings. We have been working hard for a very long time and it's our turn to be blessed so think about how you want your new year to be, set some intentions, and get ready to enjoy some joy.

Many bright, beautiful blessings, Jennifer Hoffman
Intuitive Master, Energy Savante, Channel, 8x Best selling Author
Your guide to High Vibes Living

jueves, marzo 09, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Karma's gift is healing and self awareness - Mar 9, 2023

I have to admit that when Saturn entered Pisces yesterday I was a bit concerned. This is not a great placement for me and in the past, Saturn in Pisces has always been a source of enormous loss, suffering, and pain. But after a day of reviewing the past and wondering where I could go and hide away for the next 3 years, I woke up this morning with a plan for this tough transit and an understanding of what it could become and I am more relieved than afraid.

Karma has its downside but it has its blessings too and it arrives with gifts that we can learn from and appreciate into greater joy, understanding and freedom if we are ready.

lunes, marzo 06, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman, - Reporte de Energía para Marzo 2023 - Mar 1, 2023

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:

Abróchate el cinturón y agárrate fuerte porque estamos entrando en un período de intensa actividad que es una mezcla de energías, transformación, potenciales y verdad. Es posible que desees tomarte un tiempo para descansar y reagruparte este mes porque están sucediendo muchas cosas. O tal vez quieras elegir tus batallas con cuidado a medida que te acostumbras a manejar tu energía con mayor intención y atención a lo que necesitas y quieres en tu vida.

jueves, marzo 02, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - March 2023 Energy Report - Mar 2, 2023

Buckle up and hang on tight because we are entering a period of intense activity that is a mixed bag of energies, transformation, potentials, and truth. You may want to take some time to rest and regroup this month because there is a lot going on. Or you may want to pick your battles carefully as you get used to managing your energy with greater intention and attention to what you need and want in your life.

lunes, febrero 20, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Gran luna nueva hoy y tiene mucha energía - Feb 20, 2023

Gran luna nueva hoy y tiene mucha energía.

Primero tenemos un portal Alfa/Omega en Piscis con el Sol y la Luna en 1 Piscis y Venus en 29 Piscis. Neptuno también está allí en 24 Piscis, apoyando a Venus.

Esta es la ubicación más importante y poderosa para Venus, su máxima expresión. Espera ideas espirituales y nuevos niveles de conciencia espiritual. También algunos cambios energéticos en tus relaciones, especialmente los que no te aman, honran y respetan.

Jennifer Hoffman - Big new moon today and it packs a lot of energy - Feb 20, 2023

Big new moon today and it packs a lot of energy.

First we have an Alpha/Omega portal in pisces with the Sun and Moon at 1 Pisces and Venus at 29 Pisces. Neptune is in there too at 24 Pisces, supporting Venus.

This is the most important and powerful placement for Venus, its highest expression. Expect spiritual insights and new levels of spiritual awareness. Also some energetic shifts in your relationships, especially the ones that do not love, honor, and respect you.

domingo, febrero 19, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Reporte de Energía de Febrero 2023


Si sientes que acabamos de atravesar enero comprimidos ahora ha terminado y comienza un nuevo mes, no estás solo. Enero es el comienzo del año calendario (pero no del año solar) y siempre es un tiempo de reajuste. Estamos llenos de esperanza y anticipación por algo diferente, solo para encontrarnos, después de la primera semana o 10 días, de vuelta en la misma rutina y ritmo.

sábado, febrero 11, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Everything is pretty wild right now - Feb 11, 2023

Everything is pretty wild right now and it's interesting that the final degrees of Pluto in Capricorn are highlighted by Mercury, the planet that rules karma in the year of the Reckoning.

If you have ever seen shattered safety glass, which doesn't break into shards, it gradually breaks into a web of tiny pieces over a period of time, that's what the 3D paradigm looks like right now. Even the most dense aspects of 3D are not able to hold their integrity, as we are seeing in the world. I saw that this morning when I woke up.

viernes, febrero 10, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Cabeza arriba - Feb 10, 2023

Cabeza arriba, la energía es muy pesada ahora mismo y continúa hasta el sábado. Tenemos la conjunción final de Mercurio/Plutón en Capricornio, no veremos otra en 285 años.

Esta es una energía dura, escribí sobre ello en el informe de energía de febrero, el enlace está en la sección de comentarios.

Jennifer Hoffman - Heads up - Feb 10, 2023

Heads up, the energy is very heavy right now and it continues through Saturday.

We have the final Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn happening, we will not see another one for 285 years.

This is a tough energy, I wrote about it in the February energy report. And it involves the two most polarized planets in our solar system. Mercury, closes to the earth, the smallest planet, and the first personal planet, and Pluto the farthest from the earth and the last planet in the zodiac.