Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Elizabeth Ayres Escher. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Elizabeth Ayres Escher. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, septiembre 21, 2014

Eliza - Archangel Michael’s Shield - September 21, 2014


Archangel Michael Speaks
Channeler: Trillia Gia
It is I, Archangel Michael.  I greet you this day. I come to speak directly to you in this now moment of time.  Feel My Presence and know always that you are never alone. We are family and it is My honor to guide and protect each soul who sends forth a call from their heart flame to Mine. We are well within the

sábado, septiembre 13, 2014

Eliza: On Dragons and Other Doings - September 13, 2014

Eagle Creek, Eagle Cap Wilderness
Eliza: On Dragons and Other Doings
It’s a beautiful day outside, cool and pleasant, yet I wanted to write something.
I’m having a difficult time connecting with anything to write about… so, in order to get started, I will share portions of my notes from a session that I had in early 2009, with a talented healer / seer.
“When Lady Aurelia first focused on my energy patterns, she saw a clear spirit, a tremendous Being of Light with a crown on her head. She expressed it as my being the queen of my planet, holding a place of authority.”
Interesting, given that while I’m not a queen, I am an aspect of a Light Being and highly evolved Soul.
“She said that in my vertical aspect, I was an Ascended Lady Master and that I express at a higher level than that, above. She could not determine whether that expression was archangelic or something else altogether different.”

sábado, septiembre 06, 2014

Eliza: On Learning Discernment - September 6, 2014

Cottonwood Heart
Eliza: On Learning Discernment
What is discernment? To me, it is the ability to determine what resonates for me, at the moment. Whatever is resonating to me, is what I need for the next step in my journey. Learning discernment could be described as the fine art of listening to the One who dwells within. It is a journey that takes you to a place where you can begin to experience grace and forgiveness.
If you have read my two series of articles, “From One Who Has Served” and “My Spiritual Journey”, you will have seen that I was able to begin to discern my path even as a young person, when I first found my joy in reading books at age seven.
Reading stories was my way of finding worlds to explore, worlds very different than the one in which I found myself.
In other lifetimes, perhaps I found my joy in learning the art of war or in withdrawing from the world and spending a lifetime in prayer.
This lifetime was to be a culmination of all lifetimes spent upon this planet, although for much of this life I did not understand this.
Even though I came in as a walk-in, rather than incarnating, I still took on the Veil of Forgetfulness, perhaps to see if I could manage to walk through a portion of my life without the benefit of foreknowledge and connection with Source. My Star Family would be first to recognize that I loved challenges and challenging lifetimes. I was fearless.

Eliza - Journal Entry 09.06.2014

Journal Entry 09.06.2014
Some of my readers may have noticed that I was very quiet this past week, at least until today.  Reason being, I was extremely exhausted at work.  When I got home, it was enough to feed the cats and myself and then go to bed.  I wasn’t interested in reading much or doing much, except gathering a few handfuls of fresh vegetables from my little garden for fresh salad.
In glancing over various messages shared on Facebook, it was obvious that the energies continue to intensify for us all.  And my personal process is continuing, as well, as I re-blend with Higher Self.  Sometimes, I feel like Lady Tazjima is fully here.  Sometimes, my human personality, “Eliza” is more present.   My walk-in, “Sundeelia” is still in the process of observing and learning the ways of our current lifestyle.  She has been here before and is well taught and prepared to assume full command when I am ready to fully “depart”.

lunes, septiembre 01, 2014

Eliza and Higher Self: Endings and Beginnings - September 1, 2014

Magic Staircase
Eliza and Higher Self: Endings and Beginnings
Every day now is part of a count-down, marking the time when this consciousness wakens to another world.
What an odd thing to think about. And yet, I do find myself detaching more, finding little interest in the movies and books that I used to enjoy. And there is a certain poignancy to merely walking in the garden, picking vegetables or plucking spent flowers off the plants. Soon I will no longer be doing such things here.
There is much beauty in our physical world here on this water planet. Do you know just how rare are water planets? Few exist; all are considered unique and sacred.
There is much work to be accomplished by those I leave behind, but I know that you will do well. Only the bravest and strongest are being sent here to continue with the work.

Eliza: On Evolution and Revolution - September 1, 2014

Above the ImnahaEliza:  Higher Self on Evolution vs. Revolution
Lord, I almost dread asking whether or not I should share another past life… but my Family are anything but subtle these days.  Loving, but not subtle.
Another one… Marquis de La Fayette… yes, the young French cavalier who assisted the American forces, despite being forbidden to do so by his king, Louis XVI.  I will spare you the details as his life is well documented. Freedom as I said in a prior message runs in the blood.

sábado, agosto 30, 2014

Eliza: On Being Real - August 30, 2014

Beauty does have thorns
Eliza: On Being Real
Being real means living with integrity, listening to YOUR inner voice, not that of some designated “teacher”.
True, sometimes we need mentors and guidance, but in the end, you need to be able to break away from blind obedience to ANYONE outside your Self and follow your own path, your own Heart.
On Facebook, I noticed that a woman was “uncomfortable” with my rendition of life on the Royal Teton Ranch. I lived there for two years. I was a faithful chela (which means “slave”) during this time. However, there came a time when I had to release the hold that the Teachings had upon my consciousness. It was not good for me to continue obeying what was coming from outside my Self and was not resonating with my understanding of spirituality.

viernes, agosto 29, 2014

Eliza: Shadows of the Past - August 29, 2014

Eliza: Shadows of the Past
As I was going through some papers, I came upon an email that was originally written in 2010. In it, I was relating my impressions of a “past” life:
I’m a very different person that that young man of nearly 2,000 years ago and yet he is within me, the same idealistic healer / artistic heart. In those days, I was “gifted” with the Sight. It came from the little dark people of my mother’s blood, those who lived in the wild lands of the mountains. Yet I had the fiery Celtic heart of my father, a chieftain of the Carveti and kinsman to the King of the Brigantes. As an infant, I as chosen by the Druid of my people to be trained as a druid. I was fostered out to Mona at the tender age of seven. I had been born in the springtime of the year of the return of the Romans to the shores of our island, Albion. With the taking of Caractus, the great war-leader, by the Romans, I lived with the shame of my people. Caractus had been betrayed by our queen.

jueves, agosto 28, 2014

Eliza - Journey of Re-Discovery – Part II - Aug 26, 2014

Journey of Re-Discovery – Part II
A Passage to Britain
Sometimes a trip is just a trip. Sometimes a trip is a visit into many past lifetimes. The latter case was my experience in my one and only, rather momentous trip to Britain in 1984. It would activate triggers within to remind me of “past” lives lived all over the British Isles.
When I accompanied seven other acquaintances on a trip to Great Britain, I didn’t realize that I was about to begin a new phase of my life and my spiritual journey. It was a month-long trip, visiting villages, ancient spiritual sites and countryside, from the south of England, through Wales and into the lower Highlands of Scotland.

miércoles, agosto 27, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 08.27.2014

Journal Entry 08.27.2014
Actually I’m not sure just what day it is, except Wednesday; that’s when we have trash picked up in the neighborhood.  I’m on vacation and it would appear somewhat of a spiritual retreat.
I hope I’m not boring anyone with the recitation, such as it is, of my life’s story.  I haven’t cured anyone or invented anything, just lived after a fashion, here as best I could while trying to figure out the answers to questions I didn’t have any means to frame into existing language.
I’ve been driven from within all my life.  Living in 3D has been very uncomfortable, yet I have enjoyed some of it and disliked other bits.
As a young adult, I began to realize that I was very different from other people.  I picked up things that didn’t make sense to others, like my parents and my husband… my sisters and cousins, my friends and acquaintances.  I found that I was living a double life as there were few to explain what I was feeling inside.  I didn’t even fully understand it myself… but kept searching.

Eliza - A Journey of Re-Discovery – Part V, “A New Tack” - August 27, 2014

A Journey of Re-Discovery – Part V
“A New Tack”
Any good sailor knows that when the wind is following, you need to tack across it to make any forward progress.
I was now living in the basement of my parent’s house. My mother was somewhat reluctant to have me there; my father was glad. I, myself, was of two minds.
First, get a job. I worked for a temp agency for some months before landing a permanent job in a hospital.

Eliza - A Journey of Re-discovery – Part IV - August 27, 2014

Grande Ronde River
A Journey of Re-discovery – Part IV
What is a Spiritual Journey?
When you are embarked upon a spiritual journey as I have been, the destination is not always clear and well-defined.  You may not even be aware that you are embarked upon one… as I was for many years.  Call me a bit thick-headed, but the concept of a New Age wasn’t very well known except among those who studied some metaphysics.  New Age bookstores and crystal shops were still rather avant garde.
I’ve told some of my readers in various emails and comments that for me some of the answers that I have been seeking have taken me nearly a lifetime to discover. It won’t take that long for the Second Wavers or those who follow in THEIR footsteps as the frequencies now support more rapid change and transformation, thanks to the hard work done by those of the First Wave of volunteers who did the hard pick axe work of breaking trail. Sometimes you don’t even KNOW that you’re on a spiritual journey. The journey just picks you up like a strong current and sweeps you along. Eventually certain things begin to dawn on your waking consciousness; others take a bit longer.
From my description of life on the Royal Teton Ranch, you may think that I didn’t entirely enjoy the experience and you would be right… and wrong.
I was, again, part of a spiritual community. The awareness of having lived in one in other “past” lives was very strong within me. Instinctively I KNEW that I had been a part of the Essenes, a Cathar, a Templar Knight… and so on.

martes, agosto 26, 2014

Eliza - Journey of Re-Discovery – Part III - August 26, 2014

Journey of Re-Discovery – Part III
A Startling Change of Direction
When I came back from Britain, I was changed in ways that I could not even begin to fathom. Suddenly, my life as a married woman, living at home, wasn’t so fulfilling. I started asking questions of myself… and then I got a channeled message from some Light Beings that basically told me it was time to stop hiding away.
I wasn’t living my life; I was living my husband’s. Yes, he had given the time to begin searching into areas, but he wasn’t going there with me. In my heart, I knew I would have to take the next part of my journey alone.
This feeling only grew through the autumn, winter and spring months. At some point, my husband attended a conference and there met a woman with whom he instantly clicked. This person was married and lived in the Olympia area. Together, my husband and his new friend attempted to grow the acquaintance to include myself and her husband. Yet all I could see was how my husband was relating to another.

lunes, agosto 25, 2014

Eliza - A Journey of Re-Discovery - August 25, 2014

Hoh Rain Forest
Note to Readers:  The following articles are not a complete re-telling of my life, which would probably bore most people.  Rather I have selected episodes, personal thoughts and the like, from my journey here as a Wayshower and a First Wave volunteer, assisting the planet and her people towards Ascension.  Of course, for most of my lifetime here, I have not been aware that I was / am a Wayshower.  It was only by being willing to follow the breadcrumbs through the Forest of Forgetfulness that I began to piece together another story altogether different than what I thought I was living
I will be writing and still am in the process of writing these articles this week, as I’m on “vacation”.  I find writing to be an excellent creative outlet at this time for me, as I go through a tremendous amount of change.  It is the same for many who follow these pages.  My story may or not echo in your own heart, but I hope you enjoy reading it.
A Journey of Re-Discovery
Part I – In the Beginning
This is my story, in my words… It is not a linear story, but spirals in and out, climbing high and sweeping low, as spiritual journeys sometimes do.

domingo, agosto 24, 2014

Eliza: Is it all a Dream? - August 24, 2014

Bullfrog Lake
Eliza: Is it all a Dream?
One thing I share with that great man, Young Chief Joseph, is that I AM a Dreamer. A dreamer is one who relies upon visions for guidance and understanding. I also seek verification of the visions and allow my intuition to guide me to the answers that I seek.
Many years ago, I walked away from the Christian heritage of my parents, out of choice and unwelcomed knowledge of the “roots” of Christianity. Amazingly enough, at one time, I even considered becoming a minister of a bridge Church.
A “bridge” church is one that attempts to bridge the differences between the metaphysically based teaching of the so-called New Age and those of the Christian faith. It is a chasm that cannot always be crossed, given the conditional narrow-mindedness of some Christians. Yet I considered it… for a few short months. Until I read a huge book entitled, The Roots of Christianity.

Eliza and the Angels: On Accepting Power - August 24, 2014

Eliza and the Angels: On Accepting Power
Channeler:  Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe
Empowerment, personal sovereignty, self-love… all these are current buzz words among those who are in the process of revealing Truth to a people who have starved on lies for centuries.
Yet, what IS Power, truly? Is it giving yourself permission to beat other people down by your sense of self-importance or superiority?
Hardly… yet this is how many people use and abuse power in our world.
Power is given by the authority within each man OR woman OR child to live free. And long has that individual  power has been denied, reviled and suppressed by the Powers That Were.
Lies were invented to strip power and personal sovereignty away from those who were deemed by someone in “authority” who deemed “them” as being “different” or “less than human”   In other words, these lies were invented by those who claimed that authority to act in the lieu of the divinity that exists within everybody, whether they be human, animal, plant or rock.  And they did whatever they pleased, using their self-defined “right” as an excuse.

sábado, agosto 16, 2014

Eliza: On Team Dark Attacks - August 16, 2014

Sunset over Jack Mtn.
Eliza: Team Dark Attacks
Some light workers don’t want to admit that there is any negativity in the world, within themselves or around them. Others focus on it perhaps a little too much, which is a stage of coming more awake and aware of the world we live in presently.
Those of us who have stepped forward, through spoken or written word, will and do suffer from occasional attacks from Team Dark, as Denise LeFay calls the opposition forces.
This morning, I woke up abruptly out of a troubled sleep, to hear the usual telepathic banter going on, but this time it was different. There was a negative cast to it. In short, I was being “told” that my ascension date had been moved back, that I was being kicked out the council… etc., etc. Team Dark was pulling all the stops to make me feel like I had disappointed my mentors and brought shame upon myself. They WANTED me to be fearful and to take the blame for whatever…
In waking up and listening to this conversation but briefly, I “told” them out loud, “I AM withdrawing all permission to receive telepathic messages!” And went into protective mode, calling upon Archangel Michael to shield me, requesting the presence of my assigned Eagle to be with me… etc.

miércoles, agosto 13, 2014

Journal Entry 08.14.2014

Mountain Goat - Cascades
Journal Entry 08.14.2014
It’s not often that you wake out of a heavy sleep and hear a strong voice in your head, talking about the Illuminati… I asked telepathically, “Who’s speaking?”  The answer came back, “Hush, we’re in Council!”  It was Sanat Kumara… another sponsor.
Okay, so I’m at a Council meeting that I don’t ever remember attending, but who knows what’s on the agenda for Lady Tazjima.  I can say with all honesty that things are progressing rather rapidly for me.
Meanwhile, at the ranch… no, I don’t live on one; that’s just an expression that I grew up with… it’s getting challenging to be at work when I only feel partially in the body.  Sundeelia is there, of course, but I’m not quite, all the time.  Still, the work gets done.

martes, agosto 12, 2014

Eliza: Opening Up To Spirit - August 12, 2014

Eliza: Opening Up to Spirit
This is an account of my experience on when I first “met” Young Joseph, known also as Chief Joseph in the annals of the American West, as a chief of the Wallowa Band of the Nez Perce. I first wrote these words almost a year ago, towards the last week of August.
I recently experienced an interesting encounter the other day with the spirits or souls of departed Wallowa Band Nez Perce or Niimupu (The People) as expressed in their own language. As I had been camping several days in the beloved land of Wallowa, it wasn’t entirely unexpected, but not consciously looked for. When I got out of my car, after being tickled by a sudden inward nudge, I climbed up the side of the humped grassy moraine, thinking that I would take some photos of the mountains.

domingo, agosto 10, 2014

The Angels: From the Heart of the Mother We Come - Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe - August 10, 2014

The Angels: From the Heart of the Mother We Come
We are the Angelic Legions of the Divine Mother. We come to you this day to greet our sisters and brothers who have taken on human form in order to bring into being a new world of possibilities.
Would it surprise you to know that many of you embodied now are angels? You have chosen to take the human path of incarnation rather than remain in the Light Worlds. For this you have given up much, but also you gain much in faster spiritual evolution than is possible in more static environments of the Lighted Worlds.
Change comes more quickly in the lower dimensions, especially in 3D where most of you exist now physically. Your planet itself has moved into the lower levels of the Fifth Dimension, but most of humanity still lives and acts like nothing has changed. Those of you who are awake and aware, know that much has changed. You can feel it in your bodies, with the exquisite aches and pains, growing pains that indicate your carbon-based body is translating into a crystalline-based one.