Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta El Manuscrito de Sobrevivencia. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta El Manuscrito de Sobrevivencia. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, noviembre 27, 2013

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - Nov 27, 2013
We would like to delve a little bit further into the upcoming attractions, if you will, as we gather there are more than a few of you already tuning into these new frequencies. As always, getting used to these enhanced vibrations is not easy, and as such, you will all have a hard time finding your footing these days. And we do mean that in every sense of the word, as a sense of equilibrium may be a thing of the past for so many of you. Still, this is only the beginning of what someone might find more than a little daunting to contemplate, as you are indeed approaching the point of no return, the point where these droplets of light will coalesce into a veritable rainstorm. And as such, we will only give you a heads up as it were in order to make you a little bit better prepared for what is to come.

sábado, noviembre 23, 2013

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 373 – 23 November 2013

AishaNorthThe time has started to speed up, and we do mean that in every sense of the word. For what you have perceived as a defined set of coordinates, unchangeable, is that no more. You see, mankind has somehow taken into their minds that there are some so-called “natural laws” that are there for perpetuity, and that can be used to measure everything against, as it is defined as a constant. Well, that may have been the case, or at least, have appeared to be the case for a very long time, but now, everything is indeed in flux. So too those measurements you have come to abide by as the surest definition of something that has been deemed as constant for mankind.

jueves, noviembre 21, 2013

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 372 - Nov 21, 2013

Let us delve a little bit further into the nature of change, for that is what this process is all about. Change is a part of the natural cycle of All there is, for as you know well by now, there are no constants, as everything is in a constant flux, from one state of being and into another.

The variables are many of course, as this process from becoming to being to destruction and back into becoming again comes in all shapes and forms, so what you are going through now, is simply a brand new variation of change, one that mankind is a newcomer to. For the cycle of mankind has been the same literally for eons, and the only variable has been more or less the defined cycle of a lifespan, and the interchange between the different states of consciousness that can be attained. And as you all know well by now, there have been strict limits on both.
But now, the limits have been taken away, and the cycle of change is about to become something very, very different indeed. And you know this, because you are the forerunners of this change, the ones that have elected to go through this process as the first ones, the pioneers, and as such, you are literally breaking new ground for all of mankind so that they can follow in your footsteps.

As we said, change is inevitable in Creation, but what you are doing, is literally to change your whole cycle of change into a brand new one, where not only the physical parameters, but also the less tangible ones will become as if new. For you are breaking out of the old mould, and you are all set to create a brand new one.

sábado, noviembre 16, 2013

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 370 - Nov 16, 2013

As you have perhaps already ascertained, this quickening comes in many shapes and forms, and for some of you, it has been almost overpowering at times. Again, we hasten to remind you all that even if you at times may feel like you are down on your knees, unable to even think about getting up again, you are not being driven further down by these energetic shifts that keep battering you ceaselessly. No, you are simply being elevated further in vibration with every single blast of these energetic missiles, but still, it might not be as easy to remind yourself of this selfsame truth. For many will be struggling with themselves now, and so, it can be hard not to look into the seeming abyss in front of you and think that you are heading ever deeper into it. But this is not an abyss dear ones, no matter how deep you find yourself sinking as these energies keep swatting you around the ears. For what will seem as an endless quest for retaining your balance, is simply a sure sign of energetic upgrading, and as such, the elevator is indeed going up all the time, even when you feel the surge in your stomach that seems to signal you are in a free fall ever downward.

viernes, octubre 11, 2013

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 363 - Oct 11, 2013
The symbols of success can be many, but for now, let us just focus on a few that will appear for many of you. You have and will start to connect in a way that will enable to you start to see things, but when we refer to this, we do not necessarily refer to tangible things that you can simultaneously touch with your bare hands. We refer to symbols and shapes that may not contain any information that you will understand from a human point of view, but symbols that in themselves contain essential information that will leave their imprint on you in a way that will be of great help. Of course, this whole message, in fact, any message that you may receive in this kind of manner also conveys much of its information this way.

jueves, octubre 03, 2013

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 362 – 3 October 2013

AishaNorthAs you have already noticed, the roller coaster is indeed picking up speed, and for many, it will feel like they are being tossed to and from on this unpredictable ride. It may seem very chaotic, but please believe us when we say that even if it might not seem like it to you, everything is under control.
For we see what you do not, and we know what you have yet to be made privy to, and as such, we will always be on hand to keep you updated on the proceedings. We know it can be more than frustrating to be fighting this feeling of being left out in the cold as it were, but again, you are not left out of anything by ill will. Rather, you are in the loop in everything you need to be in the loop about, and the rest is not only out of your control, it is simply under the management of those in charge of overseeing this whole operation.

martes, octubre 01, 2013

Aisha North – Manuscript Of Survival – Part 361 – 1 October 2013

AishaNorthBy now, most of you have gotten used to being knocked about by these interrupting rounds of energetic upheavals, and hopefully, you have even gotten to understand the benevolent nature of this barrage. We know fully well that to many of you, the barrages themselves are nothing to be pleased about, as they seem to misbehave as soon as they connect with your body. But still, the unpleasantness they may cause will never outweigh all of the beneficial value these messengers of light come laden with, and as such, we gather that most of you have quietly acquiesced to these rounds by now.

viernes, septiembre 27, 2013

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 359 - Sep 27, 2013
You have come a long way dear ones, and already, you have put an indelible mark on this beautiful planet of yours. You have made a huge difference, and you will continue to do so, for you are not only the wayshowers, you are also the bringers of light in every aspect. We know that this will not be news to any of you, but it bears repeating, as you have mayhaps lost a little track of all of this in the midst of all of the personal challenges so many of you have been facing lately. For you are nothing short of Masters, as we have already told you, and what you help to bring in, is nothing short of miraculous. And already, the traces of light are starting to become more and more apparent on all sides. It is as if you have changed the tune completely, and even if that tune still is falling on many deaf ears, others are already picking it up and humming along to it. Can you not hear it? And can you not feel it in your very, somewhat weary, bones?

jueves, septiembre 19, 2013

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 356 – 19 September 2013

AishaNorthAs you have mayhaps noticed, the intensity of this stormfront may have left you breathless in more ways than one. We hasten to add that this is in no way a signal of anything negative, far from it. Rather, it is indeed signs of a cleansing and restructuring that will give you many a cause for celebration in the time ahead. We know that during these storms, celebration may seem to be the furthest thing from your mind, as the effects of these lashing winds of high voltage energy is not to trifled with. But again, this is only a signal of the thorough upgrading and indeed reconstitution this whole planet of yours is receiving at the moment, and a such, celebration will indeed be a thing on the agenda not far from now.

martes, septiembre 17, 2013

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 355 – 17 September 2013

AishaNorthAs many of you have been made aware of already, the immensity of the incoming waves are certainly not diminishing. Rather, they are growing by the hour, and as such, many of you will find it hard to keep your focus in the days ahead. We say this in order to prepare you for a huge influx of light coming your way, coinciding with that time of the year when your planet is perched seemingly in balance in the heavens.
As you all know well by now, this time of the year is marked by a congruence of the light, whereas all parts of your little blue globe seem to be receiving the equal amount of light and dark at the same time. This happens twice a year, and this time, it will indeed be a time that will be remarked upon by many of your fellow men. Not only all those already focusing their vision on the light, but also by all those still seemingly uninfluenced by the effects these heavenly missives have on you all.

sábado, septiembre 07, 2013

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 351 – 7 September 2013
As you have been made more than aware of lately, the winds of change have not abated, and neither are they about to. We hear groans of agony from many of you, but let us just assure you that in this, you will find encouragement and support, not destruction and chaos. For as you have all chosen your destiny a long time ago by opening up for these energetic emissions early on, you will find that these winds will literally fill your sails and give you better momentum towards your destination. In other words, what for some will be construed as a devastating blow to their illusion, will for you become a mighty push in the back.

jueves, septiembre 05, 2013

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 350 - Sep 5, 2013
As you have already seen, the waves of energy that washed in on you all during this last gathering has indeed churned up quite a lot. And not all of it can be construed as negative, as we gather many of you have faced your own strength through any challenges that this light might have tossed into your lap. For remember, whatever the light pushes up to the surface is done for one reason only, and that is to make you see your own strength by being put face to face to whatever lurks within. And when we say lurk, we do not mean as in a sinister sense, rather as a description of the energetic imprints that may still linger within that will only serve to hold you back in some ways if they are not rooted out of your system for good. So in this, know that all is well even if you have felt the forces of these winds blow more than a little hard lately, for they are serving you in the best way possible, namely to remove any hindrance that stands in the way between you and your true core.

jueves, agosto 29, 2013

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 349 – 29 August 2013

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 349 – 29 August 2013

AishaNorthYou have become weary now, dear friends, and rightly so, as this massive operation that has been going on has also involved you in so many ways. Not directly, but more in the energetic sense, and the fallout from all of this has been very apparent to you all. You see, you have been working so hard to anchor these new energies through your own phsyical bodies, and even if this will not be news to any of you, the amount you have managed to transport as it were is simply astounding. For not only have you been sitting in your own personal forcefield of light, you have also been connected closely with so many others out here, and together you have brought a huge load of transformational light to this blessed abode. For this is a blessed place dear ones, even if you on all sides may see signs that it can be likened more to a hellish place. But know that these are merely scarrings on the surface of this beautiful planet of yours, and now, thanks to all of your hard work, the beauty you perceive within will start to come further and further out.
Let us explain. As we have talked about earlier, there is indeed a massive translocation operation going on. In other words, so much of what has been keeping the vibrations deliberately down on this planet has been sent packing, for want of a better word. And just what do we mean by that? Well, as we have touched upon earlier, the amount of negative energy on this planet has been staggeringly out of balance with the amount of light, and as such, the scales have been tipped far too far to the side of those still in favour of keeping it thus. However, their reign is now considered as well and truly over, and as such, the operation to tip the scales back so that far more favourable circumstances can be had for all is well on its way. It is not completely over yet, but it is fair to say that from now on, you will all start to feel the lessening of this old load of heavy and draining energies.
In other words, what was once a massive wall of energetic hindrance has no only been scaled, but it has been torn apart, and through all of these rifts the light has now been pouring in for a long time already. And to add to that, much of the old imprints have been washed away in the same process, not only in you, but also in thousands upon thousands of other people out there. So once again we say expect to find more and more people around you starting to rejoice from the realization that the air they are breathing has already gotten a far fresher quality, and the burden they have been carrying on their backs, perhaps without them even noticing it, has been removed. So look around you, and we think you will all see people starting to straigthen out their back, looking about them as if bewildered and thinking ”what is this? There is something new in the air, but Í cannot begin to describe the quality of it.” So they will be puzzled, and they will start to search for answers, and so now, your time as wayshowers will truly begin.
For you are the forerunners in this, you have traveled this road already, so you are here, ready to guide them as they start to take their own faltering steps down that same road. It will not all be easy for them, but in many ways, their road will be a far more direct one than the one you had to travel in order to get to the point you are at the moment. For as you hacked your way through that dense, wild jungle from the very beginning, you hacked away so much that constituted a hindrance, not only to you, but to anyone following in your wake. But now, they will see a clear path marked by you, one that has been trodden by many an eager soul before them, and so, they will catch up far more easily than you can perhaps even envisage.
So again we say thank you all for a brilliant job, for you are shining even stronger than before, and now, there are so many new eyes open that will be able to perceive that light, and who will be called to answer the calling from their own heart and take up their place beside you. / link to original article

martes, agosto 27, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 348 by Aisha North - August 27, 2013

As you have already become aware of, the upheavals are continuing for many of you, while for others, you seem to have entered smoother waters already. Again, never forget to listen to your own inner voice before you do that of other’s, and never compare your journey to others lest you should think yours is not on the rails as it were. In other words, although these times are indeed intense, they will be perceived very differently for you all, and even if you will find someone that can report circumstances that resonates with what you are experiencing, there is no need to worry even if you do find yourself without equals.

domingo, agosto 25, 2013

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – 25 August 2013

AishaNorthAs you are well aware of by now, nothing has been left to chance in this operation, and as such, the pressure you feel is nothing to be worried about. As we told you beforehand, be aware of any sort of outbursts now that the assimilation of heightened energy will be perceived as difficult for so many. And as they seem to be unable to take it all in as they say, the pressure valves will burst and the steam will find its way out in one way or the other, hence the sudden eruptions spewing forth from so many now.

lunes, agosto 19, 2013

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 345 - August 19, 2013!image/2147618441.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_490/2147618441.jpg
You are being battered and bruised by these life-changing energies now, and although they are indeed working their magic on you, it can be easy to misconstrue them for something else. So again let us repeat the message that you are all well looked after, and we will not let anything go amiss. However, there are forces out and about less concerned about your welfare, and more concerned about their survival on these shores. We are not saying this in order to raise the alarms in any way, just to remind you that there are a lot of interest out there in getting you to lose your equilibrium. For as we have oft mentioned these last few days, the imbalance you all perceive can easily be looked upon as something negative. It is not, or rather, this imbalance is only negative for all those still set on keeping the old ways. Whereas you and everyone else who have set their sights on the light a long time ago, you are all well served by this imbalance.

viernes, agosto 16, 2013

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 343 - August 16, 2013

The anxiety will heighten in many ways as the time for the unveiling approaches. We know many think that this will be like a scene from one of those Hollywood blockbusters, but what we refer to, resembles nothing of the sort. Again, the human perception is a very limited one, and when you are asked to picture something in your mind, you invariably come up with an image that resembles something you have seen before.
Well, in this case, we guarantee you that you have never ”seen” anything like it, and when we put it like this, it is indeed to signify that what we refer to may not be something you will witness with your eyesight like you perhaps envisage yourself. No, this is not a piece on the nine o’clock news or to be splashed across the screens or in your newspapers, this is something of a magnitude and of a nature that has not been experienced by any of you before, hence the impossibility to even start to comprehend it beforehand. But it IS big, we guarantee you that, and it will be an event of a sort that will reverberate far and wide, not only within the limits of your own physical body.

martes, agosto 13, 2013

Aisha North -The manuscript of survival – part 342 - August 13, 2013
The trouble with keeping up with the speed of all of these energetic fluctuations will have become apparent to you all by now, and we do know that many of you suffer considerably from the output from all of this. Again, it is indeed inevitable that your bodies will show some form of distress by now, but for some, it can be almost crippling. We know it will be of small consolation for us to again repeat the same message of patience and trust, but this is indeed a very intense period that will bring much ease as soon as it starts to ease off. And it will, but not just yet, as today will be another hectic day on so many levels. However, release will be at hand shortly, and as such, the importance today will once again be on keeping your focus on the light.

domingo, agosto 11, 2013

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 341 - August 11, 2013

You have come a long way dear ones, but as yet, many of you fail to see any results from all of this hard work. Or rather, you will perceive the results as more than a little heavy to bear, as much of what you have experienced so far will be felt as intense rounds of physical discomfort. Be that as it may, we are happy to report that you will start to see a more postive outcome from all of this very soon. Yes, that dreaded word again, but please bear with us, as we are indeed about to bring you some much awaited good news. We think you will all heave a small sigh of relief, tinged with not a little scepticism, as the word ”soon” has been flaunted many a time from this same source. But we do assure you all that this time, we refer to soon in your context of the word, and not in ours which will be perceived as a slightly more malleable concept than yours. And what are this good news, we hear you ask. Well, as we have told you earlier, a sighting of a so-called unidentified flying object on the White House lawn or anything similar is perhaps not what you should expect, nor anything else that resembles a scene from one of those ”alien movies” you all seem to be so fond of. Rather, it will be a more subtle feeling of wellbeing and vigour, a feeling of breathing much freer and of being able to DO things, not just exist in a sort of vacuum that so many of you are feeling like at the moment. In other words, expect this feeling of being squeezed and pummeled in all sorts of ways to start to fade away, and a new state of feeling much freer to start to surface. And when we use the word ”freer”, we do mean that in every connotation of the word, as so much of what used to be of hindrance not only to you, but to all of humaniyy, is in the process of being removed once and for all.

viernes, agosto 09, 2013

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 340 - August 9, 2013
The time is rolling by, and you are perhaps more than a little bit anxious as to what all of this energetic upgrading will result in. For some, it may feel like you are starting to fall apart at the seams, and you will tell yourself ”I simply cannot take this any longer”. But for others, they will look around and think ”where are these heavy bouts of energy that the others seem to suffer from? I do not feel anything at all, am I in the wrong here, or have I been left out of everything?”.