Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Control Mental. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Control Mental. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, agosto 25, 2023

Alcyon Pleiades 160: Falling satellites Starlink Musk Mind control 5G Micronovae Sun-Heart God gene

In Part Two of our trilogy about the Sun and its effects on Earth, we are analysing how increasingly intense solar storms and flares are affecting the International Space Station. We also focus on the fact that satellites are beginning to break down, and many are falling to Earth, out of control.

Such is the case of Starlink satellites, owned by Elon Musk, who has been toying with humanity; taking advantage of the fake pandemic and lockdowns, he placed thousands of satellites in orbit. He is striving to use them, along with brain implants produced by his company Neuralink, to gain complete control over people’s minds, so that the powers-that-be will be able to induce any thought or desire, via direct digital commands launched from these satellites.

Although official agencies claim that satellites have scientific functions, the reality is that many of them have covert military objectives, as they are used to orchestrate dark projects against humanity, including mind control, espionage, criminal activities and the creation of pandemics.

However, numerous phenomena are taking place, due to our king star’s activities, such as solar tsunamis and micronovae, among others, that could wipe this civilisation from the face of the Earth as we know it.

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 160: Satélites caen Starlink-E Musk Control Mente 5G Micronova, Sol-Corazón Gen Dios

En este segundo video documental de nuestra trilogía sobre el Sol y sus efectos en la Tierra, analizamos cómo las tormentas y llamaradas solares cada vez más intensas están afectando la Estación Espacial y especialmente los satélites que comienzan a fallar y muchos caen de forma descontrolada a la Tierra.

Este es el caso de los satélites Starlink de Elon Musk, que ha jugado con la humanidad y aprovechando la falsa pandemia y los encerramientos ha puesto en órbita miles de satélites, que junto con su empresa Neuralink, y sus implantes cerebrales está buscando hacer un control total de la mente de las personas, de tal manera que pueden inducir cualquier pensamiento o deseo a través de comandos digitales dirigidos desde los satélites.

Y aunque los organismos oficiales explican que los satélites tienen funciones científicas, la realidad es que muchos de ellos tienen un objetivo militar y secreto, desde donde dirigen sus proyectos oscuros en contra de la humanidad, ya sea de control mental, espionaje, actividades criminales o creación de pandemias.

Sin embargo actualmente muchos fenómenos se están dando con la intensa actividad del astro rey entre ellos los tsunamis solares, las micronovas y otros que podrían arrasar con la civilización en la Tierra tal como la conocemos.


 Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

miércoles, septiembre 22, 2021

Lisa Renee - Mind Controlled Gene Expression

The end game for the Controllers has always been Mind Controlled Gene Expression in human Bio-Neurology through ongoing exposures to an assortment of chemicals, toxins, heavy metals and nanotechnology. This was largely achieved through the global spraying of Chemtrails to work in collaboration with the injection of genetic modification programs via Vaccinations being enforced by the western medical system. The current plandemic is the final spiritual battle for setting the stage for their anti-human transhumanist goals.  Please see the Genetic Modification of Human DNA newsletter from July 2020. To understand how Mind Controlled Gene Expression is directly related to consciousness enslavement in an organism and how this process works, there are some key biological principles that must be married with the concept of electromagnetism that exists in the world of forces. Let’s begin with reviewing some basic biological concepts.