Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Areon. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Areon. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, junio 19, 2024

Jamye Price - Anchoring Divine Power - Jun 19, 2024

Blessed Being, these powerful times are what you have prepared for. And yet the work is the same, your inner alignment creates a new outer alignment.

Saving the world is not on your shoulders. You merely continue to align your earthly self into the divinity you always are.
Becoming Powerful

jueves, diciembre 28, 2023

Jamye Price - January Ascension Energies – State of Being - Dec 28, 2023

In this post, Areon speaks of our Wholeness – which are the overall energies of 2024, and the January energies of your State of Being.

Blessed Being, your Wholeness is part of who you are; it is part of Life. It is of the subtle aspect of Life that you are fully connected, you are Oneness.

As you experience separation, you are aware of the physical rules of time and space.

viernes, marzo 11, 2022

Jamye Price - Areon - The Power of Prayer - Mar 11, 2022

Blessed Beings, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. It is awareness that brings great force and focus to life. It is so subtle that its power is often overlooked. However, that subtlety serves your continued strengthening of your awareness.

It is your awareness that connects you with the external world and allows you to interact with it from within. You then begin to shift how the external world is affecting you and how you are affecting the external world.

viernes, diciembre 03, 2021

Jamye Price - Eclipse Energies - Dec 3, 2021

Hello Powerful Light,

What a time we are in! I know I say it often, but I’m excited about the Ascension energies I’m seeing. But I am not seeing that they will always be easy. We are in such a time of change.

The 2022 overview video will be out in about a week. Of course, it will go into greater detail of what I’m sensing upcoming. For now I want to talk about the December 4 solar eclipse in Sagittarius because it is an important energy.

jueves, febrero 06, 2020

Jamye Price - Areon - Clarity - Feb 6, 2020

Blessed Beings, Life is ever moving and ever changing. In your moment of stillness, or deep connection, that is where your clarity is heard. It does not yell, it is often a profound silence.

Underneath words or without words, it matters not; for the subtle realm hears your stillness.

domingo, abril 21, 2019

Jamye Price - Areon, the Lyran Council of Time - The Spiral Function - April 18, 2019

According to Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, the spiral is the core of creation in our experience. We live in a spiral galaxy, and its shape is the macrocosm of the microcosm we live in within it. The spiral movement guides all form, and it is within the spherical form upon which we reside (Earth).

jueves, abril 11, 2019

Jamye Price - Areon, the Lyran Council of Time - The Inherent Pull of Life - April 11, 2019

The Inherent Pull of Life

Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, gave me a teaching using the subatomic structure as a deep metaphor for Life. Within this metaphor the reflection of so much of our world is clear. The laws of nature reflect deep truths that guide form, function and our interactions.

jueves, enero 24, 2019

Jamye Price - Areon - Listening for Love - Jan 24, 2019

Listening for Love

As you evolve into a being that is consciously connected with the subtle realms, it is important to embody that within your human experience. You are working to establish a strong inner connection, your inner stillness. From that strong inner connection, you interact with the world around you in a different way—through empowered Love.

jueves, diciembre 06, 2018

Jamye Price - The Spiral of Creation - Dec 6, 2018

The Spiral of Creation

Blessed Being, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. It is your awareness that shapes this world, just as it is this world that moves you into more creation.

You are in a powerful time of amplification as the movement around you brings rapid change. Yet, as you relax into this movement, you discover the power of your inner realm. This time calls you to clarify and empower your inner realm.

It is the natural way of Ascension.

martes, noviembre 27, 2018

Jamye Price - Areón-El Consejo Lyrano del Tiempo - Haciendo Un Puente Al Inconsciente - Nov 8, 2018

Bendito ser:

Como siempre, el momento en el que nos encontramos en tu conciencia es un momento precioso. Tu conciencia es un poderoso catalizador de creación.

Tu conciencia es un poderoso catalizador de creación.

A medida que tu claridad con respecto a tu conciencia incrementa, tu naturaleza creativa incrementa también.

lunes, noviembre 19, 2018

Jamye Price - Areón- Consejo Lyrano del Tiempo - Tu Puente Sutil - Nov 14, 2018

Tu Puente Sutil

Areón, el Consejo Lyrano del Tiempo, define tu Puente Sutil como tus pensamientos y emociones. Este mecanismo es como te comunicas directamente con el reino sutil — el vasto motor invisible que edifica los mundos (el campo). Lo sutil “habla” directamente con lo sutil.

Tu intuición es parte también de tu Puente Sutil; es como la Vida se comunica contigo.

jueves, noviembre 08, 2018

Jamye Price - Areon - Bridging the Unconscious

Blessed being, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. Your awareness is a powerful catalyst of creation.

As your clarity with your awareness is increased, your creative nature is also increased.

viernes, octubre 19, 2018

Jamye Price - Future Forming - Oct 19, 2018

Blessed beings, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness, for it is your awareness that is the key to life. It is your awareness that brings focus to the experience of being human and expands the human being through you.

Your awareness is key because it is the culmination of all information and experiences that you have had through time. This blends with all other experiences through time that are meeting within your awareness.

jueves, octubre 04, 2018

Jamye Price - Areon - Remembering Connection - Oct 4, 2018

Remembering Connection

As you integrate the smaller, you prepare for the larger. As you learn Forgiveness in one area, you prepare for forgiveness in the next area. As you reunite step by step up through the degrees of separation (not necessarily in order!), you are coming to a point of mass resonance that signals preparation for larger and larger healings to occur. While this was just presented in a linear fashion, as if one happens before the other, they all happen simultaneously, and often silently.

jueves, mayo 03, 2018

Jamye Price - Areón - La Espiral de Creación - Abril 19, 2018

Areón - La Espiral de Creación
The Spiral of Creation by Areon the Lyran Council of Time

Jamye Price

Bendito Ser, como siempre, es precioso el momento en el que nos encontramos con ustedes en su conciencia. Su conciencia es la que moldea su mundo, y a la vez este mundo es el que los impulsa a crear más.

Ustedes se encuentran en un poderoso tiempo de amplificación a medida que el movimiento a su alrededor trae consigo un cambio rápido. No obstante, al relajarse en este movimiento ustedes descubren el poder de su reino interior. Este tiempo los está llamando a aclarar y empoderar su reino interno.

Es el modo natural de la Ascensión.

jueves, abril 19, 2018

Jamye Price - Areon - The Spiral of Creation - Apr 19, 2018

Blessed Being, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. It is your awareness that shapes this world, just as it is this world that moves you into more creation.

You are in a powerful time of amplification as the movement around you brings rapid change. Yet, as you relax into this movement, you discover the power of your inner realm. This time calls you to clarify and empower your inner realm.

viernes, febrero 02, 2018

Jamye Price - Areon - Spiraling with Time - February 2, 2018

Blessed beings, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness, for it is your awareness that shapes life.

It is your awareness that builds the future. It is your awareness that draws to you that which you will experience, that which you will change, and that which you will create.

jueves, enero 11, 2018

Jamye Price - Areon - Clarity - Jan 11, 2018

Blessed Beings, Life is ever moving and ever changing. In your moment of stillness, or deep connection, that is where your clarity is heard. It does not yell, it is often a profound silence.

Underneath words or without words, it matters not; for the subtle realm hears your stillness.

The future is a response to the present moment and it awaits your desire and clarity of knowing to realign itself for you.

The subtle realm hears your clarity with the totality of understanding your full resonance. As you honor your authentic thoughts and emotions you are aligning with the subtle laws of time and space.

jueves, noviembre 16, 2017

Jamye Price - Areon - The Relationship of Time - Nov 16, 2017

Blessed beings, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness; for it is your awareness that aligns Life. It is your awareness that brings experience into focus and creates the future. Your awareness and perception of Life is what shapes it. Your awareness is the catalyst that Life responds to.

viernes, noviembre 03, 2017

Jamye Price - Areon Channelings - Creativity - Nov 3, 2017

Blessed beings as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness, for it is your awareness that brings forth life into this physical realm. As we meet in your awareness, our energies merge and our energies are changed—both yours and ours. We recognize that we speak to the warriors who are remembering the truth of who they are.

The beauty of this time, in this in-form-ation age, is that you are touching information with your awareness and influencing your world more. You are bringing your information into experiences that you will physically never touch, but your awareness does. This is the power of your connective devices, and they portend what is inherent within you, birthing into your awareness. Your awareness touches life, shifts it, shapes it, changes it.