Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ann Albers. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ann Albers. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, marzo 07, 2015

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 7 March 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As you move into greater light, be kind to yourselves and one another, dear ones, for just as when you take the flashlight into the darkened room and see all the dirt and dust, so too when you increase your light – you will see all the areas in life where you have settled for less than the love you truly desire. You will find yourself sometimes getting irritable, uncharacteristically down, or resisting things that no longer suit you. While this is a normal and natural phase, the trick to happiness is to simply acknowledge these feelings and get on with creating a life that matches your new vibration.
Suppose for example, you have been putting up with less than loving behaviors from another. You learn, grow, and increase your light. Although the desire would be to love the world and yourself more, at first you may suddenly find yourself upset, intolerant, and irritable at these behaviors that once seemed “tolerable.”

domingo, marzo 01, 2015

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 1 March 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In every moment there is truth or illusion. In every moment there is love or illusion. You, with the precious gift of free will, get to choose where you will focus, and therefore what you will be able to experience.
We know it is very challenging at times to see the love and feel the love that is all around you, and yet with a single act of willpower you can seek out something beautiful in all things, even in your own pain and anguish at times. Even within that is a desire for love arising within you. Even within that is a wish for better, for a kinder experience of life. Set your sights upon that. When life offers a challenge, by all means give yourself great compassion, but then allow yourself to acknowledge the love that is attempting to arise within you. You want help. You want comfort. You want to know that God’s love is there for you. In all things, in all moments, in all phases of your life, you want to know that God’s love is there for you. This love is as ever-present as the sun that shines behind the clouds, no matter how dark the storm.

sábado, febrero 14, 2015

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 14 February 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Happy Valentine’s Day to those of you who celebrate it! We are so happy when we see humanity taking time to celebrate love. In our realms, our existence is a celebration of love, for we live and abide in a state of knowing that love is the substance from which we are all made and the substance which joins us all together in a beautiful dance of creation.
So today as you go throughout your day, take time to look around and realize that whether or not you are in love with anyone in the human sense of the word, you are indeed, “In Love” – living and abiding in a creation that was designed to show you the best and most beautiful of all that you are. Look at the sun! This is the light inside of you. Look at a flower. This is your heart blossoming. Look at the diversity of colors in the rainbow. These are all the choices and possibilities that exist within you. Look at a mountain or a solid rock. This is the strength within you. Dear ones, all around you, you can see “you” – the deepest, and truest essence of who you are, the same stuff that you are made of, simply fashioned into different forms.

sábado, enero 24, 2015

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 24 January 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Turn your sights to love this year dear ones! Allow yourself to receive the vast and beautiful expressions of love that are available in every single moment of your life. Look outside at creation. You are loved. Take a sip of water. You are loved. Feel your hands, your lungs breathing, your heart beating… you are loved. Look at the spectrum of beautiful colors. You are loved. Listen to music that uplifts you. You are loved. Look in the eyes of an animal or a child. You are loved.
Look at the shelter around you. You are loved. Look at the food upon your plate. You are loved. Look at the fact that we are writing to you via this newsletter and aware of each and every one of you as precious, beautiful, cherished souls upon the earth. You are loved.

sábado, enero 17, 2015

Ann Albers - Light Illuminates Darkness - January 17, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are great joys to be experienced all around you. Humanity has conditioned you to seek out what is wrong, but heaven encourages you to seek out what is right. Many of you would ask us, "But how can we ignore the darkness? How can we ignore what is wrong? How can we ever change if we do not look at the problems in our world." Dear ones, we are not suggesting you ignore the world's problems, but rather that you acknowledge them and then immediately set your sights upon a solution, about what is good, true, and right with the world. For in truth your vibration creates a deep and lasting change. The only thing you leave upon this earth permanently... is your love.

sábado, octubre 25, 2014

Ann Albers - Light Is There In Spite of Fear - October 25, 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There is so much fear upon your planet earth dear ones, and yet we maintain that there is also so much light. Your reality will be dictated by where you place your focus. There have always been wars. There have always been disasters. There have always been viruses. However there are always areas and hearts filled with great peace. There are always people helping one another after disasters, and there are always those souls who work with the afflicted, unaffected by disease because they abide in pure love.

Rather than slipping into the world's very deep need for companionship in its misery, stay in the light. Love yourself no matter what. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others and realize that if you are feeling the world's chaos, so too are others, even those who are unaware. Attempt to be more compassionate than usual, starting with yourself and then sharing that compassion with those you encounter throughout your day. For in truth you are all in school together. You are all family. You are all born of the heart of God.

lunes, octubre 13, 2014

Ann Albers - Desires of Your Soul - 4 October, 2014 (posted 13 October, 2014)

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are within you dear ones, deep desires – ones you are afraid to admit because you don't know how they will come about. And for some of you these desires are at the surface, but deep within you lies a feeling of resignation or fear that they may never come about. In truth each one of you, through these desires is striving to come to know the Creator's love. Although you may feel as if you are striving to know this love through the external circumstance you wish for, in truth you are striving to know this love as it exists within you.

sábado, septiembre 06, 2014

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 6 September 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
At times the world may seem overwhelming to you. You look out and see pain and suffering, wars and violence. However from the heavens, we see light attempting to emerge, even in the most hardened of human hearts. So many want their perspective to be acknowledged. So many want others to understand their pain. And whether they acknowledge it or not, everyone, every single solitary soul on this planet longs to reconnect with the goodness and the light inside. That is why you incarnated to begin with.
So when you see the wars and the acts of violence upon your earth, instead of falling into sadness and despair, remember, that you can do something about if – if not on a physical plane, certainly in the realms of energy where all thoughts and feeling originate. You can say to yourself, “You know what… this is not my war. This is not my lesson. This is not the game in which I choose to play. I will pray for all involved. If I am called to do so, I’ll help in a tangible way, but if not, I will choose to contribute to the truth, the peace, the harmony, and beauty in life. I choose peace in my own heart, mind, life, and community.”

sábado, agosto 30, 2014

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 30 August 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Be gentle with yourselves this week. Allow yourself to surrender to all that comes up within you. Try your best to accept everything that you feel. No matter what arises in your hearts, tell yourself, “It is OK. I am allowed to feel everything. When you feel something you would normally judge – anger, sadness, jealousy – ask yourself one simple question, “What do I need now?” because all so-called negative emotions are simply speaking to you. They are your soul whispering to you, saying, “Hello, I have something important to say. You have been ignoring me.” Listen, dear ones, to the messages beneath the surface.

lunes, agosto 25, 2014

Ann Albers - Sometimes The Storms Define Our Light - 23 August, 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

My dear friends, take heart. There are great vibrations of fear coming to the surface upon your planet earth right now and yet we know these are caused by incredible waves of light. Love is “stirring up the dust” so to speak, causing things to rise up from the depths both on your Mother earth and in your human hearts.

So if you are experiencing fear, anxiety, feelings of tension, unrest, etc., you are not alone. It is simply time to embrace all that is within you and love all feelings as if you were loving the scared, upset, or anxious feelings of a little child.

martes, agosto 19, 2014

Ann Albers - Release The Dark To Free The Light - August 16, 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Take heart! As you watch the turmoil on your earth, realize that any turbulence is ultimately caused by a very great influx of light, that by its very nature will stir up the darkness that has been dormant - both in the world and within human hearts. You cannot take a flashlight into a dark room without seeing all the things that are dusty, dirty, out of place, or in need of being discarded. Likewise as more beautiful and refined energies come to your planet, old pains, old upsets, old angers, etc. come to the surface - both to be revealed and healed. This is happening on a social scale, and on a personal scale for many.

sábado, agosto 09, 2014

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 9 August 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is upon your earth right now a great clashing of forces, and yet beneath it all, beneath the seeming duality, the wars, the storms, the differences in ideologies, there is only one love. The right hand is arguing with the left, forgetting they are all one in the same.
What do you do when you see things going on in your world that at the level of human existence seem both terrifying and terrible? Dear ones you work with those very same forces that live and breathe inside of you. What parts of yourself are “at war” with one another? What parts of yourself do you wish you could “kill off?” What parts of yourself are being repressed, only to erupt later in storms and forceful displays of emotions. For indeed all wars, all storms, all peace, and all sunshine exists within every single human being.

domingo, julio 06, 2014

Ann Albers - Don't Put Off Life - 5 July, 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Your life is happening now, dear ones, not tomorrow, not some day in the future, but right now. There will always be reasons to put off your joy. There will always be very good excuses. You may not have enough time, money, or energy for your dreams. You may not feel well enough to take the steps to make things happen. Our message today is simple... take the steps anyway, for in moving forward towards your dreams, wishes, goals, and desires, you call forth Life! You call forth Love! You enter into streams of grace in which you receive the support and assistance you need.

sábado, abril 26, 2014

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 26 April 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much.
When you trust your heart and trust life, absolute miracles can be accomplished. The impossible suddenly becomes possible. Seemingly daunting tasks flow with grace and ease. In fact, you are designed to express the love of the creator as it flow through you. To the degree you are willing, you can allow this love to take over and create your lives, accomplish your projects and find solutions where you think there are none. With God all things are possible.

sábado, marzo 08, 2014

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 8 March 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much.
There is more than enough time dear ones, to do all that is important to your soul. There is more than enough energy, money, and resources for each and every one of you to live a happy and beautifully expressed life. However it is such a dis-ease in the human condition to focus upon dis-ease and such a misunderstanding of God’s love to focus upon, and therefore create, lack.
When you get up in the morning, tell God and your angels what you want help with each day. Give us your “to-do” list and let us assist with your list! Stop worrying about whether you have the time, the money, the resources, the energy, etc. If what you hope to accomplish is a desire planted by God within your beautiful heart, then dear ones, God will support is manifestation.

sábado, enero 11, 2014

Archangel Michael ~ “Mile Markers & Sign Posts” Channeled Through and Written by Carolyn Ann O’Riley - Jan 11, 2014

stairway to heavenGreetings! and Welcome! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Another mile marker has come and gone.
Amazement constantly continues to overwhelm this Messenger at pondering your genius and brilliance. Mile markers and sign posts are everywhere and you My Beloveds, created them for yourselves as wake up tools.
Do you not realize My Beloveds, that in order to recognize a significant linear time line, whether it be an astrological event or a year passing or some collective specific moment in time that you had to jointly agree prior to incarnation with seven billion plus human’s Higher Selves, not to even mention all the other kingdoms involved and Mother Earth Herself to have those specifics occur. Of course there is no real linear time, but it is mind boggling how truly magnificent you really are.

sábado, agosto 24, 2013

Ann Albers: Messages From Ann And The Angels – 24 August 2013

MESSAGE FROM THE ANGELS My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Your earth is a place of great and beautiful diversity. You were never meant to be the same. You were never meant to all be in agreement. You were never meant to force your opinions upon one another, nor were you intended to conform to the desires of one another. Instead, each of one you, like a beautiful facet of the gem of God’s love is intended to be a special, precious, and unique creation. Each one of you has your preferred way of being, your preferred way of looking, your preferred way of communicating, and your preferred way of flowing through life.

martes, agosto 20, 2013

A Natural Flow to Live Ann Albers a message from Ann Albers Saturday, 3 August, 2013 (posted 20 August, 2013)

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

There is time on this earth within each lifetime for everything your soul needs to do in order to feel loved, healthy, happy, and abundant, and while you might not think so, we ask you to examine whether your actions are guided by the head or the heart.

So often dear ones, you fill your days with things you have to do in order to get what you want. You forget to listen to your hearts, to trust God, and to realize that the Creator wants for you a more loving life than one you might even imagine asking. So when when your "to-do" lists appear impossible to do, drop into your heart and ask yourself, "What is my heart's desire right now.

miércoles, julio 31, 2013

Acknowledge Your Dreams - Ann Albers - Saturday, 13 July, 2013 (posted 31 July, 2013)

Rejoice! It is a time of great change upon your planet earth and while everybody seems all stirred up, we in the heavens do not consider that a bad thing. For in reality you are being given an opportunity now in your lives, and hearts, to create change. As always, this change must begin from the inside out.

You will no longer be able ignore the truth in your own hearts. You will notice areas in your life where you were "settling" and no longer wish to "settle." You will see clearly what relationships, situations, and thought patterns truly serve your spirit and which do not. You will feel the stirrings and longings of dreams long forgotten. As always, when truth comes to the surface, be gentle with yourselves. When you look at the difference between that which you long for and that which you have created try not to fall into despair, feelings of victimization, or a sense of inadequacy.

sábado, julio 27, 2013

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 27 July 2013

My dear friends, we love you so very much.
There is within every human heart, a seed of light and a kernel of truth that is present at all times. There will be periods in your life in which this light blossoms brightly within you and periods in which you forget it is there. Nonetheless, dear ones, the light and love of God exists within you at all times. The truth of God’s love exists within you, no matter what is going on at the surface of your lives.
It would be our wish that you embrace this truth and refrain from self-criticism and self-deprecation. If would be our wish that even in your most difficult hours you remind yourselves, “God is with me. God’s love is in me. God’s truth is in me. That is the deepest truth of my being.” The rest is at the surface, illusory, temporary, and often not even as solid and real as you think.