Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Uriel. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Uriel. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, abril 06, 2018

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Uriel - Moving through the Veils of Illusion - April 6, 2018

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love extend from my heart to yours; I am Archangel Uriel, I am the guardian of Angelic Wisdom and an activator of remembrance of the Creator within all. This is often why I am referred to as the wisest of Archangels; it is due to my ability to activate wisdom within others, bringing it to their conscious awareness. My role and purpose in the ascension process is becoming greater and more involved as many people upon the Earth are consciously choosing and asking to remember the Creator and the truth held within their sacred soul. A great awakening of remembrance is dawning; there is a desire, a calling and a passion that is growing. Souls upon the Earth are preparing to move through their inner veils of illusions and recollect their inner truth. Souls are seeking the illumination and enlightenment they once recognised within their being.

viernes, marzo 30, 2018

Jennifer Hoffman - Arcángel Uriel - Eres la encarnación de la perfección - 19 de Marzo 2018

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

En este mensaje canalizado el Arcángel Uriel nos pide que celebremos nuestra perfección y que abracemos nuestras imperfecciones como parte de nuestra misión del alma, porque todo ello nos ayudará a crear congruencia energética en nuestras vidas.

“Tú eres la perfección encarnada, una chispa de Luz Divina en forma humana. Nunca puedes dudar o cuestionar tu perfección, porque es una verdad espiritual profunda e incuestionable.

lunes, marzo 19, 2018

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - You Are Embodied Perfection - March 19, 2018

This article is an Archangel Uriel channeled message that asks that we celebrate our perfection and embrace our imperfection as the fulfillment of our soul mission to create energetic congruence in our lives.

You are embodied perfection, a spark of divine light embodied in human form. You can never doubt or question your perfection because it is a profound, unquestionable spiritual truth. Yet your desire to ‘be’ perfect creates so much fear, sadness, and powerlessness when you do not achieve the level of perfection you see in others. Rather than question your perfection, question your belief that you are not perfect. Why do you accept this as your truth when all of the Universe supports you as a perfect, whole spark of divine light? If you believe Source is perfect, then you cannot question your own perfection. You are perfect in every way now, let that be your new truth.

martes, febrero 20, 2018

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Create a Sacred Space for Grace - Feb 19, 2018

This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message that has a special meaning for me and not the most positive one. When I was growing up my father used to call me ‘grace’, not because I was the most graceful child around, quite the opposite. Even before I had to navigate with crutches and braces as I learned to walk again after being paralyzed by a vaccine for several years, I was always tripping and falling, mainly because I was rarely grounded and present, so my feet were going in one direction while my mind was somewhere else. The implication was that if I was graceful then I would be moving with purpose and flow, and I wouldn’t be bumping into things or falling down. While my father didn’t know it, he was teaching me an important lesson, that there is a place for grace in our lives and we benefit from slowing down, getting grounded, and making room and time for it. So when Uriel talks about grace I have to shift my interpretation from the meaning my father had to one that is about flow, ease, and balance.

lunes, enero 29, 2018

Jennifer Hoffman - Arcángel Uriel - Responsabilidad, compromiso y soberanía energética - 24 de Enero 2019

Traducción: Rosa GarcíaDifusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Este es un mensaje canalizado del Arcángel Uriel.

La soberanía energética es un principio de maestría que conlleva responsabilidad. Responsabilidad no significa tener que asumir cargas pesadas de karma o de sanación, ni de lo que está bien o lo que está mal. Consiste en elegir cómo vas a responder ante una situación y cómo vas a comprometerte con otros. ¿Qué significa para ti responsabilizarte de algo? ¿Significa tener control sobre el resultado final, que debes responder por él y demostrar que eres alguien en quien se puede confiar?

miércoles, enero 24, 2018

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Responsibility, Engagement, and Energetic Sovereignty - Jan 24, 2018

This is a channeled message from Archangel Uriel. Energetic sovereignty is a mastery principle that includes responsibility. This is not taking on the heavy burdens of karma or healing or what is right or wrong. It is making a choice that considers how you will respond to and engage with others and in situation. What does it mean to you when you take responsibility for something? Does it mean that you are in control of the outcome, that you must answer for the results, that you are accountable?

domingo, diciembre 31, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Partner with Your Intuition - Dec 30, 2017

This weeks message is an Archangel Uriel channel.

How do you know what is right or wrong now, when everything is changing? As 3D continues to dis-integrate or fall apart, the foundation of what you have known as your reality is being transformed from materiality into potentiality. The rules of matter no longer apply and are being replaced by possibility and potential. The ‘impossible’ is now a consideration and new potentials give rise to new choices. How do you know what to choose? Your intuition is your guide now, it is the light for your 5D path and a guide into new realms of potential and being.

lunes, noviembre 27, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Singularity, Uniqueness and Connection - Nov 27, 2017

This article is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.

The separation that is being created by the ascension cycle is a process of spiritual distinction designed to allow new levels of energetic frequency and vibration to co-exist on the earth. It is the unfolding journey of multi-dimensionality as a many level process which allows everyone to experience this energetic cycle of transformation in their own way. This is the creation of ‘heaven on earth’, the integration of higher frequencies into the density of the third dimension. It is a separation that brings attention to singularity which is un-animity or the awareness of the single soul that all energies are part of, the uniqueness which is the spark of divinity that each of you embodies, and the connection that all energy shares in their un-animity.

viernes, noviembre 03, 2017

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Uriel - Being of Service to Yourself - 3rd November 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, I am Archangel Uriel, I come with blessings and love from the Angelic Kingdom. We are supporting your ascension now and wish to share some information to support your personal co-creation with the Creator. I, Archangel Uriel, am known as the wisest of the Archangels, my ability to access wisdom, inspiration and the divine guidance of the Creator is extremely clear, it is this that I wish to imprint into your own being and I do so now, please receive my energy.

miércoles, octubre 25, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Fear is the Resonance Point for New Potentials - Oct 25, 2017

This week’s message is an Archangel Uriel channel, enjoy!

This is an exciting time for humanity and the ascension path as the collective energies are shifting from the 3D fear based paradigm to an expansion into 5D awareness. Fear is the catalyst for this transition as the ascension path becomes a potential for the collective now. You can celebrate this victory, it has been a long journey for you. But you must also keep the forward momentum and continue the expansion as you also open to integrating more of the 5D energy for yourselves. Celebrate your victory as you continue your own ascension path of integration and expansion into new joyful, joy-filled potentials.

martes, septiembre 19, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - The Rupture and the Rapture - Sep 18, 2017

This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.

Ascension is an energetic movement in to new frequencies and dimensions, and not a return of heavenly hosts or the end of humanity. Rather, it is a turning point when the buildup of the 3D/5D integration reaches sufficient strength that it creates a rupture, or a break, in the dense flow of 3D energy. Those who believe they will see Jesus descending upon the earth may be disappointed, as will those who believe they will be lifted to heaven. These are powerful energy shifts and while the rapture is occurring, it is an energetic shift that is felt internally and externally as a break from 3D control.

lunes, agosto 28, 2017

Jennifer Hoffmann - Arcángel Uriel - La Acción Inspirada Comienza Por El Espíritu - 22 de Agosto 2017

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Mensaje canalizado del Arcángel Uriel

¿Qué es lo que te inspira? ¿Qué te mueve a pasar a la acción, a enfocar tu energía hacia una intención específica? ¿Qué te anima a dejar tus dudas y tus miedos para avanzar con claridad y con propósito? ¿Actúas sólo si sientes que debes hacerlo o te ves forzado a ello y después reaccionas ante situaciones sobre las que no crees tener ningún control?

martes, agosto 22, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Inspired Action Begins with Spirit - 08/22/2017

What becomes your inspiration? What moves you to take action, to focus your energy towards a specific intention? What encourages you to forget your doubts and fears and move forward with clarity of thought and purpose? Do you act only when you feel you must or are forced to and simply react to situations you feel you cannot control? Or do you take fear-based action in order to avoid difficult people or situations? Inspired action begins with spirit, by creating the connection to your divine source so you use divine timing, access your intuitive guidance, activate your co-creative partnership with the Universe, and empower your intention to move with divine congruence into the flow of energy that draws your desired reality effortlessly closer to you.

sábado, agosto 05, 2017

Jennifer Hoffmann - Arcángel Uriel - Informe de Energía de Agosto 2017 - 1° de Agosto 2017

August 2017 Energy Report

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El tema de Julio fue la “significancia energética”: todo aquello que no estaba alineado con la energía de nuestra vida y que contribuyera de forma significativa a su expansión (o que la redujera) ha estado saliendo de ella. Lo cual nos ha preparado para Agosto, que subraya aún más el tema de la “significancia energética” y nos acerca a nuestros objetivos de Ascensión de divina congruencia, el tema de 2017.

Con dos importantes planetas retrógrados y dos eclipses, puede que en algunos momentos sintamos que no tenemos control sobre lo que ocurre, como si estuviéramos tomando curvas con tan sólo dos ruedas. Pero todo está en orden divino; seguimos estando al mando y conduciendo el coche, siempre que recordemos que nuestra transformación debe continuar.

sábado, julio 29, 2017

Jennifer Hoffmann - Arcángel Uriel - Bendice el Vacío - 25 Julio 2017

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Todo cambio en tu frecuencia energética y vibratoria trae consigo numerosas bendiciones. Es un momento de gracia: profundas transformaciones y grandes avances en el proceso de Ascensión son posibles. Los movimientos que se dan son confirmaciones de Ascensión que te apartan de la densidad de 3D y permiten que una frecuencia elevada de luz pueda entrar en ese espacio. Representan ganancias y pérdidas, así como un potencial ilimitado. También representan un lugar de sanación, totalidad y el final del karma, de ciclos del alma y de sufrimiento.

martes, julio 25, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Bless the Gap - Jul 25, 2017

This week’s message is a channeled message from Archangel Uriel.

Every shift in energetic frequency and vibration holds many blessings and is a moment of grace where profound transformation and ascension movement can occur. These movements are ascension confirmations as much as they are separations from 3D density so that a higher frequency of light can enter that space. They represent gains and loss and unlimited potential, and are a place of healing, wholeness, and the end of karma, soul cycles, and suffering.

miércoles, junio 28, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Arcángel Uriel - La Vida es un Banquete del que hay que Disfrutar Inmensamente - 25 junio 2017

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Imagina un delicioso banquete dispuesto ante ti, con toda clase de comidas y manjares imaginables. Todo está hermosamente presentado, las cantidades y raciones son ilimitadas; puedes comer cuanto quieras de cuanto te apetezca. Sin embargo, antes de ponerte a la mesa, debes elegir un plato donde poder servirte la comida. Los platos disponibles son de diferentes tamaños, desde muy pequeños a platos enormes.

El tamaño del plato que elijas determinará la cantidad de comida que podrás servirte en él.
  •  Aunque lleguen con mucha hambre, algunas personas elegirán el plato más pequeño, porque creen que eso es todo lo que merecen.
  •  Otras elegirán un plato pequeño porque temen que los demás les consideren ávidas o codiciosas.
  •  Otras elegirán los platos más grandes, no porque se crean más merecedoras, sino porque tiene miedo de que la comida se agote antes de poder terminar de servirse. 
  • Algunas creen que se merecen lo mejor del banquete y querrán asegurarse de que les toca más que a los demás.
  •  Algunas no tomarán ningún plato porque no creen estar invitadas al banquete. Sólo algunas elegirán el plato que realmente quieren porque sea el que simplemente llame su atención.

lunes, junio 26, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Life is a Banquet to Enjoy Fully - June 26, 2017

Life is a Banquet to Enjoy Fully

Imagine a banquet spread out before you, with every kind of food you can imagine. Everything is beautifully presented, quantities are unlimited, and you can have anything that you desire and as much of it as you want. Before you get to the table of food, however, you must choose the plate on which you will place the food. The plates available to you are in a variety of sizes, from a very small plate to a large platter.

The plate that you choose determines how much of the food from the banquet that you will be able to put on your plate.

Even if they are starving, some people will choose the smallest plate, thinking that they do not deserve more than that.
Others will choose a small plate because they are afraid that people will think they are greedy.

martes, mayo 30, 2017

Jennifer Hoffmann - Arcángel Uriel - Sean amables los unos con los otros - Mayo 25, 2017

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Este es un mensaje canalizado del arcángel Uriel

Sean amables los unos con los otros, practiquen la compasión con todos, vivan aceptándose sí mismos y a los demás. Vivan la plenitud de su poder y de su perfección a cada momento. Cuando se relacionan desde la amabilidad regalan a los demás el don de la aceptación, del amor y la compasión.

La amabilidad es algo más que ser agradable con otros. Se trata de un estado de consciencia espiritual desde el cual nuestra naturaleza espiritual está al mando y, a través de ella, hablamos directamente desde nuestra divinidad a la divinidad de los demás. De esta manera, nos convertimos en una luz brillante que ellos pueden ver. Cuando somos amables nuestra luz brilla con más fuerza que cualquier oscuridad que pueda haber cerca de nosotros.

viernes, mayo 26, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Be Kind to One Another - May 25, 2017

This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.

Be kind to each other, practice compassion with everyone, live with acceptance of yourself and others. Live within the fullness of your power and perfection in each moment. When you use kindness in your interactions with others you give them the gifts of acceptance, love and compassion.

Kindness is more than being nice to others, it is a state of spiritual awareness, where you lead with your spiritual nature, speaking from you divinity to others’ divine selves, becoming a shining light for others to see. When you are kind to others your light shines more brightly than any darkness around you.