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Schumann Resonance Today
13 July 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 14/7 17:00 The Primary Frequency alone started to oscillate just after midnight UTC giving rise to a slight Amplitude activity which however did not produce significant peaks reaching Power 15 around 11 UTC. A sudden decrease of all frequencies at 15 UTC interrupted this condition of calm, the primary frequency reached 7.30 Hz and the remaining frequencies also dropped to minimum values, this led to a very powerful movement of the Amplitude which it reached Power 67 at 15:30pm and Power 68 at 16. At the time of this update we can see a tendential rise in frequencies and a rapid decrease in Amplitude.
Schumann Resonance Today 13/7 17:00 Total calm day, stable frequencies with minimal oscillations led to low Amplitude movements which had its maximum of Power 10 at 11 UTC.