Have you noticed that you are less inclined to want to ‘help’ people? That you are more focused on your own path and now your own joy?
You need quiet time, space, and you value your time alone.
New ideas and suggestions are being quietly whispered to you by your angels and spirit guides and you want a new direction? It’s normal and very much in line what is happening now.
We are in Ascension 2.0 now, this happened in January 2022, and it’s time to pass the baton.
I have been saying for many years that ascension is a relay race, it is not a marathon. The marathon stage was required in the early decades of this ascension cycle but not any more. We are now in the second phase of the ascension cycle and it’s time for a change. If you have been feeling like you want to drop everything you are doing and do something else, it’s perfectly normal. We entered this ascension cycle on April 13. 2003 and we started ascension 2.0 on January 20, 2022. We are ready for a change of the guard.
How long and difficult has this journey been for those who have been running the ascension marathon? When I started this journey of spiritual and energy mentorship in October 2003 I thought it would be for six months, maybe seven. I had no idea that 20 years later I would still be writing, channeling, bringing in new information, and leading the ascension and energy awareness movement for millions of people.
I thought I would publish a few articles and my role would be over. I did not know that I was part of ushering in a new paradigm for humanity and that this was just the beginning.
For me it has been 20 years of service and sacrifice, of great suffering and sadness along with great joy. Like you I have lived in places as an energy anchor and portal keeper, waiting for the day when I could leave to live somewhere where I could be happy, in a community of people that I resonated with energetically and spiritually, and where my life was not such a struggle. I have been running the marathon, now it is time for a change.
That has not happened for me quite yet but I know it is coming and I know it is coming for you too because it is time to pass the baton.
Now this does not mean that we are abandoning our spiritual work because are not. We are giving the next generation of spiritual workers, healers, light bearers, and ascension an opportunity to step up and to do their own spiritual work so they can participate in this ascension cycle.
We, the early pioneers, portal keepers, and energy anchors, are not the ‘last hope’ for ascension, not at all. We are the energy anchors for the 5D energy that ascension requires and we have established that foundation so now we can let others come in and participate in the mission.
We have been the Portal Keepers for our karma groups, holding light and the dark energy escrow energy on their behalf.
We have been energy anchors in the homes and communities we live in, conduits and containers for a higher frequency energy.
And now we are ready to turn over the keys to a new group because they need to do that as part of their own soul mission. If we stay on the job for too long we do not give them the opportunity that they need to share their gifts, to add their energetic signature to the journey, and to fulfill their own Source contracts.
While we have been running the marathon, they have been preparing for the race and learning from us. Now it’s time for them to shine too and they are ready and waiting for the baton to be handed to them. But that doesn’t mean we go out to pasture. We have other things to do, so keep reading/listening because our work is not done yet, not by a long shot.
What does this mean for us? Well, for decades we have been living our ascension journey like a marathon, which is a very long, grueling race where each runner is focused on their path and trying to get to the finish line. The runners are competing against each other but they are all running the race individually. And they win if they can complete the entire marathon, which is 26 miles.
A relay race is a much different kind of race. It involves a long distance to run but it is run by a team of runners. Each person is assigned a lap and the runner carries a baton, which they give to the next runner as they cross their finish line. Sometimes a runner will run more than one lap but they get a break between laps.
The first person starts out and they set the pace for the race. When they have finished their lap they pass the baton and they take the sidelines and cheer on the other runners. The last runner is the one who decides the finish time and they run the most important lap because it is their lap that decides the win. Then the entire team celebrates their collective win.
Now there is no way I could run 26 miles but I have been running this ascension marathon for over 26 years, in fact for most of my life, and I am tired. I know you are too.
And this isolated work was necessary as the ascension pioneers we had to introduce energy and then wait for the collective energetic frequency and vibration to acknowledge it, align with it, integrate it, embody it, and start aligning with this new 5D energy. That has taken a long time in this lifetime but it has been an even longer process over many lifetimes.
Maybe that is why we are working so hard now, we do not want to come back and do this again.
For several months now I have been hearing from my clients, readers, and followers that they are tired of their spiritual work, they want a change, they need to do something different. And other opportunities are opening up for them.
A call from a former employer or a recruiter with a surprise job offer.
They lose their files or equipment and have to choose between re-creating and re-starting their business or doing something else.
It’s a tough choice when you feel that you need to see the ascension cycle through to the very end, but sometimes that is not an option. And this is one of those times in a way but not really because there is no end, there are only turning points and we are at one now.
How many of you are more comfortable in the 5D space than the density of 3D? how many of you are more interested in building community, connections, and collaborations, finding your energetic family and enjoying life now? That’s the turning point.
So what does it mean to pass the baton, how do we do that, and when does it happen?
Like everything else on this spiritual journey when this happens and how it happens is up to us. We get to decide and choose how that path takes form (sort of, the Universe still has assignments and missions for us) with the offers, ideas, insights, and opportunities that appear on our path.
Sometimes these are very good, sometimes they are very challenging.
Do you remember Rhonda Smith? Her ascension journey began decades ago and when she was finished, she passed on. That was about 4 years ago.
One of my clients got a very good job offer from her former employer after being gone for nearly 10 years. This was the job she had tried to get but never could and had left her corporate job to become a sound healer. She was getting tired of that work and was thinking about what to do next when the call came for the job. So she called me and asked me what she should do because she was torn between her loyalty to her spiritual work and her desire to do something else. But I told her she was going to take her energy work to this new job and serve as a light source in the corporate world so she should do what was best for her. It was time for her to pass the baton in her spiritual work to someone else.
Another client had a flood in her home which destroyed books, papers, and materials that she had been using and working with for 20 years. Now she had to decide what she was going to do next. But prior to the flood she had been seeing her client intake decrease, her audience was not as responsive, and she felt burned out, tired, and wanting to do work that was more personally fulfilling.
She was given the opportunity to run a small health food store and since she had always had an interest in health and supplements, she was so excited, The offer included an option to take over in 2 years as the owner was retiring and wanted to pass the business on to someone else. My client was delirious with joy. This was exactly what she had wanted and it allowed her to interact with more people and shine and share her light in new ways.
And it works in many other areas of life and work. A friend of mine has been CEO of a large technology firm for decades and is a leader in this field. After a 30 year career he is tired and he wants to do something else, explore other interests like his interest in fishing and wine. He would enjoy taking people on wine tours or fly fishing weekends rather than sitting around a board room making billion dollar deals. Some people look at him and think that ‘he has it all’ and he looks at them and wishes he had a simpler life. He is getting there.
This is happening in all areas of our life include where we live especially if you are a portal keeper or energy anchor. Your desire to move to a different city, town, state, country, or neighborhood is a sign that you are done and you are ready for a change. It’s time for someone else to take over the work you have been doing where you are because you laid the foundation but they can do the rest of the work.
If you look at the ascension process like building a house, it is the same thing.
The first thing that happens when a house is built is the ground is graded and the utilities are installed, like electrical, sewage, and plumbing conduit. The hole is dug for a basement if that is going to be part of the house.
Then those workers go away (to work on other homes that need this done) and the concrete workers come in to pour the slab or the basement.
Then those workers go away and a new team comes in to frame the house.
As those workers are doing their jobs the roofers can arrive to install the roof, which cannot be done until all of the framing is finished.
Then those workers go away and the next team adds the wiring, plumbing, and all of the ‘behind the walls’ work.
Then those workers go away and the next team installs sheetrock, windows, and interior fixtures.
Then the workers who paint the walls and install fixtures arrive to do their work.
Then those workers go away and the next team arrives to install flooring, tile, and carpet and do any finishing work.
And the house is built. It is a process much like a relay race – some tasks cannot be done before the prior team finishes its work.
Here is my point with this example – one team does not build the entire house. And ascension integration is not going to be done by one team either.
And this is what ascension 2.0 is like. We have graduated from the marathon to the relay race and we need to let the other workers on the site so they can do their work too.
So what are we doing with all of our new time and energy? Well, we are becoming more multi-dimensional (someone has to do it) so we’re working on the 5D side of the ascension path. We are helping those crossing the 4D bridge and we are preparing the 5D energy for mass integration. And we are creating the ascension paradigm for fully integrated 3D/5D living.
Have you noticed that you are not sleeping very well at night, especially around 2 to 4am or that you have moments where you cannot think straight because you are so disoriented? That is when you are in multi-dimensional space, the space between 3D and 5D where you are working in both dimensions, channeling energy from 5D into 3D and straddling both dimensions.
I always warn you that when you ae in that space it is easy to get hurt, to fall down, drop things, and to be very forgetful and disoriented because you are in both dimensions but are not fully grounded in either one. This is just one of the activities that we are working on in ascension 2.0
our new mission, which these other generations are not ready for, is to
work in the 5D space, to finish the integration work, to prepare the 5D
space for new arrivals and meanwhile, to set the new example for 5D
integrated living which is aligned with and embodying the energy of joy,
being joyful, joy-filled, and enjoying life.
And we can do that when we stop running the ascension marathon and pass the baton to the next team in the relay race.
Copyright (c) 2022 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited. You may not use any of these articles or writings in your own newsletter or a paid aggregation service.