Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image
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Schumann Resonance Today
2 May 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 1/5 17:00 Even if the Primary Frequency remains in the lower quadrant oscillating around 7.60 Hz, from 14 UTC the situation has returned to calm, driven by the rise of frequencies 2 and 3. Today’s activity lasted about 11 hours, from 3 to 14 UTC , the most intense phase was from 8 to 12 UTC when the maximum peak of Amplitude at Power 35 was reached.
Schumann Resonance Today 1/5 09:00 A deep sink of frequencies 1 and 2 between 21 and 23 UTC yesterday kicked off a powerful movement of both Quality and Amplitude reaching Power 20 and Power 26 respectively (which is yesterday’s Amplitude high). The frequency fluctuations temporarily stopped and then resumed at 5 UTC this morning, this time setting only the Amplitude in motion, initially with two movements at Power 20 between 5 and 7 UTC. From 8 UTC the oscillations also started for the Secondary Frequency and this led to an increase in the intensity of the Amplitude movements which shortly after 8 UTC reached Power 35.
Schumann Resonance Today 1/5 17:00 After two hectic days, today is passing in perfect calm. The frequencies are all stable in the upper quadrant with the Primary constantly above the base value, the movements of Quality and Amplitude are minimal with the latter reaching Power 9 as its maximum value shortly after midnight UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 30/4 17:00 The period in which there was the significant decrease on all frequencies lasted about seven hours, from 5 to 12 UTC, the most intense period was from 6 to 8 UTC with the Amplitude maintaining a power 40 average. From 12 UTC the frequencies returned to base values and the situation returned to calm.
Schumann Resonance Today 30/4 09:30 The strong activity of yesterday was followed by a period of calm which has been interrupted at 5 UTC this morning when all four frequencies registered a sudden decrease. The Amplitude reacted promptly by starting a steep climb that led it to reach the maximum value so far of Power 51 at 6 UTC, this peak was followed by another at Power 47 at 7:30 UTC and finally Power 40 at 8:30 UTC. At the time of this update the Primary Frequency fluctuates around 7.30 Hz and the other 3 frequencies are all in the lower quadrant, so activity is likely to continue.