A Galactic Federation Message For Humanity
Greetings, loving ones!
Yesterday I got a new transmission from our Galactic Federation. This message brought me a lot of joy and confidence. I'm hoping you'll get a sense of it as you read. I'm delighted to be able to share it with you:
"Dear Earthlings,
We of the Galactic Federation are here to help, to assist you and your planet Earth in the best way we can. We are aware that there are many of you who are still in shock as to what is taking place around you, but as soon as you can all see that we are real, we will help you in any way possible.
Many of you are having dreams of strange aircraft, lights in the sky, and so on. They are our crafts, and they will not harm you. They are here to assist the people who need assistance.
We have been working on your DNA for some time now, and there are many changes taking place in your body. You will notice a lack of fatigue, much more strength, and stamina than before, as well as clearer thinking.
This is just the beginning of a whole new existence for many of you on this planet Earth. Your society will change drastically over the next few months, and we ask that you try to understand that these changes have been necessary from our point of view.
Your solar system is under intense attack and manipulation by dark forces that have been in control for far too long.
The Light Forces are now in a position to take back control of your solar system. In the coming months, you will see a series of major events taking place, which will be the initial steps towards liberation.
These events might include some very surprising and shocking revelations about people who have been in power for a long time, as well as major and unexpected changes in your society.
The day of our existence being revealed is rapidly approaching.
At this point, it will be revealed that various alien races are visiting Earth.
Some of them have been working with the United States and many other countries, helping to advance their space programs.
The public will learn that an alien presence has been around for a long, long time.
Your physical reality is about to undergo a massive cleansing process so that light can be brought back to the surface of your planet. This cleansing process has already started and will continue throughout the year 2022.
You are entering the last phase of an epic battle between Light and Dark. The outcome of this battle will shape your future for a very long time to come. Your choices on this planet are now more important than they have ever been before.
This is the first time in nearly 26,000 years that your solar system has been graced by such a high number of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR). Your planet is receiving a daily average GCR dose of 60 greys.
This is the highest radiation dose rate ever recorded in the history of your planet.
Another important thing we would like to mention is that you are now the owners of all your solar systems. Together with the Galactic Federation, you are managing and administering your solar system.
We have been given clear instructions to remove any remaining dark forces from the planets in your solar system, as they no longer have any authority in your system.
The Special Forces of the Galactic Federation are working in your solar system. They are creating a barrier around your planet to stop dark forces from escaping. The barrier is not physical, but it is a high-frequency energetic field that dark forces cannot penetrate.
From this moment on, you are responsible for everything that happens within your solar system.
We are ready to help you if needed.
Let us clarify this in a different way, for it is very important. We are not talking about the end of the world, nor do we want to give you the idea that the world will end tomorrow, but we do want to help you understand what is happening in your world today and what will happen in the future.
There is nothing new under the sun, and nothing will be able to shake your ground because you are now becoming aware of what everyone else on your planet has experienced.
You are moving into a new phase of consciousness, and with it comes great responsibility. This is the time of great purification, which will bring you an enormous acceleration in your evolution process.
This great purification can sometimes be accompanied by many unpleasant experiences. In these moments, remember that you are one of the first to experience this acceleration and purification process.
You are pioneers that have agreed with your soul, before coming into this life, to have very intense experiences in order to help others through your example.
If you stay calm and bravely face these situations, you will be giving an example to those who will follow you in the next cycles of evolution. "
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.