jueves, septiembre 09, 2021

Celia Fenn - 9/9 Portal : 9th September 2021

9/9 Portal : 9th September 2021

Today is the 9/9 Portal of Consciousness. It is a time when we are able to pause and find our balance in our own Master Energy.

It has been almost a month since the Lions Gate, and we have been moving through the intense chaos in the wake of the huge leap that we made in August.

We may be finding it hard to achieve balance. I know I am. My body is acutely aware of the High Frequency energy that it is being asked to hold as my Soul embodies more fully and as we integrate more and more Light Codes from the Sun and from the Galaxy and beyond.

This is our "Master" Initiation for 2021/22. At this point we must stand in our power and look forward as we begin to create this new Time Spiral.

At times like this, I always think of the Lady Master, Mary Magdalene.

She held the "Holy Grail" and the Light of Christ Consciousness so that we could move forward and evolve. She called together the "Pure Ones" and anchored the Golden/Diamond Light on Earth. She never faltered as she completed her work as an Avatar of the new consciousness.

Today, let us remember Mary Magdalene and the Cathars, as we become the new Avatars for the New Earth. We can hold Love, Compassion, Light, Integrity, Freedom and Purity of Heart as we create the New Earth.

Have a beautiful 9/9 Everyone!

May Peace and Joy be with You even in this challenging time.